{ "subscribes": 23, "updated_at": "2020-08-18 05:46:32", "id": "1584", "likes": 0, "description": "These podcasts are originally crafted yoga classes taught by Sarah Baumert. There are currently over 50 episodes that range in length, level and style. Sarah's teaching is alignment based, unhurried, and rich with somatic inquiries. The cueing is effective, easy to follow, and uses visualizations of postures to allow for unexpected growth and depth. You will find live unplugged versions of her classes from yoga studios, as well as classes that are produced specifically for the podcast medium.", "episodes": [ { "file": "http://sarahbyoga.com/podcast/57_awareness_from_the_inside_out.mp3", "title": "Episode 57: Awareness From the Inside Out: Lung Vitality and Heart Opening", "pubdate": "20200818" }, { "file": "http://sarahbyoga.com/podcast/56_covering_the_eyes.mp3", "title": "Episode 56- Covering the Eyes: Unwinding the Body Pattern of Anxiety", "pubdate": "20200728" }, { "file": "http://sarahbyoga.com/podcast/55_restorative.mp3", "title": "Episode 55: Relax Deeply Restorative", "pubdate": "20170119" }, { "file": "http://sarahbyoga.com/podcast/54_nidra_meditation.mp3", "title": "Epsiode 54: Yoga Nidra Meditation", "pubdate": "20161212" }, { "file": "http://sarahbyoga.com/podcast/53_reaching_ribs.mp3", "title": "Episode 53: Reaching, Ribs, and Relaxation", "pubdate": "20161016" }, { "file": "http://sarahbyoga.com/podcast/52_trauma.mp3", "title": "Episode 52: Yoga for Trauma with Lisa Danylchuk", "pubdate": "20160916" }, { "file": "http://sarahbyoga.com/podcast/51_techantidote.mp3", "title": "Episode 51: Tech Antidote", "pubdate": "20160428" }, { "file": "http://sarahbyoga.com/podcast/50_yoganidra.mp3", "title": "Episode 50: Yoga Nidra for Deep Sleep", "pubdate": "20141216" }, { "file": "http://sarahbyoga.com/podcast/49_deskjob.mp3", "title": "Episode 49: Undo your desk job shoulders!", "pubdate": "20141001" }, { "file": "http://sarahbyoga.com/podcast/48_symmetry.mp3", "title": "Episode 48: Symmetry and Support for the Sacroiliac Joints", "pubdate": "20140718" }, { "file": "http://sarahbyoga.com/podcast/47_prenatal.mp3", "title": "Episode 47: Prenatal Yoga Podcast", "pubdate": "20140709" }, { "file": "http://sarahbyoga.com/podcasts/46choosing_healing_meditation.mp3", "title": "Episode 46: Moving the Mind in the Opposite Direction Meditation", "pubdate": "20140108" }, { "file": "http://sarahbyoga.com/podcast/45_softening_boundaries.mp3", "title": "Episode 45: Discovering and Softening Into Boundaries", "pubdate": "20131221" }, { "file": "http://sarahbyoga.com/podcast/44_stable_abs.mp3", "title": "Episode 44: Steady and Stable Abdominals", "pubdate": "20131127" }, { "file": "http://sarahbyoga.com/podcast/43_expansivebreathlive.mp3", "title": "Episode 43: Locating the inhale & moving towards purvottanasana", "pubdate": "20130811" }, { "file": "http://sarahbyoga.com/podcast/42_elitravel.mp3", "title": "Episode 42: Get out of your chair! 45 minutes for travelers and people who sit a lot.", "pubdate": "20130411" }, { "file": "http://www.sarahbyoga.com/podcast/41_samskara.mp3", "title": "Episode 41: Samskaras and creating new habits!", "pubdate": "20130122" }, { "file": "http://www.sarahbyoga.com/podcast/40_cat_spine.mp3", "title": "Episode 40: The Action of Cat Spine (spinal flexion)", "pubdate": "20121130" }, { "file": "http://www.sarahbyoga.com/podcast/39_core_support.mp3", "title": "Episode 39: Core Support Short", "pubdate": "20121102" }, { "file": "http://www.sarahbyoga.com/podcast/38_courage_compassion.mp3", "title": "Episode 38: Courage and Compassion", "pubdate": "20120619" }, { "file": "http://www.sarahbyoga.com/podcast/37_may_short.mp3", "title": "Episode 37: A shorter podcast!", "pubdate": "20120511" }, { "file": "http://www.sarahbyoga.com/podcast/36_posterior_tilt.mp3", "title": "Episode 36: Anatomical Focus for a Posterior Pelvic Tilt", "pubdate": "20120426" }, { "file": "http://www.sarahbyoga.com/podcast/35_quiet_spine.mp3", "title": "Episode 35: A Quiet Spine – Audio version", "pubdate": "20120117" }, { "file": "http://www.sarahbyoga.com/podcast/34_thanks.mp3", "title": "Episode 34: A 35 minute podcast for when “there is just not enough time” … Happy Thanksgiving!!", "pubdate": "20111125" }, { "file": "http://www.sarahbyoga.com/podcast/33_livemj.mp3", "title": "Episode 33- Live Slow Flow class- a mixed level practice with dhanurasana & parvrtta janu sirsanasa", "pubdate": "20111124" }, { "file": "http://www.sarahbyoga.com/podcast/32_wrist.mp3", "title": "Episode 32: 90 minute slow flow: Wrist-happy!", "pubdate": "20110915" }, { "file": "http://www.sarahbyoga.com/podcast/31_fifty_min_fascia_flow.mp3", "title": "Episode 31: 50 minute fascia flow: A full body practice in under an hour!", "pubdate": "20110702" }, { "file": "http://www.sarahbyoga.com/podcast/30_precise_vinyasa.mp3", "title": "Episode 30: Precise alignment allows for support. Support allows for expansion. Live 75 minute vinyasa class", "pubdate": "20110609" }, { "file": "http://www.sarahbyoga.com/podcast/29_move_deeper_in_hatha.mp3", "title": "Episode 29: Move Deeper In! A 75 minute live HATHA class!", "pubdate": "20110518" }, { "file": "http://www.sarahbyoga.com/podcast/27_appreciation.mp3", "title": "Episode 27: Appreciating and connecting with the floor and breath.", "pubdate": "20110423" }, { "file": "http://www.sarahbyoga.com/podcast/26_yoga_for_allergies.mp3", "title": "Episode 26: Yoga for Spring Allergies, Head Colds, or Too Tight Shoulders! (hatha style)", "pubdate": "20110413" }, { "file": "http://www.sarahbyoga.com/podcast/25_slow_flow.mp3", "title": "Episode 25: 40 minutes of spring cleaning!", "pubdate": "20110405" }, { "file": "http://www.sarahbyoga.com/podcast/24_fun_vinyasa.mp3", "title": "Episode 24: 75 minute LIVE fun vinyasa", "pubdate": "20110319" }, { "file": "http://www.sarahbyoga.com/podcast/23_observing_change.mp3", "title": "Episode 23: Observing Change in the Body", "pubdate": "20110306" }, { "file": "http://www.sarahbyoga.com/podcast/22_towards_koundinyasana.mp3", "title": "Episode 22: Int-Adv vinyasa class working up to Eka Pada Koundinyasana I", "pubdate": "20110228" }, { "file": "http://www.sarahbyoga.com/podcast/20_imagery_1_domes.mp3", "title": "Episode 20: Imagery #1 Domes", "pubdate": "20110221" }, { "file": "http://www.sarahbyoga.com/podcast/19_steady_calm.mp3", "title": "Episode 19: 1 hour Hatha class for a steady mind and a calm body.", "pubdate": "20110220" }, { "file": "http://www.sarahbyoga.com/podcast/17_winter_solstice.mp3", "title": "Episode 17: Awaken the Hips and Soothe the Back with this Hatha class for the Winter Solstice!", "pubdate": "20101222" }, { "file": "http://www.sarahbyoga.com/podcast/17_head_shirshasana.mp3", "title": "Episode 17: Head Towards Shirshasana (Headstand)", "pubdate": "20101201" }, { "file": "http://www.sarahbyoga.com/podcast/16_30_min_pigeon.mp3", "title": "Episode 16: 30 minutes with Pigeon", "pubdate": "20101201" }, { "file": "http://www.sarahbyoga.com/podcast/15_yoga_for_pain.mp3", "title": "Episode 15: Yoga for Pain and Injury Relief", "pubdate": "20101015" }, { "file": "http://www.sarahbyoga.com/podcast/14_live_meditative_flow.mp3", "title": "Episode 14: Live Meditative Flow", "pubdate": "20100810" }, { "file": "http://www.sarahbyoga.com/podcast/13_spring_into_summer_flip.mp3", "title": "Episode 13: Spring into Summer. Flip upside down.", "pubdate": "20100608" }, { "file": "http://www.sarahbyoga.com/podcast/12_live_slow.mp3", "title": "Episode 12: Live Slow Flow", "pubdate": "20100309" }, { "file": "http://www.sarahbyoga.com/podcast/11_spirals_and_twists.mp3", "title": "Episode 11: Spirals and Twists Live at Karma Yoga", "pubdate": "20100308" }, { "file": "http://www.sarahbyoga.com/podcast/10_yoga_as_medicine.mp3", "title": "Episode 10: Yoga as Medicine- A podcast to help with depression. 75 minutes", "pubdate": "20100107" }, { "file": "http://www.sarahbyoga.com/podcast/09_two_feet_on_ground.mp3", "title": "Episode 9: Start where you are. Two feet on the ground.", "pubdate": "20091021" }, { "file": "http://www.sarahbyoga.com/podcast/08_70_min_to_hanumanasana.mp3", "title": "Episode 8: 70 minutes to hanumanasana", "pubdate": "20090814" }, { "file": "http://www.sarahbyoga.com/podcast/07_75_min_intermediate.mp3", "title": "Episode 7: 75 minute intermediate class", "pubdate": "20090512" }, { "file": "http://www.sarahbyoga.com/podcast/06_april_1_hour.mp3", "title": "Episode 6: April 1 hour class", "pubdate": "20090413" }, { "file": "http://www.sarahbyoga.com/podcast/05_spring_is_coming.mp3", "title": "Episode 5: Spring is coming!", "pubdate": "20090320" }, { "file": "http://www.sarahbyoga.com/podcast/04_hip_opener.mp3", "title": "Episode 4: 45 minute hip opener class", "pubdate": "20090302" }, { "file": "http://www.sarahbyoga.com/podcast/03_valentines_day.mp3", "title": "Episode 3: Valentine’s Day Practice", "pubdate": "20090215" }, { "file": "http://www.sarahbyoga.com/podcast/02_power_yoga_boston.mp3", "title": "Episode 2: 90 minute Power Yoga at Boston University", "pubdate": "20090211" }, { "file": "http://www.sarahbyoga.com/podcast/01_my_first_podcast.mp3", "title": "Episode 1: My first podcast!", "pubdate": "20090202" } ], "created_at": "2012-02-24 10:58:46", "category": { "name": "스포츠/레저", "id": 1030 }, "is_adult_only": false, "title": "Sarah B. Yoga", "thumbnail": "http://img.podbbang.com/img/pb_m/thumb/x150/1584.png?time=202002171555" }