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Okay, see you.", "pubdate": "20201114" }, { "file": "http://podcast.501stlegion.org/WIP/Ep125/The501stCastEp125.mp3", "title": "501stCast Episode 125: September 11th, 2020: The Monolith Strikes Back", "pubdate": "20200912" }, { "file": "http://podcast.501stlegion.org/WIP/Ep124/501stCastEp124.mp3", "title": "501stCast Episode 124: July 31st, 2020: “The Child is the Cutest” – Steve Sansweet", "pubdate": "20200801" }, { "file": "http://podcast.501stlegion.org/WIP/Ep123/501stCastEp123.mp3", "title": "501stCast Episode 123: June 11th, 2020: “Porgs are the Cutest” – Snap Wexley", "pubdate": "20200612" }, { "file": "http://podcast.501stlegion.org/WIP/Ep122/501stCastEp122.mp3", "title": "501stCast Episode 122: May 8th, 2020: A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away… it’s #501stStorytime!", "pubdate": "20200509" }, { "file": "http://podcast.501stlegion.org/WIP/CLASSICS/Ep8.mp3", "title": "501stCast Classics: Episode 8: February 6th, 2008: Clone Commander Binal Sonjohn of the 501st Legion", "pubdate": "20200404" }, { "file": "http://podcast.501stlegion.org/WIP/Ep121/501stCastEp121.mp3", "title": "501stCast Episode 121: February 7th, 2020: Once in a lifetime experiences.", "pubdate": "20200208" }, { "file": "http://podcast.501stlegion.org/WIP/Ep120/501stCastEp120.mp3", "title": "501stCast Episode 120: December 12th, 2019: This is the way to The Rise of Skywalker", "pubdate": "20191213" }, { "file": "http://podcast.501stlegion.org/WIP/Ep119/501stCastEp119.mp3", "title": "501stCast Episode 119: October 12th, 2019: 501st Troopers, wearers of knobelbechers", "pubdate": "20191013" }, { "file": "http://podcast.501stlegion.org/WIP/Ep118/501stCastEp118.mp3", "title": "501stCast Episode 118: September 8th, 2019: These are the voyages…", "pubdate": "20190909" }, { "file": "http://podcast.501stlegion.org/WIP/Ep117/501CastEp117.mp3", "title": "501stCast Episode 117: July 16th, 2019: Yo-yo-yo-yo-Yoda", "pubdate": "20190717" }, { "file": 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