{ "description": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast is for any woman 18 to 118 and from anywhere in the world. Come learn how to keep the passion alive in your relationship. Whether you have never tried anything to spice up your love life, or are a seasoned 'playful' woman - this podcast is sure to give you some ideas.\n\nDarlene, The Party Lady, (You can visit her here),is a Passion Parties Consultant and retired registered nurse. Renea is a stay at home/work from home mom and former night club manager. Together they will tastefully and educationally talk about all kinds of passion products, sex toys or massagers, and fun sex tips to keep your relationship hot!\n\nThe PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast is sponsored by Passion Parties by Darlene The Party Lady, and Produced by Voice by Hawk Productions.\nPassion Parties is very proud of its sassy but still classy image. Passion Parties does not sell, endorse or engage in any type of pornography.\n\nThe PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast is for informational use only. We don't diagnose or treat any kind of medical conditions.\n\nWhile the PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast is educational for women, we ask that our listeners be the age of 18 or older, as the topics discussed are adult in nature.\nIf you'd like to be emailed whenever we update our show, just subscribe by entering your information into our Address Book!", "id": "1523", "category": { "id": 1024, "name": "예능" }, "subscribes": 16, "is_adult_only": false, "episodes": [ { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2012-04-02T10_45_42-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 261 - Darlene\"s Big Announcement!", "pubdate": "20120403" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2012-03-06T10_41_21-08_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 258 - Overcoming Sexual Anxiety", "pubdate": "20120307" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2012-02-28T14_28_15-08_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 257 - Fidelity, 5 Myths About Cheating", "pubdate": "20120229" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2012-02-21T10_06_12-08_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 256 - The Mysteries of Love", "pubdate": "20120222" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2012-02-07T09_47_53-08_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 254 - Hot Sex Over 60?!", "pubdate": "20120208" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2012-02-01T10_41_41-08_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 253 - 10 Tips for Relationship Bliss", "pubdate": "20120202" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2012-01-24T10_11_17-08_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 252 - Suddenly Single? Stop Singing the Blues!", "pubdate": "20120125" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2012-01-18T06_34_27-08_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 251 - We\"re Soulmates, so Why is the Sex So Bad?!", "pubdate": "20120118" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2012-01-11T08_13_00-08_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 250 - Impotence and Options", "pubdate": "20120112" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2011-12-27T09_39_02-08_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 248 - Talking Points", "pubdate": "20111228" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2011-12-13T07_47_48-08_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 246 - Revisiting Attraction Principles", "pubdate": "20111214" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2011-11-29T18_44_20-08_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 244 - Orgasm, Your-gasm or Our-gasm", "pubdate": "20111130" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2011-11-17T07_08_51-08_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 242 - Bra Fitting Guide", "pubdate": "20111118" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2011-11-01T07_55_01-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 240 - A Tribute to Orgasms", "pubdate": "20111101" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2011-10-18T08_52_26-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 238 - Signs of Relationship Trouble, and Tips to Get Back on Track", "pubdate": "20111019" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2011-10-11T06_32_41-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 237 - How to Talk to Women", "pubdate": "20111011" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2011-09-26T07_51_17-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 235 - Tips for Achieving Orgasm During Intercourse, for Women", "pubdate": "20110926" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2011-09-06T06_48_01-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 232 - Growing Old Gracefully", "pubdate": "20110906" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2011-08-30T08_08_08-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 231 - Exercises for a Better Body in Bed", "pubdate": "20110831" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2011-08-24T06_04_31-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 230 - Ten Ways to Improve your Biggest Sex Organ", "pubdate": "20110824" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2011-08-08T08_27_08-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 228 - Who\"s Knocking at the Backdoor?", "pubdate": "20110809" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2011-07-18T07_47_06-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 225 - Penis, More Penis, and a Penis Workout!", "pubdate": "20110718" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2011-07-11T08_04_04-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 224 - Motherhood and Sex", "pubdate": "20110712" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2011-07-05T19_14_33-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 223 - What Exactly is Safer Sex?", "pubdate": "20110706" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2011-06-27T17_50_06-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 222 - Eight Tips to Revitalize Your Relationship", "pubdate": "20110628" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2011-06-20T13_06_04-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 221 - New Body Language Code of Love", "pubdate": "20110621" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2011-06-14T06_31_50-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 220 - 10 Things I Didn\"t Know About Kissing!", "pubdate": "20110614" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2011-05-22T19_32_13-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 217 - Four More Kinds of Sex Every Couple Should Try!", "pubdate": "20110523" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2011-05-15T15_12_54-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 216 - Four Kinds of Sex You Just Have to Have", "pubdate": "20110516" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2011-04-24T17_12_51-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 213 - The Buzz about At-Home STD Test Kits", "pubdate": "20110425" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2011-03-19T08_45_22-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 208 - 10 Ideas to Start (or restart!) a Loving Relationship", "pubdate": "20110320" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2011-03-11T19_35_25-08_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 207 - Mild, Wild or In the Middle?", "pubdate": "20110312" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2011-03-05T07_23_03-08_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 206 - Sex Over 60 Can Still Rock!", "pubdate": "20110306" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2011-02-25T21_25_16-08_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 205 - Does Sex and Religion Mix?", "pubdate": "20110226" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2011-02-11T06_30_42-08_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 203 - The Top Seven Flirting Disasters", "pubdate": "20110211" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2011-01-27T15_01_07-08_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 201 - Is there really a Relationship Between Fellatio and Breast Cancer?!", "pubdate": "20110128" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2010-12-07T05_51_03-08_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 194 - Top Ten Women\"s Sexual Fantasies", "pubdate": "20101207" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2010-12-02T10_35_48-08_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 193 - Top Ten Men\"s Sexual Fantasies", "pubdate": "20101203" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2010-11-19T05_03_54-08_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 191 - Create Your Own Harvest Festival", "pubdate": "20101119" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2010-11-10T14_07_31-08_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 190 - Health and Beauty Benefits of Sex", "pubdate": "20101111" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2010-11-01T05_46_49-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 189 - Top 10 Ways to Fight Breast Cancer", "pubdate": "20101101" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2010-10-21T07_09_34-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 187 - What\"s that Smell? An Introduction to Perfume and Cologne", "pubdate": "20101021" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2010-10-13T04_32_30-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 186 - How to Make Your Man Love You More!", "pubdate": "20101013" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2010-10-06T17_31_08-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 185 - Returning to Intimacy After Breast Cancer", "pubdate": "20101007" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2010-09-29T04_05_02-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 184 - Does Passion and Religion Mix?", "pubdate": "20100929" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2010-09-13T11_42_27-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 182 - Lies! Lies!", "pubdate": "20100914" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2010-09-09T05_38_37-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 181 - 9 Ways to Show Your Partner You Love Them!", "pubdate": "20100909" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2010-08-18T15_31_51-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 178 - Getting Older Does NOT Mean Getting Old!", "pubdate": "20100819" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2010-08-11T21_25_28-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 177 - Can Losing Weight Improve Your Sex Life?", "pubdate": "20100812" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2010-07-27T20_05_49-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 175 - Why Some Women Can\"t Orgasm at All", "pubdate": "20100728" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2010-07-07T09_31_10-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 172 - Eye See You!", "pubdate": "20100708" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2010-06-30T07_14_21-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 171 - 10 Tips for Loving in the Fast Lane!", "pubdate": "20100630" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2010-06-22T01_14_38-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 170 - Lingerie Buying Guide for the Guy who wants to get Lucky!", "pubdate": "20100622" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2010-06-09T07_01_42-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 168 - Demystifying the Power of Batteries", "pubdate": "20100609" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2010-05-12T00_30_44-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 164 - Can Sex be Too Wet?", "pubdate": "20100512" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2010-04-18T22_53_28-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 161 - Nipple Tips!", "pubdate": "20100419" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2010-04-12T22_52_10-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 160 - 12 Things You Should Never Say to a Woman!", "pubdate": "20100413" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2010-03-23T06_34_39-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 157 - Escort Fantasy Tips", "pubdate": "20100323" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2010-03-15T00_39_43-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 156 - Great Ways to Spoil Your Spouse!", "pubdate": "20100315" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2010-03-01T00_55_23-08_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 155 - Having Sex After Having a Baby", "pubdate": "20100301" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2010-02-22T10_48_52-08_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 154 - Provocative Deep Dark Secrets of Women", "pubdate": "20100223" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2010-02-15T21_28_20-08_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 153 - Spontaneous Sex!", "pubdate": "20100216" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2010-01-17T18_23_41-08_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 149 - What is Romance, really?", "pubdate": "20100118" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2010-01-05T00_29_03-08_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 147 - Technology and Romance Unite!", "pubdate": "20100105" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2009-12-20T22_53_50-08_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 145 - Five Signs that You have a Good Sex Life", "pubdate": "20091221" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2009-12-13T22_27_32-08_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - 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Part Two", "pubdate": "20091005" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2009-09-28T21_17_30-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 133 - Romantic Compatibility: Getting to Know You!", "pubdate": "20090929" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2009-09-21T16_40_35-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 132 - Top Ten Sex Positions : Part Two!", "pubdate": "20090922" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2009-09-13T22_09_35-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 131 - Top 10 Sex Positions: Part One", "pubdate": "20090914" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2009-08-30T21_18_50-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 129 - Are You Having Sex Every Day?", "pubdate": "20090831" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2009-08-24T21_34_12-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 128 - Are You Unhappy in Bed?", "pubdate": "20090825" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2009-08-16T22_57_39-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 127 - Make Time for True Romance", "pubdate": "20090817" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2009-08-11T07_29_20-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirlPartyGirl Podcast - Episode 126 - Be Spontaneous and Mix Things Up!", "pubdate": "20090811" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2009-07-26T21_09_34-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 124 - Seduction Secrets", "pubdate": "20090727" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2009-07-06T20_07_27-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 121 - Dating and Romance Scams: Part 3", "pubdate": "20090707" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2009-06-28T15_56_10-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 120 - Dating and Romance Scams: Part 2", "pubdate": "20090629" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2009-06-21T22_52_53-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 119 - Dating and Romance Scams", "pubdate": "20090622" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2009-06-13T09_38_47-07_00.mp3", "title": "The ParyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 118 - Top Romance Killers and How to Avoid Them!", "pubdate": "20090614" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2009-06-07T19_31_32-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 117 - Girlie Moves that Make a Man Melt: Part 2", "pubdate": "20090608" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2009-06-02T02_34_46-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 116 - Girlie Moves that Make a Man Melt", "pubdate": "20090602" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2009-05-26T02_35_59-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 115 - The Sexy Skin You\"re In for Summer Fun!", "pubdate": "20090526" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2009-05-15T22_12_37-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 114 - The Flower of Love", "pubdate": "20090516" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2009-05-11T13_35_01-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 113 - National Masturbation Month", "pubdate": "20090512" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2009-05-03T22_08_05-07_00.mp3", "title": "The ParyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 112 - Redecorate that \"Bored\"room!", "pubdate": "20090504" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2009-04-26T17_59_38-07_00.mp3", "title": "The ParyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 111 - Don\"t let your Bedroom turn into a \"Bored\"room!", "pubdate": "20090427" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2009-04-19T19_52_45-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 110 - Intimacy is Not a Four Letter Word", "pubdate": "20090420" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2009-04-11T20_24_30-07_00.mp3", "title": "The ParyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 109 - Quotable Sex!", "pubdate": "20090412" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2009-04-05T22_22_59-07_00.mp3", "title": "The ParyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 108 - Orgasmagic!", "pubdate": "20090406" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2009-03-29T21_39_54-07_00.mp3", "title": "The ParyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 104 - Don\"t Bug Me!", "pubdate": "20090330" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2009-03-22T13_46_07-07_00.mp3", "title": "The ParyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 106 - Some \"Bunny\" to Love", "pubdate": "20090323" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2009-03-08T19_29_13-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 105 - Choosing Wine for Sex, Part 2", "pubdate": "20090309" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2009-03-01T13_02_02-08_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 104 - Choosing Wine for Sex, Part 1", "pubdate": "20090302" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2009-02-21T12_08_37-08_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 103 - Sexuality vs Sensuality", "pubdate": "20090222" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2009-02-13T19_26_27-08_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 102 - A Special Heart Message", "pubdate": "20090214" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2009-02-08T21_13_46-08_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 101 - When Sex Isn\"t Working With Him - Part 3", "pubdate": "20090209" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2009-01-30T16_12_29-08_00.mp3", "title": "The ParyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 100 - When Sex Isn\"t Working with Him - Part 2", "pubdate": "20090131" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2009-01-24T11_30_06-08_00.mp3", "title": "The ParyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 99 - When Sex with Him Isn\"t Working : Part 1", "pubdate": "20090125" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2009-01-17T21_14_49-08_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 98 - The Fruits of Passion!", "pubdate": "20090118" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2009-01-10T12_25_12-08_00.mp3", "title": "The ParyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 97 - Suction Seduction!", "pubdate": "20090111" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2009-01-03T19_40_23-08_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 96 - Top Seven Secret Sex Worries", "pubdate": "20090104" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2008-12-27T09_37_14-08_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 95 - Please your partner with a Seductive Pole Dance!", "pubdate": "20081228" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2008-12-20T11_27_38-08_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 94 - Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about Teasing!", "pubdate": "20081221" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2008-12-14T17_13_13-08_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 93 - You can be a Passion Consultant too!", "pubdate": "20081215" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2008-12-05T12_20_22-08_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 92 - What\"s Your Condom IQ?", "pubdate": "20081206" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2008-11-29T13_59_26-08_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 91 - The Twelve Days of Passion", "pubdate": "20081130" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2008-11-21T22_29_44-08_00.mp3", "title": "The ParyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 90 - Phthalates", "pubdate": "20081122" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2008-11-14T08_32_56-08_00.mp3", "title": "The ParyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 89 - Passion in the News!", "pubdate": "20081115" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2008-11-07T17_08_09-08_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 88 - Massage Your Way Through Tough Times", "pubdate": "20081108" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2008-10-31T21_28_32-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 87 - Glass and Sex", "pubdate": "20081101" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2008-10-24T11_10_25-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 86 - Jump Start your Sex Life by Making Time for Romance!", "pubdate": "20081025" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2008-10-17T10_23_52-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 85 - Masturbation Quiz", "pubdate": "20081018" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2008-10-10T07_20_30-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 84 - New Foreplay Technique!", "pubdate": "20081010" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2008-10-03T09_09_53-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 83 - October is Orgasm Month! 10 Big O Facts!", "pubdate": "20081004" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2008-09-26T08_21_58-07_00.mp3", "title": "Episode 82 - October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month", "pubdate": "20080927" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2008-09-19T09_36_09-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 81 - The Ultimate Kissing Guide Part 3 - Risky Business", "pubdate": "20080920" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2008-09-12T06_50_37-07_00.mp3", "title": "Episode 80 - The Ultimate Kissing Guide - Part Two", "pubdate": "20080912" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2008-09-06T07_00_05-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 79 - The Ultimate Kissing Guide : Part 1", "pubdate": "20080906" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2008-08-29T15_37_20-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 78 - Erogenous Zones : Please your lady from top to bottom!", "pubdate": "20080830" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2008-08-23T11_24_20-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 77 - Make a Love Calendar", "pubdate": "20080824" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2008-08-15T11_21_20-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 76 - How to Write a Love Letter", "pubdate": "20080816" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2008-08-08T13_13_19-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 75 - A Passionatomy Quiz", "pubdate": "20080809" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2008-08-01T19_24_36-07_00.mp3", "title": "Episode 74 - The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Does Watermelon have a Viagra Effect?", "pubdate": "20080802" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2008-07-25T06_15_07-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 73 - Passion by Numbers", "pubdate": "20080725" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2008-07-18T05_36_03-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 72 - Hot Summer Sex!", "pubdate": "20080718" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2008-07-11T20_09_53-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 71 - The Four Phases of Fun: A look at the Orgasm", "pubdate": "20080712" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2008-07-05T07_13_30-07_00.mp3", "title": "Episode 70 - The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Advanced Sex FAQs", "pubdate": "20080705" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2008-06-27T08_49_22-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 69 - Sex FAQs", "pubdate": "20080628" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2008-06-21T08_00_28-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 68 - Sex Toys and Your Pets!", "pubdate": "20080622" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2008-06-13T15_27_20-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 67 - What is The Kama Sutra?", "pubdate": "20080614" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2008-06-07T16_46_22-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 66 - Talking to your Kids about Sex", "pubdate": "20080608" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2008-06-02T06_59_58-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 65 - All About Your Vagina!", "pubdate": "20080602" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2008-05-24T20_31_26-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 64 - Getting to Know Your Penis!", "pubdate": "20080525" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2008-05-17T08_32_06-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 63 - Happy Masturbation Month!", "pubdate": "20080518" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2008-05-10T10_11_52-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 62 - Dancing with My Sexy Little Stripper Pole!", "pubdate": "20080511" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2008-05-03T12_24_57-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 61 - Secrets and Techniques to Keep Your Relationship Red Hot", "pubdate": "20080504" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2008-04-25T19_00_34-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 60 - Alcohol and Sex: What are the effects?", "pubdate": "20080426" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2008-04-19T13_22_19-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 59 - Creating your own Best Sex Book", "pubdate": "20080420" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2008-04-12T20_57_18-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 58 - 20 Sex Tips!", "pubdate": "20080413" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2008-04-05T08_27_03-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 57 - New Toys at Passion Parties!", "pubdate": "20080406" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2008-03-28T08_43_19-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 56 - Fun in the Tub - Waterproof Toys!", "pubdate": "20080329" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2008-03-22T12_41_20-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 55 - All about the Perineum!", "pubdate": "20080323" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2008-03-14T06_01_10-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 54 - Sex Toy Materials - Part 2", "pubdate": "20080314" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2008-03-08T20_45_18-08_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 53 - Sex Toy Materials: Part One", "pubdate": "20080309" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2008-02-29T06_58_55-08_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 52 - Passion Toys, the Advanced Lesson!", "pubdate": "20080229" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2008-02-23T09_18_20-08_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 51 - Sex Toys for Passion!", "pubdate": "20080224" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2008-02-15T06_40_22-08_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 50 - Toys 101: Introducing a Toy to your Lover and First Timer Recommendations", "pubdate": "20080215" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2008-02-08T13_27_15-08_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 49 - More Valentine\"s Day Trivia and Fun!", "pubdate": "20080209" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2008-02-02T08_12_43-08_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 48 - Valentine Trivia and Fun", "pubdate": "20080203" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2008-01-25T15_47_51-08_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 47 - Fantasy Fun!", "pubdate": "20080126" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2008-01-18T10_46_55-08_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 46 - Sexual Communication", "pubdate": "20080119" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2008-01-11T09_07_04-08_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 45 - Sensual Touch 101", "pubdate": "20080112" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2008-01-04T09_33_21-08_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 44 - Lingerie: A Tool of Seduction", "pubdate": "20080105" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2007-12-28T08_11_37-08_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 43 - Advanced Anal Techniques", "pubdate": "20071229" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2007-12-20T19_20_03-08_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 42 - Tips, Techniques, and Tricks of Anal", "pubdate": "20071221" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2007-12-14T08_29_31-08_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 41 - Anal Annals – The Basics of Anal Sex", "pubdate": "20071215" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2007-12-08T07_54_06-08_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 40 - Anal Annals – The History and Statistics", "pubdate": "20071209" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2007-12-01T08_21_47-08_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 39 - Celebrate your Sensuality!", "pubdate": "20071202" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2007-11-24T08_05_44-08_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 38 - Kissing 101", "pubdate": "20071125" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2007-11-09T08_41_32-08_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 37 - Strip Tips!", "pubdate": "20071110" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2007-11-09T08_29_08-08_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 36 - C-Ring 101, What is a Cock Ring?", "pubdate": "20071110" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2007-11-02T12_15_26-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 35 - Traveling with Toys!", "pubdate": "20071103" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2007-10-27T11_56_36-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 34 - G-Spot Refresher", "pubdate": "20071028" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2007-10-19T13_05_43-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 33 - Douching 101: What is it, and Should I do it?", "pubdate": "20071020" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2007-10-11T21_48_56-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 32 - Breast Cancer Awareness Month", "pubdate": "20071012" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2007-10-05T06_02_32-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 31 - Orgasm 101 for Women", "pubdate": "20071005" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2007-09-29T07_29_36-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 30 - Lube Tips, Tricks, and Hints", "pubdate": "20070929" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2007-09-21T22_25_10-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 29 - Advanced Lube", "pubdate": "20070922" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2007-09-14T20_52_20-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 28 - Let\"s Talk Lube!", "pubdate": "20070915" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2007-09-08T08_09_19-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 27 - The History of Sex Toys!", "pubdate": "20070909" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2007-08-31T19_20_12-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 26 - Getting the perfect shave!", "pubdate": "20070901" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2007-08-24T09_27_55-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 25 - Cunnilingus 101 for Guys and Gals!", "pubdate": "20070825" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2007-08-17T23_46_53-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 24 - Tips for the Guys - How to get more oral!", "pubdate": "20070818" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2007-08-10T10_59_53-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 23 - Fellatio 101", "pubdate": "20070811" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2007-08-03T08_29_38-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 22 Sexam", "pubdate": "20070804" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2007-07-27T08_14_21-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 21 Ben Wa and Kegels", "pubdate": "20070728" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2007-07-20T10_58_50-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 20 Virtual Passion Party Part 2", "pubdate": "20070721" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2007-07-12T22_39_37-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 19 Virtual Passion Party Part 1", "pubdate": "20070713" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2007-07-06T09_41_13-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 18 Storing Your Adult Toys", "pubdate": "20070707" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2007-06-30T07_45_27-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast Episode 17 Pheromones", "pubdate": "20070630" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2007-06-22T06_22_10-07_00.mp3", "title": "The Partygirl Partygirl Podcast - Episode 16 Erogenous Zones", "pubdate": "20070622" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2007-06-15T08_24_34-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 15 Aphrodisiacs", "pubdate": "20070616" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2007-06-08T06_30_28-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 14 Gigi Male Masturbation Toy", "pubdate": "20070608" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2007-05-31T16_50_21-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 13 Tantric Sex", "pubdate": "20070601" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2007-05-25T08_52_40-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 12 Masturbation With Your Partner", "pubdate": "20070526" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2007-05-19T08_21_30-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 11 Masturbation - Male Self Pleasure", "pubdate": "20070520" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2007-05-14T21_41_53-07_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 10 Masturbation - Female Self Pleasure", "pubdate": "20070515" }, { "file": "https://partygirlpartygirl.podOmatic.com/enclosure/2007-03-09T07_45_46-08_00.mp3", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast - Episode 1 Passion Parties", "pubdate": "20070310" } ], "likes": 0, "updated_at": "2012-04-03 02:45:42", "title": "The PartyGirl PartyGirl Podcast", "created_at": "2012-02-24 10:55:30", "thumbnail": "http://img.podbbang.com/img/pb_m/thumb/x150/1523.png?time=202002171515" }