{ "description": "Yoga nidra is a helpful tool for relaxation and rejuvenation. It is excellent for those who suffer from insomnia, feel energetically drained or for overall support of the physical system. Please find a comfortable place to lie down where you will be undisturbed for the duration of your practice. (These were recorded during live classes, please excuse the ambient noise).", "id": "1474", "category": { "id": 1030, "name": "스포츠/레저" }, "subscribes": 1, "is_adult_only": false, "episodes": [ { "file": "http://anunada.podomatic.com/enclosure/2011-12-29T16_39_26-08_00.mp3", "title": "Yoga Nidra: Heart Flame Activation", "pubdate": "20111230" }, { "file": "http://anunada.podomatic.com/enclosure/2011-12-29T16_07_40-08_00.mp3", "title": "Yoga Nidra: Chakra Activation", "pubdate": "20111230" } ], "likes": 0, "updated_at": "2011-12-30 09:39:26", "title": "Megan Costello's Yoga Nidra Podcasts", "created_at": "2012-02-24 10:53:50", "thumbnail": "http://img.podbbang.com/img/pb_m/thumb/x150/1474.png?time=202002171556" }