{ "description": "KID'S POEM & Story 아이들 영어시와 스토리를 소개하는 채널입니다\n들으면서 영어의 어휘를 자연스럽게 익힐 수 있는 방송입니다", "id": "1774907", "category": { "id": 1025, "name": "어학" }, "subscribes": 9, "is_adult_only": false, "episodes": [ { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27584/09teddybear.mp3", "title": "09_Teddy bear, teddy bear", "pubdate": "20200306" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27584/08ringaround.mp3", "title": "08_Ring around the rosie", "pubdate": "20200305" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27584/07row.mp3", "title": "07_Row row row your boat", "pubdate": "20200301" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27584/06humpty.mp3", "title": "06_Humpty Dumpty", "pubdate": "20200226" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27584/londonbridge.mp3", "title": "05_London bridge is falling down", "pubdate": "20200214" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27584/Maryhadalittlelamb.mp3", "title": "04_Mary had a little lamb", "pubdate": "20200207" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27584/BaaBaa.mp3", "title": "03_Baa Baa Black Sheep", "pubdate": "20200205" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27584/jackandjill.mp3", "title": "02_Jack and Jill", "pubdate": "20200205" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27584/twinkle.mp3", "title": "01_Twinkle Twinkle Little Star", "pubdate": "20200204" } ], "likes": 3, "updated_at": "2020-03-14 08:00:00", "title": "KID'S POEM&STORY 아이들 영어시&스토리", "created_at": "2020-02-04 15:03:09", "thumbnail": "http://img.podbbang.com/img/pb_m/thumb/x150/1774907.png?time=202002171533" }