{ "description": "Golf Life Television features some our our collection of great golf tips and drills captured over the past 13+ years of the series. Get great advice and insight from top teaching and playing pros. To find out where you can watch Golf Life each week on TV visit us online at www.golflife.co or see our social video hub at www.golfinhd.com", "id": "1315", "category": { "id": 1030, "name": "스포츠/레저" }, "subscribes": 2, "is_adult_only": false, "episodes": [], "likes": 0, "updated_at": "2013-06-26 00:55:13", "title": "Golf Life Tips, Gear & Travel", "created_at": "2012-02-24 10:47:52", "thumbnail": "http://img.podbbang.com/img/pb_m/thumb/x150/1315.png?time=202002171556" }