{ "subscribes": 1, "updated_at": "2020-03-13 12:50:00", "id": "1172", "likes": 0, "description": "Welcome to Capitol Ideas. This is where we sit down with members of the majority Democratic caucus in the Washington State House of Representatives to give listeners an inside look at important aspects of how their citizen Legislature works, and who and what it's working for.", "episodes": [ { "file": "http://radiocuts.leg.wa.gov/2021/Podcasts/Capitol-Ideas-2104.mp3", "title": "In just his second session, Rep. Jesse Johnson has shouldered the legislative load of reforming policing in Washington. He's taken giant strides this year, and we talk about them in this edition of Capitol Ideas.", "pubdate": "20210320" }, { "file": "http://radiocuts.leg.wa.gov/2021/Podcasts/Capitol-Ideas-2103.mp3", "title": "Rep. Shelley Kloba is back, and she's still working to protect your digital privacy. We'll talk today about the long and winding road she's traveling to try to make the people's personal data privacy bill of rights a reality.", "pubdate": "20210302" }, { "file": "http://radiocuts.leg.wa.gov/2021/Podcasts/Capitol-Ideas-2102.mp3", "title": "Rep. Melanie Morgan is sponsoring HB 1395, the Equity in Farming Act, to widen opportunities in agriculture for Black African Americans, Indigenous People, and other potential farmers of color.", "pubdate": "20210212" }, { "file": "http://radiocuts.leg.wa.gov/2021/Podcasts/Capitol-Ideas-2101.mp3", "title": "Healthy homes and clean buildings. Who could argue with that? Not Rep. Alex Ramel, who's sponsoring the Healthy Homes and Clean Buildings Act this session. Find out what it's all about in today's Capitol Ideas.", "pubdate": "20210209" }, { "file": "http://radiocuts.leg.wa.gov/2020/Podcasts/Capitol-Ideas-2013.mp3", "title": "Meet Davina Duerr: architect, Bothell city councilmember, and a first-year state representative from Washington's 1st legislative district.", "pubdate": "20200313" }, { "file": "http://radiocuts.leg.wa.gov/2020/Podcasts/Capitol-Ideas-2012.mp3", "title": "Last week the Legislature approved Senate Bill 5395, which makes sexual-health education part of the public-school curriculum in Washington. Today's special \"Capitol Ideas\" features Rep. Monica Stonier in a candid conversation about the campaign to defeat", "pubdate": "20200311" }, { "file": "http://radiocuts.leg.wa.gov/2020/Podcasts/Capitol-Ideas-2011.mp3", "title": "Today’s Capitol Idea is election security, and Democratic state Rep. Gael Tarleton of Seattle is the Legislature's recognized authority on the issue. Today's conversation is longer than usual, but the topic is that important. Stick around.", "pubdate": "20200306" }, { "file": "http://radiocuts.leg.wa.gov/2020/Podcasts/Capitol-Ideas-2010.mp3", "title": "Democratic Rep. Mia Gregerson of SeaTac dropped by the \"Capitol Ideas\" studio this week to talk about her bill creating the Washington State Office of Equity. In 12 minutes, you'll know more than you do now!", "pubdate": "20200304" }, { "file": "http://radiocuts.leg.wa.gov/2020/Podcasts/Capitol-Ideas-2009.mp3", "title": "Well before Amy Walen (D-48th, Kirkland) took the oath of office to become a state representative in January 2019, she was a key player in Washington's efforts to reduce homelessness and increase supplies of affordable housing throughout the state. We'll", "pubdate": "20200228" }, { "file": "http://radiocuts.leg.wa.gov/2020/Podcasts/Capitol-Ideas-2008.mp3", "title": "Spokane Rep. Timm Ormsby chairs the House Appropriations Committee and is head budget writer for the chamber. Today we talk with Timm not about the specifics of the newly released supplemental operating budget, but about the task, or privilege, of sitting", "pubdate": "20200226" }, { "file": "http://radiocuts.leg.wa.gov/2020/Podcasts/Capitol-Ideas-2007.mp3", "title": "We\"re back and today\"s \\\"Capitol Ideas\\\" features a visit from Rep. Lisa Callen. Lisa is a Democrat, of course, from Washington\"s 5th legislative district. Whether they know it or not, at-risk kids in the Evergreen state have a champion in Lisa, and we\"ll ", "pubdate": "20200219" }, { "file": "http://radiocuts.leg.wa.gov/2020/Podcasts/Capitol-Ideas-2006.mp3", "title": "Today\"s guest is House Majority Floor Leader Monica Stonier. That\"s a position we\"ve all heard of, but who knows what it entails? You will after listening to this episode of \\\"Capitol Ideas.\\\"", "pubdate": "20200214" }, { "file": "http://radiocuts.leg.wa.gov/2020/Podcasts/Capitol-Ideas-2005.mp3", "title": "Rep. Dave Paul circles back to “Capitol Ideas” today, a year after his first visit. He talks about his freshman year in the House, and highlights some of the issues he’s taken on during that time.", "pubdate": "20200212" }, { "file": "http://radiocuts.leg.wa.gov/2020/Podcasts/Capitol-Ideas-2004.mp3", "title": "Meet Rep. Jesse Johnson. He\"s the Legislature\"s newest member, and probably its youngest, but he comes to Olympia from Federal Way with an impressive public-service resume and an ambitious agenda.", "pubdate": "20200207" }, { "file": "http://radiocuts.leg.wa.gov/2020/Podcasts/Capitol-Ideas-2003.mp3", "title": "Rep. Shelley Kloba visits \\\"Capitol Ideas\\\" today for an interesting and eye-opening conversation about data privacy, something that barely exists now but which she\"s determined to make a reality.", "pubdate": "20200205" }, { "file": "http://radiocuts.leg.wa.gov/2020/Podcasts/Capitol-Ideas-2002.mp3", "title": "Rep. Tina Orwall joins \\\"Capitol Ideas\\\" today to talk about the dangers of ultrafine particles, microscopic pollutants that float down from jet airplanes as a byproduct of burning Jet A fuel, and efforts to site a new or expanded airport in Washington stat", "pubdate": "20200131" }, { "file": "http://radiocuts.leg.wa.gov/2020/Podcasts/Capitol-Ideas-2001.mp3", "title": "Happy New Year from the Washington state House Democrats. A new year means a new legislative session, and a new season of \\\"Capitol Ideas.\\\" This year\"s season premiere features Rep. Melanie Morgan, a first-term lawmaker from Parkland in Washington\"s 29th d", "pubdate": "20200117" }, { "file": "http://radiocuts.leg.wa.gov/2019/Podcasts/Capitol-Ideas-1920.mp3", "title": "\\\"Capitol Ideas\\\" returns today with a short sit-down with Rep. Beth Doglio, Democrat from Olympia. Beth has been a climate warrior since before that term was coined, and that mostly what we discuss in this episode.", "pubdate": "20191220" }, { "file": "http://radiocuts.leg.wa.gov/2019/Podcasts/Capitol-Ideas-1919.mp3", "title": "In this installment of \\\"Capitol Ideas,\\\" Washington state Representative Mari Leavitt, a Democrat representing Pierce County\"s 28th legislative district, looks back at her first year in the Legislature and offers a preview of the upcoming 2020 session.", "pubdate": "20191023" }, { "file": "http://radiocuts.leg.wa.gov/2019/Podcasts/Capitol-Ideas-1918.mp3", "title": "Rep. Eric Pettigrew chairs the majority House Democratic Caucus in the Washington state Legislature. What does that mean? Find out in today\"s \\\"Capitol Ideas.\\\"", "pubdate": "20190821" }, { "file": "http://radiocuts.leg.wa.gov/2019/Podcasts/Capitol-Ideas-1917.mp3", "title": "Two of Rep. Mike Pellicciotti\"s favorite words are accountability and transparency, especially as applied to government, the election process, and the private sector. We\"ll talk about all these and more in this first Capitol Ideas podcast of the 2019 legi", "pubdate": "20190510" }, { "file": "http://radiocuts.leg.wa.gov/2019/Podcasts/Capitol-Ideas-1916.mp3", "title": "First-year state Rep. Lisa Callan came to Olympia with a computer engineering background, a burning desire to help Washington kids thrive and learn, and a commitment to erase state route 18\"s well-deserved reputation as a traffic nightmare. You\"ll meet he", "pubdate": "20190406" }, { "file": "http://radiocuts.leg.wa.gov/2019/Podcasts/Capitol-Ideas-1915.mp3", "title": "Washington state Rep. Jeff Morris is one of the Legislature\"s top thinkers in the field of energy, and today we\"ll talk about how smart, efficient appliances are going to change our lives.", "pubdate": "20190327" }, { "file": "http://radiocuts.leg.wa.gov/2019/Podcasts/Capitol-Ideas-1914.mp3", "title": "Opioids: The life and death of a young man, and a plan to fix Ricky\"s Law in the Legislature.", "pubdate": "20190322" }, { "file": "http://radiocuts.leg.wa.gov/2019/Podcasts/Capitol-Ideas-1913.mp3", "title": "Freshman lawmaker Amy Walen comes to House of Representatives in Olympia fresh off a stint as mayor of Kirkland, and she brought with her the can-do, let\"s-fix-that attitude that characterizes good local government. Today on Capitol Ideas she\"ll talk abou", "pubdate": "20190226" }, { "file": "http://radiocuts.leg.wa.gov/2019/Podcasts/Capitol-Ideas-1912.mp3", "title": "Deputy House Majority Leader Larry Springer is a business owner himself, and a few years ago created the House Democratic Caucus Business Roundtable. It\"s become an important part of how lawmakers vet prospective new laws, and we\"ll talk about it today.", "pubdate": "20190221" }, { "file": "http://radiocuts.leg.wa.gov/2019/Podcasts/Capitol-Ideas-1911.mp3", "title": "House Majority Leader Pat Sullivan has a solution to the student loan crisis that is dooming today\"s college students to a lifetime of debt.", "pubdate": "20190205" }, { "file": "http://radiocuts.leg.wa.gov/2019/Podcasts/Capitol-Ideas-1910.mp3", "title": "Rep. Dave Paul is a college vice president, a husband, a dad, an environmentalist, and an idealist: All good things for a newly minted representative from one of Washington\"s most beautiful districts, the 10th. You can get to know him better right here.", "pubdate": "20190130" }, { "file": "http://radiocuts.leg.wa.gov/2019/Podcasts/Capitol-Ideas-1909.mp3", "title": "When My-Linh Thai took the oath of office in Olympia a couple of weeks ago, she became Rep. My-Linh Thai -- the first refugee to serve in the Washington state Legislature. It that piques your interest, give a listen.", "pubdate": "20190129" }, { "file": "http://radiocuts.leg.wa.gov/2019/Podcasts/Capitol-Ideas-1908.mp3", "title": "Before Lauren Davis became the new state representative from the 32nd district in King/Snohomish counties, she was almost single-handledly responsible for the passage of Ricky\"s Law, a life-saving change in the way Washington deals with victims of substan", "pubdate": "20190125" }, { "file": "http://radiocuts.leg.wa.gov/2019/Podcasts/Capitol-Ideas-1907.mp3", "title": "Rep. Debra Lekanoff is the first Native American woman elected to serve in the Washington state House of Representatives since the state\"s establishment 130 years ago. Today we\"ll find out who she is, and why we\"re lucky to have her.", "pubdate": "20190117" }, { "file": "http://radiocuts.leg.wa.gov/2019/Podcasts/Capitol-Ideas-1906.mp3", "title": "Rep. Lillian Ortiz-Self is a school and mental health counselor, and she learns things about the lives of children every day that even their friends and family might not know. Today\"s \\\"Capitol Ideas\\\" is an eye-opener.", "pubdate": "20190110" }, { "file": "http://radiocuts.leg.wa.gov/2019/Podcasts/Capitol-Ideas-1905.mp3", "title": "Rep. Tana Senn has just been elected by her fellow legislators to chair the House Human Services and Early Learning Committee, and as you\"ll hear, it might just be a job she was destined for.", "pubdate": "20190109" }, { "file": "http://radiocuts.leg.wa.gov/2019/Podcasts/Capitol-Ideas-1904.mp3", "title": "Rep. Mike Chapman dropped by today to talk about leading Washington\"s bipartisan, bicameral quest to make rural economic development a legislative success story.", "pubdate": "20190108" }, { "file": "http://radiocuts.leg.wa.gov/2019/Podcasts/Capitol-Ideas-1903.mp3", "title": "Rep. Shelley Kloba makes a return visit to \\\"Capitol Ideas\\\" to talk about special education, cannabis, transportation, and more.", "pubdate": "20190108" }, { "file": "http://radiocuts.leg.wa.gov/2019/Podcasts/Capitol-Ideas-1902.mp3", "title": "Rep. Nicole Macri has devoted her life to, in her words, \\\"ensuring that people have the opportunity to live in safe, healthy homes that they can afford.\\\" That\"s what we\"ll talk about in today\"s \\\"Capitol Ideas.\\\"", "pubdate": "20190108" }, { "file": "http://radiocuts.leg.wa.gov/2019/Podcasts/Capitol-Ideas-1901.mp3", "title": "State Rep. Gerry Pollet isn\"t shy about the need to upgrade special education in Washington\"s K-12 schools. In this fast-paced conversation he outlines the key problems and offers a set of legislative solutions.", "pubdate": "20190105" }, { "file": "http://radiocuts.leg.wa.gov/2018/Podcasts/Capitol-Ideas-1806.mp3", "title": "Speaker Pro Tem John Lovick drops by to talk about education, school safety, transportation, jobs . . . and working in the public sphere for nearly five decades, including two separate stints in the state House.", "pubdate": "20180505" }, { "file": "http://radiocuts.leg.wa.gov/2018/Podcasts/Capitol-Ideas-1803.mp3", "title": "Rep. Jeff Morris on Moore\"s Law and the Internet speeds you\"ve always dreamed of (part one of two).", "pubdate": "20180119" }, { "file": "http://radiocuts.leg.wa.gov/2018/Podcasts/Capitol-Ideas-1804.mp3", "title": "Rep. Jeff Morris on Moore\"s Law and the Internet speeds you\"ve always dreamed of (part two of two).", "pubdate": "20180119" }, { "file": "http://radiocuts.leg.wa.gov/2018/Podcasts/Capitol-Ideas-1801.mp3", "title": "Rep. Zack Hudgins on expanding and protecting access to the polls", "pubdate": "20180110" }, { "file": "http://radiocuts.leg.wa.gov/2017/Podcasts/Capitol-Ideas-1711.mp3", "title": "Rep. Tina Orwall talks about how technology and science can help put rapists behind bars . . . if only we\"ll make use of them.", "pubdate": "20171012" }, { "file": "http://radiocuts.leg.wa.gov/2017/Podcasts/Capitol-Ideas-1710.mp3", "title": "Rep. Christine Kilduff on the importance of civility, respect, and bipartisan cooperation and compromise in politics, and in life.", "pubdate": "20170805" }, { "file": "http://radiocuts.leg.wa.gov/2017/Podcasts/Capitol-Ideas-1709.mp3", "title": "Rep. Monica Stonier works for the good people of Washington\"s 49th legislative district. A few years ago she was sent to Olympia by the 17th district, then took a two-year break. Today we talk about her experience as a two-time freshman.", "pubdate": "20170615" }, { "file": "http://radiocuts.leg.wa.gov/2017/Podcasts/Capitol-Ideas-1708.mp3", "title": "Rep. Sharon Wylie talks about the efforts to replace the aging bridge on I-5 connecting Washington with Oregon.", "pubdate": "20170607" }, { "file": "http://radiocuts.leg.wa.gov/2017/Podcasts/Capitol-Ideas-1707.mp3", "title": "Rep. Noel Frame: Making college a little more humane, a little less expensive", "pubdate": "20170323" }, { "file": "http://radiocuts.leg.wa.gov/2017/Podcasts/Capitol-Ideas-1706.mp3", "title": "Curbing carbon emissions, with Rep. Joe Fitzgibbon", "pubdate": "20170319" }, { "file": "http://radiocuts.leg.wa.gov/2017/Podcasts/Capitol-Ideas-1705.mp3", "title": "The Return of Saying No to Hate, with Rep. Derek Stanford and Aneelah Afzali", "pubdate": "20170315" }, { "file": "http://radiocuts.leg.wa.gov/2017/Podcasts/Capitol-Ideas-1704.mp3", "title": "Saying no to hate, with Rep. Tana Senn and Rabbi Daniel Weiner", "pubdate": "20170308" }, { "file": "http://radiocuts.leg.wa.gov/2017/Podcasts/Capitol-Ideas-1702.mp3", "title": "A Democrat and a Republican walk into the state House of Representatives . . . and work together on bipartisan legislation to reform the Public Records Act. This is no joke.", "pubdate": "20170204" }, { "file": "http://radiocuts.leg.wa.gov/2017/Podcasts/Capitol-Ideas-1701.mp3", "title": "State Rep. Kristine Reeves talks about veterans\" issues, jobs, foster care, veterans\" issues, the American Dream, her first speech as a legislator, jobs and economic development, having a twin, and veterans\" issues.", "pubdate": "20170127" }, { "file": "http://radiocuts.leg.wa.gov/2016/Podcasts/Capitol-Ideas-1609.mp3", "title": "State Rep. Brian Blake on fishing, forestry, jobs, and why he\"s unhappy with the EPA.", "pubdate": "20160628" }, { "file": "http://radiocuts.leg.wa.gov/2016/Podcasts/Capitol-Ideas-1608.mp3", "title": "State Rep. Zack Hudgins goes deep on cybersecurity in the latest \\\"Capitol Ideas.\\\"", "pubdate": "20160618" }, { "file": "http://radiocuts.leg.wa.gov/2016/Podcasts/Capitol-Ideas-1606.mp3", "title": "House Majority Leader Pat Sullivan takes a quick look at Washington\"s public schools.", "pubdate": "20160611" }, { "file": "http://radiocuts.leg.wa.gov/2016/Podcasts/Capitol-Ideas-1605.mp3", "title": "Rep. Roger Goodman: Working across the aisle.", "pubdate": "20160526" }, { "file": "http://radiocuts.leg.wa.gov/2016/Podcasts/Capitol-Ideas-1604.mp3", "title": "Rep. Christine Kilduff, a fighter for veterans, the disabled, and Washington students.", "pubdate": "20160301" }, { "file": "http://radiocuts.leg.wa.gov/2016/Podcasts/Capitol-Ideas-1601a.mp3", "title": "Rep. Laurie Jinkins talks about transgender rights.", "pubdate": "20160127" }, { "file": "http://radiocuts.leg.wa.gov/2015/Podcasts/Capitol-Ideas-1503.mp3", "title": "Rep. Tana Senn on paycheck equity", "pubdate": "20151215" }, { "file": "http://radiocuts.leg.wa.gov/2015/Podcasts/Capitol-Ideas-1501.mp3", "title": "Rep. Marcus Riccelli: From staff member to lawmaker", "pubdate": "20151007" }, { "file": "http://radiocuts.leg.wa.gov/2014/Capitol-Ideas/Capitol-Ideas-1407.mp3", "title": "Learning the Ropes: Rep. Monica Stonier returns to Capitol Ideas to talk about moving from the classroom to the Capitol.", "pubdate": "20140630" }, { "file": "http://radiocuts.leg.wa.gov/2014/Capitol-Ideas/Capitol-Ideas-1405.mp3", "title": "House Majority Leader Pat Sullivan assesses 2014 Legislature as it nears the session\"s midpoint.", "pubdate": "20140208" }, { "file": "http://radiocuts.leg.wa.gov/2014/Capitol-Ideas/Capitol-Ideas-1403.mp3", "title": "Rep. Laurie Jinkins on the Washington State Reproductive Parity Act", "pubdate": "20140122" }, { "file": "http://radiocuts.leg.wa.gov/2014/Capitol-Ideas/Capitol-Ideas-1401.mp3", "title": "Rep. Zack Hudgins on the Washington State DREAM Act", "pubdate": "20140110" }, { "file": "http://radiocuts.leg.wa.gov/2013/Podcasts/Capitol-Ideas-1303.mp3", "title": "Being vice chair: Rep. Timm Ormsby", "pubdate": "20130329" }, { "file": "http://radiocuts.leg.wa.gov/2012/Podcasts/Capitol-Ideas-1205.mp3", "title": "House Democratic Caucus Chair Eric Pettigrew: Big Job, Big Gavel", "pubdate": "20120329" }, { "file": "http://radiocuts.leg.wa.gov/2012/Podcasts/Capitol-Ideas-1201.mp3", "title": "Rep. Tina Orwall: From New Kid to Seasoned Lawmaker", "pubdate": "20120212" }, { "file": "http://radiocuts.leg.wa.gov/2011/Podcasts/Capitol-Ideas-1103.mp3", "title": "Rep. Laurie Jinkins: A Busy First Year", "pubdate": "20110716" }, { "file": "http://radiocuts.leg.wa.gov/2011/Podcasts/Capitol-Ideas-1101.mp3", "title": "Rep. Cindy Ryu: A Freshman\"s Take", "pubdate": "20110119" }, { "file": "http://radiocuts.leg.wa.gov/2010/Podcasts/Capitol-Ideas-1009.mp3", "title": "A Conversation with Rep. Sherry Appleton", "pubdate": "20100626" }, { "file": "http://radiocuts.leg.wa.gov/2010/Podcasts/Capitol-Ideas-1007.mp3", "title": "A Conversation with Rep. Mike Sells", "pubdate": "20100622" }, { "file": "http://radiocuts.leg.wa.gov/2010/Podcasts/Capitol-Ideas-1005.mp3", "title": "A Conversation with Rep. Tina Orwall", "pubdate": "20100618" }, { "file": "http://radiocuts.leg.wa.gov/2010/Podcasts/Capitol-Ideas-1003.mp3", "title": "A Conversation with Rep. Eric Pettigrew", "pubdate": "20100605" }, { "file": "http://radiocuts.leg.wa.gov/2010/Podcasts/Capitol-Ideas-1002.mp3", "title": "A Conversation with Rep. Zack Hudgins", "pubdate": "20100604" }, { "file": "http://radiocuts.leg.wa.gov/2009/Podcasts/Capitol-Ideas-0910.mp3", "title": "Building a Bridge: Rep. Larry Springer", "pubdate": "20091015" }, { "file": "http://radiocuts.leg.wa.gov/2009/Podcasts/Capitol-Ideas-0903f.mp3", "title": "Rep. Timm Ormsby and Legislative Assistant Shannon Waechter: Working Together", "pubdate": "20090130" } ], "created_at": "2012-02-24 10:40:49", "category": { "name": "시사", "id": 1026 }, "is_adult_only": false, "title": "Capitol Ideas: The Washington State House Democratic Caucus Podcast", "thumbnail": "http://img.podbbang.com/img/pb_m/thumb/x150/1172.png?time=202002171523" }