    "subscribes": 203,
    "updated_at": "2020-08-30 15:06:59",
    "id": "1775748",
    "likes": 82,
    "description": "우리 아이 영어를 위한 영어 유치원 고민되시나요?\n더이상 고민하지 마세요!!!\n\n우리 아이 영어를 위한 쉽고 재밌는 \n크리시의 키즈 잉글리시에 여러분을 초대합니다.\n\n미국에서 교육학을 전공한 크리시 선생님과 함께하는\n재밌는 영어놀이 시간! \n\n매직티팟을 인간으로 변화시키기 위한 5가지 미션!!\n하루에 딱 5개 완벽하게 익히기!\n\n바로 지금 고고ㄱ",
    "episodes": [
            "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_26352/kidsenglishstory20.mp3",
            "title": "[크리시의 영어동화] 20_What Sports Am I Good At? (내가 잘하는 운동은?)",
            "pubdate": "20200830"
            "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_26352/kidsenglish20.mp3",
            "title": "20편 Sports / What sports do you like to play? / 영어동화 What Sports Am I Good At?",
            "pubdate": "20200830"
            "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_26352/kidsenglishstory19.mp3",
            "title": "[크리시의 영어동화] 19_Musical Town ( 음악타운)",
            "pubdate": "20200811"
            "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_26352/kidsenglish19.mp3",
            "title": "19편 Musical Instruments / What can you play? / 영어동화 Musical Town",
            "pubdate": "20200811"
            "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_26352/kidsenglishstory18.mp3",
            "title": "[크리시의 영어동화] 18_Outfit of the Week (한 주의 의상 고르기)",
            "pubdate": "20200804"
            "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_26352/kidsenglish18.mp3",
            "title": "18편 Clothes / What do you wear? / 영어동화 Outfit of the Week",
            "pubdate": "20200804"
            "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_26352/kidsenglishstory17.mp3",
            "title": "[크리시의 영어동화] 17_Fun at the Playground (놀이터에서의 재미)",
            "pubdate": "20200728"
            "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_26352/kidsenglish17.mp3",
            "title": "17편 Playground / Let's go to the playground! / 영어동화 Fun at the Playground",
            "pubdate": "20200728"
            "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_26352/kidsenglishstory16.mp3",
            "title": "[크리시의 영어동화] 16_My Town (내가 사는 마을)",
            "pubdate": "20200721"
            "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_26352/kidsenglish16.mp3",
            "title": "16편 Jobs / What do you want to be? / 영어동화 My Town",
            "pubdate": "20200721"
            "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_26352/kidsenglishstory15.mp3",
            "title": "[크리시의 영어동화] 15_Veggie School (채소 학교)",
            "pubdate": "20200714"
            "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_26352/kidsenglish15.mp3",
            "title": "15편 Vegetables / Can you eat vegetables? / 영어동화 Veggie School",
            "pubdate": "20200714"
            "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_26352/kidsenglishstory14.mp3",
            "title": "[크리시의 영어동화] 14_Plans for the weekend! 친구들의 주말계획",
            "pubdate": "20200707"
            "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_26352/kidsenglish14.mp3",
            "title": "14편 Places / Where are you? / 영어동화 Plans for the weekend!",
            "pubdate": "20200707"
            "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_26352/13kidsenglishstory.mp3",
            "title": "[크리시의 영어동화] 13_Hop In~~ (타세요~~)",
            "pubdate": "20200630"
            "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_26352/13kidsenglish.mp3",
            "title": "13편 Transportation / What do you ride to go there?/영어 동화 Hop In~",
            "pubdate": "20200630"
            "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_26352/12kidsenglishstory.mp3",
            "title": "[크리시의 영어동화] 12_Back To School Shopping! (새학기 쇼핑!)",
            "pubdate": "20200623"
            "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_26352/12kidsenglish.mp3",
            "title": "12편 Stationery / What’s in your pencil case?/영어 동화 Back To School Shopping!",
            "pubdate": "20200623"
            "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_26352/kidsenglishstory11.mp3",
            "title": "[크리시의 영어동화] 11_Hide and Seek (숨박꼭질 놀이)",
            "pubdate": "20200616"
            "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_26352/kidsenglish11.mp3",
            "title": "11편 Home / Where is my toy?/영어동화 Hide and Seek",
            "pubdate": "20200616"
            "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_26352/10kidsenglishstory1.mp3",
            "title": "[크리시의 영어동화] 10_Can We Stay Inside the Vending Machine?(자판기 안에 계속 머무를 수 있어요?)",
            "pubdate": "20200609"
            "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_26352/10kidsenglish.mp3",
            "title": "10편 Drinks / What are you drinking? / 영어동화 Vending Machine",
            "pubdate": "20200609"
            "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_26352/09kidsenglishstorytelling.mp3",
            "title": "[크리시의 영어동화] 09_Tomatoes are not yucky! (토마토는 맛이 없지 않아!)",
            "pubdate": "20200602"
            "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_26352/09kidsenglish.mp3",
            "title": "09편 Food / What is delicious? / 영어동화 Tomatoes are not yucky!",
            "pubdate": "20200602"
            "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_26352/kidsenglishstory08.mp3",
            "title": "[크리시의 영어동화] 08_Charlie's Day (찰리의 하루)",
            "pubdate": "20200526"
            "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_26352/kidsenglish08.mp3",
            "title": "08편 Feelings / How are you feeling? / 영어동화 Charlie's Day",
            "pubdate": "20200526"
            "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_26352/07kidsenglish1.mp3",
            "title": "[크리시의 영어동화] 07_Mom's Birthday (엄마의 생일)",
            "pubdate": "20200519"
            "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_26352/07kidsenglish.mp3",
            "title": "07편 Family / I love my family! / 영어동화 Mom's Birthday",
            "pubdate": "20200519"
            "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_26352/06alvinthefish.mp3",
            "title": "[크리시의 영어동화] 06_Alvin the Fish (아기 물고기 앨빈 이야기)",
            "pubdate": "20200512"
            "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_26352/kidsenglish06.mp3",
            "title": "06편 Sea Animals / What animals can swim? / 영어동화 Alvin the Fish",
            "pubdate": "20200512"
            "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_26352/ShapeHunting.mp3",
            "title": "[크리시의 영어동화] 05_Shape Hunting (모양 찾기 게임)",
            "pubdate": "20200505"
            "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_26352/5Shapes.mp3",
            "title": "05편 Shapes / What shapes can you draw?/영어동화 Shape Hunting",
            "pubdate": "20200505"
            "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_26352/kidsenglishstory16.mp3",
            "title": "[크리시의 영어동화] 16_My Town (내가 사는 마을)",
            "pubdate": "20200721"
            "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_26352/kidsenglish16.mp3",
            "title": "16편 Jobs / What do you want to be? / 영어동화 My Town",
            "pubdate": "20200721"
            "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_26352/kidsenglishstory15.mp3",
            "title": "[크리시의 영어동화] 15_Veggie School (채소 학교)",
            "pubdate": "20200714"
            "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_26352/kidsenglish15.mp3",
            "title": "15편 Vegetables / Can you eat vegetables? / 영어동화 Veggie School",
            "pubdate": "20200714"
            "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_26352/kidsenglishstory14.mp3",
            "title": "[크리시의 영어동화] 14_Plans for the weekend! 친구들의 주말계획",
            "pubdate": "20200707"
            "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_26352/kidsenglish14.mp3",
            "title": "14편 Places / Where are you? / 영어동화 Plans for the weekend!",
            "pubdate": "20200707"
            "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_26352/13kidsenglishstory.mp3",
            "title": "[크리시의 영어동화] 13_Hop In~~ (타세요~~)",
            "pubdate": "20200630"
            "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_26352/13kidsenglish.mp3",
            "title": "13편 Transportation / What do you ride to go there?/영어 동화 Hop In~",
            "pubdate": "20200630"
            "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_26352/12kidsenglishstory.mp3",
            "title": "[크리시의 영어동화] 12_Back To School Shopping! (새학기 쇼핑!)",
            "pubdate": "20200623"
            "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_26352/12kidsenglish.mp3",
            "title": "12편 Stationery / What’s in your pencil case?/영어 동화 Back To School Shopping!",
            "pubdate": "20200623"
            "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_26352/kidsenglishstory11.mp3",
            "title": "[크리시의 영어동화] 11_Hide and Seek (숨박꼭질 놀이)",
            "pubdate": "20200616"
            "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_26352/kidsenglish11.mp3",
            "title": "11편 Home / Where is my toy?/영어동화 Hide and Seek",
            "pubdate": "20200616"
            "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_26352/10kidsenglishstory1.mp3",
            "title": "[크리시의 영어동화] 10_Can We Stay Inside the Vending Machine?(자판기 안에 계속 머무를 수 있어요?)",
            "pubdate": "20200609"
            "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_26352/10kidsenglish.mp3",
            "title": "10편 Drinks / What are you drinking? / 영어동화 Vending Machine",
            "pubdate": "20200609"
            "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_26352/09kidsenglishstorytelling.mp3",
            "title": "[크리시의 영어동화] 09_Tomatoes are not yucky! (토마토는 맛이 없지 않아!)",
            "pubdate": "20200602"
            "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_26352/09kidsenglish.mp3",
            "title": "09편 Food / What is delicious? / 영어동화 Tomatoes are not yucky!",
            "pubdate": "20200602"
            "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_26352/kidsenglishstory08.mp3",
            "title": "[크리시의 영어동화] 08_Charlie's Day (찰리의 하루)",
            "pubdate": "20200526"
            "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_26352/kidsenglish08.mp3",
            "title": "08편 Feelings / How are you feeling? / 영어동화 Charlie's Day",
            "pubdate": "20200526"
            "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_26352/07kidsenglish1.mp3",
            "title": "[크리시의 영어동화] 07_Mom's Birthday (엄마의 생일)",
            "pubdate": "20200519"
            "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_26352/07kidsenglish.mp3",
            "title": "07편 Family / I love my family! / 영어동화 Mom's Birthday",
            "pubdate": "20200519"
            "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_26352/06alvinthefish.mp3",
            "title": "[크리시의 영어동화] 06_Alvin the Fish (아기 물고기 앨빈 이야기)",
            "pubdate": "20200512"
            "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_26352/kidsenglish06.mp3",
            "title": "06편 Sea Animals / What animals can swim? / 영어동화 Alvin the Fish",
            "pubdate": "20200512"
            "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_26352/ShapeHunting.mp3",
            "title": "[크리시의 영어동화] 05_Shape Hunting (모양 찾기 게임)",
            "pubdate": "20200505"
            "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_26352/5Shapes.mp3",
            "title": "05편 Shapes / What shapes can you draw?/영어동화 Shape Hunting",
            "pubdate": "20200505"
            "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_26352/04weatherfamily.mp3",
            "title": "[크리시의 영어동화] 04_Weather Family (날씨 가족)",
            "pubdate": "20200428"
            "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_26352/kidsenglish04.mp3",
            "title": "04편 Weather / How’s the weather today?/ 영어동화 Weather Family",
            "pubdate": "20200428"
            "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_26352/03fruitsareyummy.mp3",
            "title": "[크리시의 영어동화] 03_Fruits Are Yummy. (과일은 맛있어~)",
            "pubdate": "20200421"
            "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_26352/03fruits.mp3",
            "title": "03편 Fruits / What fruits are yummy?/ 영어동화 Fruits are yummy",
            "pubdate": "20200421"
            "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_26352/02colorstales.mp3",
            "title": "[크리시의 영어동화] 02_Molly and Miley’s Coloring Day (몰리와 마일리의 색칠놀이)",
            "pubdate": "20200417"
            "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_26352/02Colors.mp3",
            "title": "02편 Colors / What’s your favorite color?/ 영어동화 Molly and Miley’s Coloring Day",
            "pubdate": "20200417"
            "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_26352/01animalstales.mp3",
            "title": "[크리시의 영어동화] 01 ANIMAL KINGDOM (동물의 왕국)",
            "pubdate": "20200417"
            "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_26352/01animals.mp3",
            "title": "01편 Animals /  What animals can walk?/ 영어동화 Animal Kingdom",
            "pubdate": "20200414"
            "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_26352/01prologue.mp3",
            "title": "00편> 프롤로그 (매직티팟 5가지 미션 소개)",
            "pubdate": "20200414"
    "created_at": "2020-04-13 16:43:16",
    "category": {
        "name": "어학",
        "id": 1025
    "is_adult_only": false,
    "title": "크리시의 키즈잉글리시",
    "thumbnail": "http://img.podbbang.com/img/pb_m/thumb/x200/1775748.png?_v=1599483984?_v=1598767619"