{ "description": "The Association of Jewish Libraries Podcast offers panel discussions, lectures, author talks, and workshops on topics of Jewish literary interest or relating to Judaic library services. Who should listen? Librarians, educators, scholars, book-lovers, kidlit fans, and anyone else with an interest in the doings of the People of the Book.", "id": "1003", "category": { "id": 1033, "name": "종교" }, "subscribes": 1, "is_adult_only": false, "episodes": [ { "file": "http://jewishlibraries.org/podcast/audio/9BHeschel.mp3", "title": "The Personal Archive of Abraham Joshua Heschel", "pubdate": "20140424" }, { "file": "http://jewishlibraries.org/podcast/audio/9Anliupdate.mp3", "title": "National Library of Israel: Update 2013", "pubdate": "20140424" }, { "file": "http://jewishlibraries.org/podcast/audio/8DBeyondCourage.mp3", "title": "Beyond Courage: Jewish Resistance During the Holocaust", "pubdate": "20140424" }, { "file": "http://jewishlibraries.org/podcast/audio/8BFamilyHistory.mp3", "title": "Family History Research - Basic Genealogy Methods, Reference Service, and Sources", "pubdate": "20140424" }, { "file": "http://jewishlibraries.org/podcast/audio/3Dshulwoods.mp3", "title": "Little Shul in the Woods: Creating Something from Nothing", "pubdate": "20140408" }, { "file": "http://jewishlibraries.org/podcast/audio/3Dvolunteers.mp3", "title": "Managing Volunteers in Synagogue Libraries", "pubdate": "20140408" }, { "file": "http://jewishlibraries.org/podcast/audio/2Agathering.mp3", "title": "Place of Gathering: Synagogue Archives at Yeshiva University", "pubdate": "20140408" }, { "file": "http://jewishlibraries.org/podcast/audio/2Agershwind.mp3", "title": "Early American Judaica: The Gershwind-Bennett Isaac Leeser Digitization Project", "pubdate": "20140408" }, { "file": "http://jewishlibraries.org/podcast/audio/4Aautomation.mp3", "title": "Using Library Automation Software to Organize All of Your Resources", "pubdate": "20140406" }, { "file": "http://jewishlibraries.org/podcast/audio/1Ccairo.mp3", "title": "Uncovering the History of the Cairo Genizah Manuscript Collections - The Story So Far", "pubdate": "20140406" }, { "file": "http://jewishlibraries.org/podcast/audio/1Cmedieval.mp3", "title": "History of Jewish Archives and Libraries in the Middle Ages and the Medieval Educational Curriculum", "pubdate": "20140406" }, { "file": "http://jewishlibraries.org/podcast/audio/1Dbacklog.mp3", "title": "Recreating Cataloging Culture: Backlog Reduction as Empowerment", "pubdate": "20140406" }, { "file": "http://jewishlibraries.org/podcast/audio/1Dlegal.mp3", "title": "Jewish Legal Materials in Libraries", "pubdate": "20140406" }, { "file": "http://jewishlibraries.org/podcast/audio/3Ctech.mp3", "title": "Technology Tools for your Library", "pubdate": "20140406" }, { "file": "http://jewishlibraries.org/podcast/audio/4Abooks.mp3", "title": "What Do We Do with the Books?", "pubdate": "20140406" }, { "file": "http://jewishlibraries.org/podcast/audio/LOC14.mp3", "title": "Library of Congress Panel: Israel and Judaica Section Update", "pubdate": "20140219" }, { "file": "http://jewishlibraries.org/podcast/audio/FindRebecca.mp3", "title": "Finding Rebecca: The Memoir of Rebecca Cohen-Mayer, 1837-1930", "pubdate": "20140219" }, { "file": "http://jewishlibraries.org/podcast/audio/EarlyJewsTX.mp3", "title": "Jews in the Early History of Texas", "pubdate": "20140219" }, { "file": "http://jewishlibraries.org/podcast/audio/STMA13Speech.mp3", "title": "2013 Sydney Taylor Manuscript Award", "pubdate": "20140212" }, { "file": "http://jewishlibraries.org/podcast/audio/STBA13SilverSpeeches.mp3", "title": "2013 STBA Silver Medalists", "pubdate": "20140212" }, { "file": "http://jewishlibraries.org/podcast/audio/STBA13TeenSpeech.mp3", "title": "2013 STBA Speech: Intentions", "pubdate": "20140212" }, { "file": "http://jewishlibraries.org/podcast/audio/STBA13OldSpeech.mp3", "title": "2013 STBA Speech: His Name Was Raoul Wallenberg", "pubdate": "20140212" }, { "file": "http://jewishlibraries.org/podcast/audio/STBA13YoungSpeech.mp3", "title": "2013 STBA Speech: Hannah\"s Way", "pubdate": "20140212" }, { "file": "http://jewishlibraries.org/podcast/audio/emergencyprepare.mp3", "title": "Hurricanes, Earthquakes and Floods, Oh My!: How to Prepare Your Library for a Disaster So You Won\"t Feel Like You\"ve Landed in Oz After Disaster Strikes", "pubdate": "20140211" }, { "file": "http://jewishlibraries.org/podcast/audio/onlinecatalogs.mp3", "title": "Online Catalog Fun! Accessing E-books and Expanding Your Catalog Using Your Library Software", "pubdate": "20140211" }, { "file": "http://jewishlibraries.org/podcast/audio/DemystifyingWriting.mp3", "title": "Meet the Author: Demystifying the Writing Process", "pubdate": "20140201" }, { "file": "http://jewishlibraries.org/podcast/audio/EBSCO.mp3", "title": "EBSCO: Leveraging the Power of Your Discovery Service for a More Successful Research Experience", "pubdate": "20140201" }, { "file": "http://jewishlibraries.org/podcast/audio/Ephemera.mp3", "title": "Ephemera: The \\\"Poor Step-Child\\\" of the Archive - A Look at Current Descriptive Practice of Ephemera in Archives and Special Collections", "pubdate": "20140201" }, { "file": "http://jewishlibraries.org/podcast/audio/FilmPrograms.mp3", "title": "Lights! Cameras! Libraries! Creating High Interest Film Programs with Your DVD Collection", "pubdate": "20140201" }, { "file": "http://jewishlibraries.org/podcast/audio/PosenLibrary.mp3", "title": "10 Volumes, 10,000 Pages, 3,000 Years of Jewish Culture: An Overview of the Posen Library of Jewish Culture and Civilization", "pubdate": "20140201" }, { "file": "http://jewishlibraries.org/podcast/audio/JennieMaasFlexner.mp3", "title": "Bringing Books and People Together: Jennie Maas Flexner, First Readers\" Advisory Librarian at the New York Public Library", "pubdate": "20140201" }, { "file": "http://jewishlibraries.org/podcast/audio/BibleBeltJews.mp3", "title": "How Being Jewish in the Bible Belt Informs Our Life Experiences", "pubdate": "20140201" }, { "file": "http://jewishlibraries.org/podcast/audio/SouthernJewishHistory.mp3", "title": "Preserving Southern Jewish History: An Innovative Encyclopedia", "pubdate": "20140201" }, { "file": "http://jewishlibraries.org/podcast/audio/PreschoolStorytime.mp3", "title": "Apples and Honey to Blintzes: Through the Year with Preschool Library Times", "pubdate": "20140201" }, { "file": "http://jewishlibraries.org/podcast/audio/STBA13authors.mp3", "title": "They Sydney Taylor Book Award Tell-All, Part 2: The Authors Speak", "pubdate": "20140201" }, { "file": "http://jewishlibraries.org/podcast/audio/STBA13criteria.mp3", "title": "The Sydney Taylor Book Award Tell-All, Part 1: Exploring the Criteria Used to Evaluate Books", "pubdate": "20140201" }, { "file": "http://jewishlibraries.org/podcast/audio/HolocaustInFarsi.mp3", "title": "The Holocaust in Farsi", "pubdate": "20140201" }, { "file": "http://jewishlibraries.org/podcast/audio/ArabianNights.mp3", "title": "An Early 20th Century Judeo-Persian Translation of the Arabian Nights from Uzbekistan", "pubdate": "20140201" }, { "file": "http://jewishlibraries.org/podcast/audio/StrategicPlanning.mp3", "title": "Strategic Planning, and What AJL Can Learn from Other Professional Organizations", "pubdate": "20140201" }, { "file": "http://jewishlibraries.org/podcast/audio/NonJewishLaw.mp3", "title": "Books on Non-Jewish Law in Hebrew Script", "pubdate": "20140201" }, { "file": "http://jewishlibraries.org/podcast/audio/Kashrut.mp3", "title": "Kashrut in America: Publications in the U.S.", "pubdate": "20140201" }, { "file": "http://jewishlibraries.org/podcast/audio/BroderSingers.mp3", "title": "The Secular Yiddish Music Movement: The Broder Singers", "pubdate": "20140201" }, { "file": "http://jewishlibraries.org/podcast/audio/ProgrammingTrends.mp3", "title": "Current Trends in Adult and Children\"s Programming for Schools, Institutions and Libraries", "pubdate": "20140201" }, { "file": "http://jewishlibraries.org/podcast/audio/TXJews.mp3", "title": "Texas Jews: Myths and Realities", "pubdate": "20140201" }, { "file": "http://jewishlibraries.org/podcast/audio/STBA13session.mp3", "title": "2012 Sydney Taylor Book Award Authors", "pubdate": "20130312" }, { "file": "http://jewishlibraries.org/podcast/audio/Jews_in_the_Civil_War.mp3", "title": "Jews in the Civil War", "pubdate": "20130201" }, { "file": "http://jewishlibraries.org/podcast/audio/Jews_in_China.mp3", "title": "Jews in China", "pubdate": "20130201" }, { "file": "http://jewishlibraries.org/podcast/audio/LOCUpdate.mp3", "title": "Library of Congress\"s Israel and Judaica Section Update", "pubdate": "20130201" }, { "file": "http://jewishlibraries.org/podcast/audio/PJLibrary.mp3", "title": "PJ Library: How the Gift of 3,000,000 Books is Shifting Jewish Community and Jewish Children\"s Literature", "pubdate": "20130201" }, { "file": "http://jewishlibraries.org/podcast/audio/ArchivistsToolkit.mp3", "title": "New Tools of the Trade: Managing Archival Collections with the Archivists\" Toolkit", "pubdate": "20130201" } ], "likes": 0, "updated_at": "2014-04-24 10:02:00", "title": "AJL - The Association of Jewish Libraries", "created_at": "2012-02-24 10:32:41", "thumbnail": "http://img.podbbang.com/img/pb_m/thumb/x150/1003.png?time=202002171610" }