{ "subscribes": 39, "updated_at": "2019-07-24 23:06:07", "id": "1769370", "likes": 18, "description": "안녕하세요! 저희는 The Owlish Folk입니다! 저희는 한국에서 10년 이상 살면서 일한 외국인 교수들입니다. 저희는 언어를 사랑하고 영어가 모국어인 만큼 영어와 관련된 많은 궁금증이 있는데요, 이 팟캐스트는 영어의 독특하고 이상하며, 헷갈리는 부분들에 대해 답하기 위해 만들어졌습니다. 만약 영어에 대해 궁금한 점이 있다면 theowlishfolk@gmail.com으로 메일을 보내주세요! 에피소드로 답변을 드릴게요! 페이스북과 트위터 @theowlishfolk 를 팔로우 하시면 더 많은 소식을 받아보실 수 있습니다!\n\nHello! We are The Owlish Folk! We are two foreign professors who have lived and worked in Korea for over 10 years. We love languages, and as native English speakers, we have many questions about English! This podcast was created in order for us to think, and hopefully answer, the unique, strange, and confusing aspects of the English language. Please email theowlishfolk@gmail.com if you have any questions about English, and we will answer them in an episode! Follow us on Facebook and Twitter @theowlishfolk.", "episodes": [ { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_24872/29ALikelyStory.mp3", "title": "29. A Likely Story: Why do people say \"like\" so much?", "pubdate": "20190724" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_24872/28Bloomsday.mp3", "title": "28. Bloomsday: The Celebration of James Joyce's Ulysses", "pubdate": "20190614" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_24872/27AnniversaryEpisode.mp3", "title": "27. The Owlish Folk 1 Year Anniversary Episode!", "pubdate": "20190611" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_24872/26FootballOrSoccer.mp3", "title": "26. Which is Correct: Football or Soccer?", "pubdate": "20190531" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_24872/25GoodBetterBest.mp3", "title": "25. Why do we say \"good, better, best\"?", "pubdate": "20190523" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_24872/24GardenPathSentences.mp3", "title": "24. Garden Path Sentences", "pubdate": "20190508" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_24872/23BuffaloBuffaloBuffalo.mp3", "title": "23. Buffalo buffalo buffalo", "pubdate": "20190425" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_24872/22EscherSentences.mp3", "title": "22. Escher Sentences", "pubdate": "20190410" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_24872/21Aredoorkeysrelatedtomusicalkeys.mp3", "title": "21. Are door keys related to musical keys?", "pubdate": "20190329" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_24872/20Whereareyourdaddles.mp3", "title": "20. Where are your daddles?", "pubdate": "20190302" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_24872/19Technology.mp3", "title": "19. Technology", "pubdate": "20190118" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_24872/18WhatAreNewYearsResolutions.mp3", "title": "18. What are New Year's Resolutions?", "pubdate": "20190108" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_24872/17MerryOrHappyChristmasInterviewEpisode.mp3", "title": "17. Merry Christmas or Happy Christmas?", "pubdate": "20190102" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_24872/16AStockingfulOfChristmasWords.mp3", "title": "16. A Stocking Full of Christmas Words", "pubdate": "20181221" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_24872/15contronyms.mp3", "title": "15. Contronyms", "pubdate": "20181213" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_24872/1AnimalsAndMeat.mp4", "title": "1. Animals and Meat", "pubdate": "20181206" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_24872/2SilentLetters.mp4", "title": "2. Silent Letters", "pubdate": "20181206" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_24872/3TermsOfVenery.mp4", "title": "3. Terms of Venery", "pubdate": "20181206" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_24872/4PluralNamesAndGame.mp4", "title": "4. Plural Names and Game", "pubdate": "20181206" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_24872/5WhyDoWeCapitalizeI.mp4", "title": "5. Why do we capitalize \"I\"?", "pubdate": "20181206" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_24872/6YouAndWe.mp4", "title": "6. You and We", "pubdate": "20181206" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_24872/7WhyIsntOctobertheEighthMonthoftheYear.mp4", "title": "7. Why isn't October the eighth month of the calendar year?", "pubdate": "20181206" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_24872/8IsSundayReallySunDay.mp4", "title": "8. Is Sunday really Sun-Day?", "pubdate": "20181206" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_24872/9MythsIllnessToilets.mp4", "title": "9. Myths, Illness, and Toilets", "pubdate": "20181206" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_24872/10WhereNewWordsComeFromJamesJoyceandQuarks.mp4", "title": "10. Where New Words Come From: James Joyce and Quarks", "pubdate": "20181206" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_24872/11HalloweenMovies.mp4", "title": "11. Halloween Movies", "pubdate": "20181206" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_24872/12ABagofCuriousWords.mp3", "title": "12. A Bag of Curious Words", "pubdate": "20181206" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_24872/13TheEntireHistoryofQ.mp4", "title": "13. The Entire History of Q", "pubdate": "20181206" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_24872/14SplitInfinitives.mp3", "title": "14. Are We Free to Boldly Split Infinitives?", "pubdate": "20181205" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_24872/29ALikelyStory.mp3", "title": "29. A Likely Story: Why do people say \\\"like\\\" so much?", "pubdate": "20190724" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_24872/28Bloomsday.mp3", "title": "28. Bloomsday: The Celebration of James Joyce\"s Ulysses", "pubdate": "20190614" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_24872/27AnniversaryEpisode.mp3", "title": "27. The Owlish Folk 1 Year Anniversary Episode!", "pubdate": "20190611" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_24872/26FootballOrSoccer.mp3", "title": "26. Which is Correct: Football or Soccer?", "pubdate": "20190531" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_24872/25GoodBetterBest.mp3", "title": "25. Why do we say \\\"good, better, best\\\"?", "pubdate": "20190523" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_24872/24GardenPathSentences.mp3", "title": "24. Garden Path Sentences", "pubdate": "20190508" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_24872/23BuffaloBuffaloBuffalo.mp3", "title": "23. Buffalo buffalo buffalo", "pubdate": "20190425" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_24872/22EscherSentences.mp3", "title": "22. Escher Sentences", "pubdate": "20190410" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_24872/21Aredoorkeysrelatedtomusicalkeys.mp3", "title": "21. Are door keys related to musical keys?", "pubdate": "20190329" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_24872/20Whereareyourdaddles.mp3", "title": "20. Where are your daddles?", "pubdate": "20190302" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_24872/19Technology.mp3", "title": "19. Technology", "pubdate": "20190118" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_24872/18WhatAreNewYearsResolutions.mp3", "title": "18. What are New Year\"s Resolutions?", "pubdate": "20190108" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_24872/17MerryOrHappyChristmasInterviewEpisode.mp3", "title": "17. Merry Christmas or Happy Christmas?", "pubdate": "20190102" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_24872/16AStockingfulOfChristmasWords.mp3", "title": "16. A Stocking Full of Christmas Words", "pubdate": "20181221" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_24872/15contronyms.mp3", "title": "15. Contronyms", "pubdate": "20181213" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_24872/12ABagofCuriousWords.mp3", "title": "12. A Bag of Curious Words", "pubdate": "20181206" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_24872/14SplitInfinitives.mp3", "title": "14. Are We Free to Boldly Split Infinitives?", "pubdate": "20181205" } ], "created_at": "2018-12-05 14:22:00", "category": { "name": "교양", "id": 1029 }, "is_adult_only": false, "title": "The Owlish Folk", "thumbnail": "http://img.podbbang.com/img/pb_m/thumb/x150/1769370.png?time=202002171454" }