{ "subscribes": 7, "updated_at": "2014-09-05 22:26:00", "id": "1738", "likes": 2, "description": "Presented by Glen Allsopp, who at 18 was the social media manager for companies like Land Rover and Hewlett Packard, the Marketing Inc podcast shares his personal journey to building a highly-profitable SEO empire. The Marketing Inc podcast shares the tools, strategies and productivity-hacks you need to succeed online.", "episodes": [ { "file": "http://www.viperchill.com/ssl-rankings.mp3", "title": "Why I’m Not Moving to HTTPS Even Though Google Recommend It", "pubdate": "20140905" }, { "file": "http://www.viperchill.com/xxx-case.mp3", "title": "Introducing the XXX Niche Case Study", "pubdate": "20140320" }, { "file": "http://www.viperchill.com/7-figure-seo.mp3", "title": "Lessons Learned from Building a 7-Figure SEO Business", "pubdate": "20140302" }, { "file": "http://www.viperchill.com/motivation.mp3", "title": "How to Stay Motivated to Succeed Online, My #1 Secret", "pubdate": "20140226" } ], "created_at": "2012-02-24 11:51:46", "category": { "name": "교양", "id": 1029 }, "is_adult_only": false, "title": "Marketing Inc. Build an SEO Empire (ViperChill)", "thumbnail": "http://img.podbbang.com/img/pb_m/thumb/x150/1738.png?time=202002171502" }