{ "description": "[Arirang Radio] Let's learn useful Korean expressions in english with native speakers! 영어로 배우는 생활 한국어, 본토발음으로 제대로 배워보자!\n\n", "id": "1775474", "category": { "id": 1025, "name": "어학" }, "subscribes": 110, "is_adult_only": false, "episodes": [ { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ274.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 274] 결과 나왔어요? (Have you got a result yet?)", "pubdate": "20210203" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ273.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 173] 결과 나왔어요? (Have you got the result yet?)", "pubdate": "20210202" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KKQ172.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 172] 좀 비켜주세요 (Would you mind stepping back off a little pease?)", "pubdate": "20210201" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KKQ271.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 271] 걸어갈 수 있어요? (Can I walk there from here?)", "pubdate": "20210131" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ270.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 270] 아파트에 살아요 (I live in an apartment)", "pubdate": "20210130" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ269.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 269] 제가 사과할게요 (I wanna say sorry)", "pubdate": "20210129" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ268.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 268] 화 푸세요/화내지 마세요 (Don't get angry please)", "pubdate": "20210128" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ267.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 267] 언제 찾으러 올까요? (When should I come back to pick it up?)", "pubdate": "20210127" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ266.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 266] 고치는데 얼마나 들까요? (How much is it going to cost to fix it?)", "pubdate": "20210126" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ265.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 265] 고칠 수 있을까요? (Are you able to fix this?)", "pubdate": "20210125" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ264.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 264] 이거 다룰 줄 아세요? (Do you know how to work this?)", "pubdate": "20210124" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ263.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 263] 고장났어요 (It isn't working)", "pubdate": "20210123" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ262.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 262] 어떤 걸로 하시겠어요? (Which one would you like?)", "pubdate": "20210122" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ261.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 261] 짧게 잘라주세요/깎아주세요 (Cut it short please)", "pubdate": "20210121" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/kq260.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 260] 그게 요즘 유행이래요 (Hip, cool and fashionable)", "pubdate": "20210120" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/kq259.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 259] 점심/밤에 연락하세요 (Call me later/in the evening)", "pubdate": "20210119" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/kq258.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 258] 시간 좀 내주세요 (Can you spare some time?)", "pubdate": "20210118" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/kq257.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 257] 파이팅/잘하세요 (Good luck/Do well)", "pubdate": "20210117" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/kq256.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 256] 안부 전해주세요 (Can you say hi to someone for me)", "pubdate": "20210116" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/kq255.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 255] 별 계획이 없는데요 (I don't have any special plan)", "pubdate": "20210115" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/kq254.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 254] 외국인 전용인가요? (Is it exclusive for foreigners?)", "pubdate": "20210114" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/kq253.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 253] 어디서 알아봐야 합니까? (Where would I find out?)", "pubdate": "20210113" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/kq252.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 252] 외국인 담당직원 있습니까?", "pubdate": "20210112" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ251.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 251] 술 못 마셔요/김치 못 먹어요 (I can't drink/eat Kimchi)", "pubdate": "20210111" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ250.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 250] 영화 보러 갈까요? (Do you want to go see a movie?)", "pubdate": "20210110" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ249.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 249] 그냥 오세요/그냥요\t(Just bring yourself)", "pubdate": "20210109" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ248.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 248] 한턱 내세요 (You should treat)", "pubdate": "20210108" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ247.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 247] 어디하고 해요? (스포츠 경기) (Who are you playing against?)", "pubdate": "20210107" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ246.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 246] 태권도 해 봤어요? (Have you tried Taekwondo?)", "pubdate": "20210106" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ245.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 245] 저 따라오세요 (Follow me)", "pubdate": "20210105" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ244.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 244] 출퇴근 시간에는 그래요 (It's because of traffic jams)", "pubdate": "20210104" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ243.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 243] 뭐가 문제에요? 무슨 일이에요? (What's the problem?)", "pubdate": "20210104" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ242.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 242] 지금 갖다 주세요 (Would you mind bringing me ~?)", "pubdate": "20210102" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ241.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 241] ~어디에 두었어요? (Where did you put it?)", "pubdate": "20210101" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ240.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 240] 거의 다 왔어요/먹었어요 (We are almost there)", "pubdate": "20201231" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ239.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 239] 계속 가세요/앞으로 쭉 가세요 (Go straight)", "pubdate": "20201230" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ238.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 238] 불고기 만들 줄 알아요? (Can you make Bulgogi?)", "pubdate": "20201230" }, { "file": null, "title": "[Kore * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *", "pubdate": "20201229" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ236.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 236] 너무 맵지 않아요? (Is it too hot for you?", "pubdate": "20201229" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ235.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 235] 매워요/달아요/시어요/써요 (spicy/sweet/sour/bitter)", "pubdate": "20201226" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ234.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 234] 먼저 드세요 (Go ahead and start)", "pubdate": "20201225" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ233.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 233] 인삼은 몸에 좋아요 (Ginsen is good for you)", "pubdate": "20201224" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ232.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 232] 병원에 가 보셨나요? 가 보세요\t(Have you been to the hospital yet?)", "pubdate": "20201223" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ231.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 231] 감기/독감 걸렸어요 (I caught a cold/I have the flue)", "pubdate": "20201222" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ230.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 230] 저 혼자에요(형제관계) (I'm an only child)", "pubdate": "20201221" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ229.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 229] 몇 살이에요/연세가 어떻게 되세요?\t(How old are you?)", "pubdate": "20201220" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ228.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 228] 누구 닮았어요? (Who do you look like?)", "pubdate": "20201219" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ227.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 227] 귀여워요 (Cute)", "pubdate": "20201218" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ226.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 226] ~하지 마세요 (먹지, 늦지, 잊지)(Don't eat/be late/forget)", "pubdate": "20201218" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ225.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 225] 들어가도 돼요? 네, 들어오세요\t(Can I come in? Yes please come in)", "pubdate": "20201216" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ224.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 224] 오늘 한 잔 할까요? (Let's have a drink)", "pubdate": "20201216" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ223.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 223] 빨리 나으세요/몸조리 잘 하세요 (I hope that you get better soon)", "pubdate": "20201214" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ222.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 222] 푹 쉬세요 (Get a lot of rest)", "pubdate": "20201213" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ221.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 221] 정말 다행입니다 (What a relief)", "pubdate": "20201212" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ220.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 220] 갑자기 ~가 아파요 (Suddenly (my head) hurts)", "pubdate": "20201211" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ219.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 219] 피곤해 보이는데요 (You look tired)", "pubdate": "20201210" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ218.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 218] 보험/보험카드가 없는데요 (I don't have insurance/my insurance card)", "pubdate": "20201209" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ217.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 217] 언제든지요 (Anytime)", "pubdate": "20201208" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ216.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 216] 다른 데로 갈까요? (How about going some other place?)", "pubdate": "20201208" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ215.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 215] ~ 먹어봤어요? (Have you tried ~)", "pubdate": "20201205" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ214.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 214] 지금 배달돼요? (Are you available to deliver now?)", "pubdate": "20201204" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ213.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 213] '정말' 활용 (really)", "pubdate": "20201203" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ212.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 212] 아직요 (Not yet)", "pubdate": "20201202" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ211.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 211] 초대해주셔서 감사합니다 (Thank you for inviting me)", "pubdate": "20201201" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ210.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 210] ~에게 전해주세요 (Please give this to ~)", "pubdate": "20201130" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ209.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 209] 집에 아무도 없어요 (No one home)", "pubdate": "20201129" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ208.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 208] ~에 있을거에요(장소) (Someone's going to stay at ~)", "pubdate": "20201128" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ207.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 207] ~좋아해요? (Do you like~?)", "pubdate": "20201127" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ206.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 206] ~알아요? (Do you know~?)", "pubdate": "20201126" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ205.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 205] 정말 잘됐네요 (That's great)", "pubdate": "20201125" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ204.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 204] 저도 잘 모르겠어요 (I don't know that very well too)", "pubdate": "20201124" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ203.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 203] 무슨 일 생겼나요?/무슨 일이에요? (What's the matter?)", "pubdate": "20201123" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ202.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 202] 말도 안돼요 (No way)", "pubdate": "20201122" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ201.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 201] 저도 그렇게 생각해요 (I agree)", "pubdate": "20201121" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ200.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 200] 빨리 회복하세요 (I hope you feel better soon)", "pubdate": "20201120" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ199.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 199] 머리가/목이 아파요, 콧물이 나요 (I have a headache)", "pubdate": "20201119" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ198.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 198] 백원짜리 동전 있어요? (Do you have any 100 won coins?)", "pubdate": "20201119" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ197.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 197] 포장해 주세요 (Can you wrap that up for me please?)", "pubdate": "20201118" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ196areyoudonewithyourwork.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 196] 영화/회의 끝났어요? (Is the movie(meeting) over?)", "pubdate": "20201116" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ195whendoesitstart.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 195] 언제 시작해요? (When does it start?)", "pubdate": "20201115" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ194.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 194] 주차 좀 해주세요 (Can you park the car for me please?)", "pubdate": "20201114" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ193wouldyoumindmovingyourcarplease.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 193] 차 좀 빼주세요 (Would you mind moving your car please?)", "pubdate": "20201113" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ192isitalrighttopark.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 192] 여기 주차 됩니까? (Is it alright to park?)", "pubdate": "20201112" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ191.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 191] 화장실이 어디에요? (where is the restroom?)", "pubdate": "20201111" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ190.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 190] 카드/달러 받아요? (Do you accept dollars?)", "pubdate": "20201110" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ189.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 189] 깎아 주세요 (Discount please)", "pubdate": "20201109" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ188.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 188] 교환할 수 있어요? (Can I return this?)", "pubdate": "20201108" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ187.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 187] 환불 됩니까? (Is this refundable?)", "pubdate": "20201107" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ186.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 186] 미리 알려주세요 (Let me know in advance please)", "pubdate": "20201106" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ185.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 185] 편도로 주세요 (One way please)", "pubdate": "20201105" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ184.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 184] 왕복으로 주세요 (Round trip please)", "pubdate": "20201104" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ183.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 183] 서울 가는 표 있어요? (Do you have tickets for Seoul?)", "pubdate": "20201103" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ182.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 182] 앞에/뒤에/옆에 타세요 (Sit in the front/in the back please)", "pubdate": "20201102" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQu181.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 181] 소파 뒤에 보세요 (Look behind the sofa)", "pubdate": "20201101" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ180.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 180] 바로 앞/뒤/옆에 있어요 (in front of/behind/beside)", "pubdate": "20201031" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ179.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 179] 휴지통 여기 있어요 (Here is a wastebasket)", "pubdate": "20201030" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ178.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 178] 월요일부터 금요일까지 (from Monday to Friday)", "pubdate": "20201029" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ176.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 176] 드라이 해주세요 (Can you blow dry my hair please?)", "pubdate": "20201028" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ177.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 177] 언제 돼요? (When will it be ready?)", "pubdate": "20201028" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ175.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 175] 요일(월~일요일)\tdays of the week(monday~friday)", "pubdate": "20201028" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ174.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 174] 배터리가 없어요 (I have no battery)", "pubdate": "20201027" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ171.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 171] 필름 몇 장 남았어요? (How many pictures are left?)", "pubdate": "20201020" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ173.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 173] 필름 두 통 주세요\t(Can you give me two rolls please?)", "pubdate": "20201023" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ172.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 172] 필름이 다 됐어요 (There is no pictures left)", "pubdate": "20201022" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ170.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 170] 사진 좀 찍어주세요 (Could you please take a picture of us?)", "pubdate": "20201020" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ169.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 169] 볼 만해요? (It's worth seeing)", "pubdate": "20201019" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ168.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 168] 한국 지도 있어요? (Do you have a map of Korea?)", "pubdate": "20201018" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ167.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 167] 계산이 잘못된 것 같아요 (I think something's wrong)", "pubdate": "20201017" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ166.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 166] 같이 계산해주세요 (Ring it up together)", "pubdate": "20201016" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ165.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 165] 언제 나와요? (When will it be ready?)", "pubdate": "20201015" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ164.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 164] 거의 다 됐어요 (It's almost done)", "pubdate": "20201014" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ163.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 163] 얼마나 걸려요?/많이 기다려야 해요? (How long will it take?)", "pubdate": "20201013" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ162.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 162] 천천히/빨리 가주세요\t(Slower/Quickly please)", "pubdate": "20201012" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ161.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 161]~에 세워주세요 (Stop at ( ) please)", "pubdate": "20201011" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ160.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 160] 안전벨트 하세요 (Fasten your seat belt)", "pubdate": "20201010" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ159.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 159] 만 원어치 넣어주세요 (Put in \\10000 worth please)", "pubdate": "20201009" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ158.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 158] (기름, 가스) 가득 넣어주세요 (Fill it up please)", "pubdate": "20201008" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ157.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 157] 언제 도착해요? (When are you arriving?)", "pubdate": "20201007" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ156.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 156] 얼마나 걸리나요? (How long is it going to take?)", "pubdate": "20201006" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ155.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 155] 언제 출발해요? (When are you departing?)", "pubdate": "20201005" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ154.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 154] 십/백/천/만 (ten/hundred/thousand/ten thousand)", "pubdate": "20201004" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ153.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 153] 시간 말하기 (telling the time)", "pubdate": "20201003" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ152.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 152] 숫자 1 ~10 (one-ten)", "pubdate": "20201002" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ151.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 151] 한/두/세/네 (개)\t(One, two, three, four (thing))", "pubdate": "20201001" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ150.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 150] 저쪽으로/저리로 가세요 (Go that way)", "pubdate": "20200930" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ149.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 149] 이쪽으로/이리로 오세요 (Come this way)", "pubdate": "20200929" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ148.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 148] 어느 학교/회사에 다니세요? (Where are you at school?)", "pubdate": "20200928" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ147.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 147] 전공이 뭐에요? (What's your major?)", "pubdate": "20200927" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ146.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 146] 바람이 많이 불어요\t(The wind is really strong)", "pubdate": "20200926" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ145.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 145] 봄/여름/가을/겨울 (spring/summer/fall/winter)", "pubdate": "20200925" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ144.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 144] 먼저 갈게요 (I'm gonna leave now)", "pubdate": "20200924" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ143.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 143] 명함 있으세요? (Do you have a business card with you?)", "pubdate": "20200923" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ142.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 142] (커피, 잉크가) 떨어졌어요 (Coffee/Ink is running low)", "pubdate": "20200922" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ141.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 141] ~ 좀 빌려주세요 (Can I borrow something please?)", "pubdate": "20200921" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ140.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 140] 이거 써도 돼요? 쓰세요 (Can I use this? You can use it)", "pubdate": "20200920" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ139.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 139] 이따 다시 오세요 (Come back again later)", "pubdate": "20200919" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ138.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 138] 퇴근했어요 (She has left for the day)", "pubdate": "20200918" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ137.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 137] 오늘은 근무 안 해요 (I'm not at work today)", "pubdate": "20200917" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ136sheisonabusinesstrip.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 136] 출장 중입니다 (I'm on a business trip)", "pubdate": "20200916" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ135.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 135] 지금 통화 중입니다 (She's on another line now)", "pubdate": "20200915" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ134youhaveacalltakethephone.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 134] 전화 왔어요, 전화 받으세요 (You've got a call. Take the phone.)", "pubdate": "20200914" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ133.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 133] 작년/올해/내년 (last year, this year, next year)", "pubdate": "20200913" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ132.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 132] 하루/일주일/한 달/일 년 (day, week, month, year)", "pubdate": "20200912" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ131doyouhaveanyvacantroom.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 131] 빈 방 있어요? (Do you have any vacant room?)", "pubdate": "20200911" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ130.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 130] ~예약 됩니까? (Can I make a reservation?)", "pubdate": "20200910" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ129.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 129] 예약하려고 하는데요 (I want to make a reservation)", "pubdate": "20200909" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ128isthereanytravelagencyyouknow.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 128] 아는 여행사 있어요? (Is there a travel agency you know?)", "pubdate": "20200908" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ127.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 127] 같이 합시다/같이 갑시다 (Let's do/go it together)", "pubdate": "20200907" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ126.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 126] 취미가 뭐에요?(What's your hobbies?)", "pubdate": "20200906" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ125illthinkaboutit.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 125] 생각해볼게요 (I'll think about it)", "pubdate": "20200905" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ124thatmightbedifficult.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 124] 그건 곤란해요 (That might be difficult)", "pubdate": "20200904" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ123IHaveanappoinment.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 123] 약속이 있는데요 (I have an appoinment)", "pubdate": "20200903" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ122.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 122] 어떻게 지냈어요? (How have you been?)", "pubdate": "20200902" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ121.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 121] 오랜만입니다 (Long time no see)", "pubdate": "20200901" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ120canihavesomemore.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 120] 좀 더 주세요 (Can I have some more?)", "pubdate": "20200831" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ119itcameoutwrong.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 119] 음식이 잘못 나왔어요 (It came out wrong)", "pubdate": "20200830" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ118hasntitcomeoutyet.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 118] 아직 안 나왔어요? (Hasn't it come out yet?)", "pubdate": "20200829" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ117.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 117] 주문했어요? 비빔밥 주문했어요 (Did you order? I ordered Bibimbob)", "pubdate": "20200828" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ116illbuying.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 116] 오늘은 제가 살게요 (I'll buying)", "pubdate": "20200827" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ115isthisseatavailable.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 115] 여기 자리 비었어요? (Is this seat available?)", "pubdate": "20200826" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ114.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 114] ~출신입니다 (I'm from~)", "pubdate": "20200825" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ113.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 113] 저는 (국적)사람입니다 (I'm (Korean))", "pubdate": "20200823" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ112.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 112] 이 분은 ~입니다 (소개) (This Is ~)", "pubdate": "20200822" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ111.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 111] 생각해볼게요 (Let me think about it)", "pubdate": "20200821" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ110.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 110] 안 돼요, 일이 있어요 (I can't, I've something to do)", "pubdate": "20200819" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ109.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 109] 제가 도와드릴까요? (Do you need any help?)", "pubdate": "20200818" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ108.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 108] 좋은 생각이에요 (That's a great idea)", "pubdate": "20200817" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ107.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 107] 잘 모르겠어요 (I really don't know)", "pubdate": "20200816" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ106.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 106] 또 오세요 (Come again)", "pubdate": "20200815" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ105.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 105] 글쎄요 (I'm not sure)", "pubdate": "20200814" }, { "file": "https://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ104.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 104] 늦을 것 같아요 (I think I'm going to be late)", "pubdate": "20200813" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ134youhaveacalltakethephone.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 134] 전화 왔어요, 전화 받으세요 (You've got a call. Take the phone.)", "pubdate": "20200914" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ133.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 133] 작년/올해/내년 (last year, this year, next year)", "pubdate": "20200913" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ132.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 132] 하루/일주일/한 달/일 년 (day, week, month, year)", "pubdate": "20200912" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ131doyouhaveanyvacantroom.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 131] 빈 방 있어요? (Do you have any vacant room?)", "pubdate": "20200911" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ130.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 130] ~예약 됩니까? (Can I make a reservation?)", "pubdate": "20200910" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ129.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 129] 예약하려고 하는데요 (I want to make a reservation)", "pubdate": "20200909" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ128isthereanytravelagencyyouknow.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 128] 아는 여행사 있어요? (Is there a travel agency you know?)", "pubdate": "20200908" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ127.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 127] 같이 합시다/같이 갑시다 (Let's do/go it together)", "pubdate": "20200907" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ126.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 126] 취미가 뭐에요?(What's your hobbies?)", "pubdate": "20200906" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ125illthinkaboutit.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 125] 생각해볼게요 (I'll think about it)", "pubdate": "20200905" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ124thatmightbedifficult.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 124] 그건 곤란해요 (That might be difficult)", "pubdate": "20200904" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ123IHaveanappoinment.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 123] 약속이 있는데요 (I have an appoinment)", "pubdate": "20200903" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ122.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 122] 어떻게 지냈어요? (How have you been?)", "pubdate": "20200902" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ121.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 121] 오랜만입니다 (Long time no see)", "pubdate": "20200901" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ120canihavesomemore.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 120] 좀 더 주세요 (Can I have some more?)", "pubdate": "20200831" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ119itcameoutwrong.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 119] 음식이 잘못 나왔어요 (It came out wrong)", "pubdate": "20200830" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ118hasntitcomeoutyet.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 118] 아직 안 나왔어요? (Hasn't it come out yet?)", "pubdate": "20200829" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ117.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 117] 주문했어요? 비빔밥 주문했어요 (Did you order? I ordered Bibimbob)", "pubdate": "20200828" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ116illbuying.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 116] 오늘은 제가 살게요 (I'll buying)", "pubdate": "20200827" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ115isthisseatavailable.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 115] 여기 자리 비었어요? (Is this seat available?)", "pubdate": "20200826" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ114.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 114] ~출신입니다 (I'm from~)", "pubdate": "20200825" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ113.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 113] 저는 (국적)사람입니다 (I'm (Korean))", "pubdate": "20200823" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ112.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 112] 이 분은 ~입니다 (소개) (This Is ~)", "pubdate": "20200822" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ111.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 111] 생각해볼게요 (Let me think about it)", "pubdate": "20200821" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ110.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 110] 안 돼요, 일이 있어요 (I can't, I've something to do)", "pubdate": "20200819" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ109.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 109] 제가 도와드릴까요? (Do you need any help?)", "pubdate": "20200818" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ108.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 108] 좋은 생각이에요 (That's a great idea)", "pubdate": "20200817" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ107.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 107] 잘 모르겠어요 (I really don't know)", "pubdate": "20200816" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ106.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 106] 또 오세요 (Come again)", "pubdate": "20200815" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ105.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 105] 글쎄요 (I'm not sure)", "pubdate": "20200814" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ104.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 104] 늦을 것 같아요 (I think I'm going to be late)", "pubdate": "20200813" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ103.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 103] 꼭 들어보세요 (Make sure to listen)", "pubdate": "20200812" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ102.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 102] 죄송합니다 다시 말씀해주세요(Excuse me, would you mind saying that again?)", "pubdate": "20200811" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ101.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 101] 네, 알겠습니다 (OK, I see)", "pubdate": "20200810" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ100.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 100] 영수증 주세요 (Can I have a receipt please?)", "pubdate": "20200809" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ99.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 99] 봉지 하나 주세요 (Can I have a bag?)", "pubdate": "20200808" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ98.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 98] 계산해 주세요\t(I'd like to pay now please.)", "pubdate": "20200807" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ97.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 97] 이런 거 있어요? (Do you have one like this?)", "pubdate": "20200806" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ96.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 96] 여섯, 일곱, 여덟, 아홉, 열 (six, seven, eight, nine, ten)", "pubdate": "20200805" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ95.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 95] 하나, 둘, 셋, 넷, 다섯 (one, two, three, four, five)", "pubdate": "20200804" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ94.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 94] 기운내세요 (Cheer up)", "pubdate": "20200803" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ093.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 93] 좋은 일 있어요? (Do you have some good news?)", "pubdate": "20200802" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ092.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 92] 축하합니다/축하해요 (Congratulations)", "pubdate": "20200801" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ091.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 91] 다녀오겠습니다 (I'll be back)", "pubdate": "20200731" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KoreanQuilt090.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 90] 수고하세요 (Take care)", "pubdate": "20200730" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KoreanQuilt089.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 89] 다 했어요? (Are you all done?)", "pubdate": "20200729" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KoreanQuilt088.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 88] 불 좀 꺼주세요\t(Would you turn off the light please?)", "pubdate": "20200728" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KoreanQuilt087.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 87] 문 좀 닫아주세요 (Would you close the door please?)", "pubdate": "20200727" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KoreanQuilt086.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 86] 창문 좀 열어주세요\t(Would you open the window please?)", "pubdate": "20200726" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KoreanQuilt085.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 85] 길이 막혔어요 (There was a traffic jam)", "pubdate": "20200725" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KoreanQuilt084.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 84] 많이 기다렸어요? 미안합니다 (Have you been waiting long? I'm sorry)", "pubdate": "20200724" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KoreanQuilt083.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 83] 기다려주세요 (Please wait)", "pubdate": "20200723" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KoreanQuilt082.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 82] 잘 먹었어요 (It was a delicious meal)", "pubdate": "20200722" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KoreanQuilt081.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 81] 많이 드세요 (Help yourself)", "pubdate": "20200721" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ080.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 80] 소금 좀 주세요\t(Can I have some salt please?)", "pubdate": "20200720" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ079.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 79] 싱거워요 (It's bland)", "pubdate": "20200719" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ078.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 78] 좀/너무 짜요 (It's a little/too salty)", "pubdate": "20200718" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ077hopdtheredpepperpowderplz.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 77] 고춧가루 넣지 마세요 (Hold the red pepper powder please)", "pubdate": "20200717" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ07doesittastegood.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 76] 맛이 어때요? 맛있어요(\tDoes it taste good?It's delicious)", "pubdate": "20200716" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ075wouldUmindifIsitdownwithyou.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 75]같이 앉아도 돼요?(Would you mind if I sat down with you?)", "pubdate": "20200715" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ074.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 74] 여기 자리 있어요? (Is this seat free?)", "pubdate": "20200714" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ073.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 73] 쌀쌀해요 (It's a little bit chilly)", "pubdate": "20200713" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KQ072.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 72] 비가/눈이 와요 (It's raining / It's snowing)", "pubdate": "20200712" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KoreanQuilt071.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 71] 더워요/추워요 (It's hot / It's cold)", "pubdate": "20200711" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KoreanQuilt070.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 70] 좋아요/싫어요(기분, 상황) (That's good/Bad)", "pubdate": "20200710" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KoreanQuilt069.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 69] 좋아요/싫어요(선호) (I like~/I don't like~)", "pubdate": "20200709" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KoreanQuilt068.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 68] 요금이 얼마에요? (How much the fare is?)", "pubdate": "20200708" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KoreanQuilt067.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 67] 다 왔어요. 여기서 내려주세요 (Let me off here please)", "pubdate": "20200707" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KoreanQuilt066.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 66] 직진하세요/똑바로 가세요 (Please go straight)", "pubdate": "20200706" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KoreanQuilt065.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 65](인천공항)으로 가 주세요 (Can you take me to Incheon Airport?)", "pubdate": "20200705" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KoreanQuilt064.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 64] 어디에서 갈아타요? (Where do I transfer?)", "pubdate": "20200704" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KoreanQuilt063.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 63] 어디서 타요/내려요? (Where can I get on?)", "pubdate": "20200703" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KoreanQuilt062.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 62] 얼마나 멀어요?(How far is it?)", "pubdate": "20200702" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KoreanQuilt061.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 61] 여기서 가까워요? (Is it near here?)", "pubdate": "20200701" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KoreanQuilt060.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 60] 근처에 부동산 있어요? (Is there a real estate agent nearby?)", "pubdate": "20200602" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KoreanQuilt059.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 59] 여기가 어디에요? (Where are we right now?)", "pubdate": "20200601" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KoreanQuilt058.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 58] 어디에서 왔어요? (Where are you from?)", "pubdate": "20200531" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KoreanQuilt057.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 57] 성함이 어떻게 되세요? (May I ask your name?)", "pubdate": "20200530" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KoreanQuilt056.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 56] 이름이 뭐에요? (What's your name?)", "pubdate": "20200529" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KoreanQuilt055.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 55] 한국말로 뭐에요? (What is it in Korean?)", "pubdate": "20200528" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KoreanQuilt054.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 54] 잠시만요 (Just a moment)", "pubdate": "20200527" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KoreanQuilt053.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 53] 다음에 살게요 (I'd buy something next time)", "pubdate": "20200526" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KoreanQuilt052.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 52] 바꿔주세요 (Do you mind changing this for me?)", "pubdate": "20200525" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/Korean51.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 51] 좀/너무 작아요 (It's (a bit/too) small)", "pubdate": "20200524" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KoreanQuilt050.mp3", "title": "[Korean Qiult 50] 좀커요, 다른것 없어요?(It's a little bit big. Do you have another one?)", "pubdate": "20200523" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KoreanQuilt049.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 49] 다음에 만나요 (See you next time)", "pubdate": "20200522" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KoreanQuilt048.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 48] 그거 어디에서 사요? (Where can I but that?)", "pubdate": "20200521" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KoreanQuilt047.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 47] ~ 좀 보여주세요 (Please show me)", "pubdate": "20200520" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KoreanQuilt046.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 46] 너무~ (too/very~)", "pubdate": "20200519" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KoreanQuilt045.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 45] 이거/저거/그거 (this/that)", "pubdate": "20200518" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KoreanQuilt044.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 44] 좀/너무 비싸요 (It's a little bit expensive)", "pubdate": "20200517" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KoreanQuilt043.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 43] 마음에 들어요\t(I like it)", "pubdate": "20200516" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KoreanQuilt042.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 42] 어울려요 (It looks great on you)", "pubdate": "20200515" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KoreanQuilt041.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 41] 입어볼 수 있어요? (Can I Try This On?)", "pubdate": "20200514" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KoreanQuilt040.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 40] 천천히/빨리 (slowly/quickly)", "pubdate": "20200513" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KoreanQuilt039.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 39] 괜찮아요? (Are you OK?)", "pubdate": "20200512" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KoreanQuilt038.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 38] 조심하세요 (Be careful)", "pubdate": "20200511" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KoreanQuilt037.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 37] (김치가) 매워요 (It's spicy)", "pubdate": "20200510" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KoreanQuilt036.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 36] ~어때요 (How is~?)", "pubdate": "20200509" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KoreanQuilt035.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 35] 한국말 못 해요\t(I can't speak Korean)", "pubdate": "20200508" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KoreanQuilt034.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 34] 많이 파세요 (I hope you sell a lot)", "pubdate": "20200507" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KoreanQuilt033.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 33] 안녕히 주무세요/안녕히 주무셨어요?\t(Have a good sleep/Did you sleep well?)", "pubdate": "20200506" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KoreanQuilt032.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 32] ~좀 봐주세요 (Can you take a look at~?)", "pubdate": "20200505" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KoreanQuilt031.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 31] ~가 잘 안돼요 (~isn't working)", "pubdate": "20200504" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KoreanQuilt030.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 30] 들어가도 돼요?(Is it alright if I go in?)", "pubdate": "20200425" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KoreanQuilt029.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 29] ~를 잃어버렸어요 (I lost ~)", "pubdate": "20200424" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KoreanQuilt028.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 28] 시간있어요? (Are you free?)", "pubdate": "20200423" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KoreanQuilt027.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 27] 늦어서 미안합니다/괜찮아요 (Sorry for being late/That's alright)", "pubdate": "20200422" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KoreanQuilt026.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 26] 미안합니다/죄송합니다 (I'm sorry)", "pubdate": "20200421" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KoreanQuilt025.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 25]고맙습니다/감사합니다 (Thank you)", "pubdate": "20200420" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KoreanQuilt024.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 24] 안녕히 가세요/안녕히 계세요 (Good bye)", "pubdate": "20200419" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KoreanQuilt023.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 23] 요즘 바쁘지요? (Are you busy these days?)", "pubdate": "20200418" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KoreanQuilt022.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 22] 밥 먹으러 갈까요?\t(Do you want to go for a breakfast/lunch/dinner?)", "pubdate": "20200417" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KoreanQuilt021.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 21] 지금 안 계세요 (She/He's not here right now)", "pubdate": "20200416" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KoreanQuilt020.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 20] 네 전데요 (Speaking)", "pubdate": "20200415" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KoreanQuilt019.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 19]~있어요? 좀 바꿔 주세요 (Is ~there?Please put ~ on)", "pubdate": "20200414" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KoreanQuilt018.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 18] 여보세요, 거기 사무실이지요? (Hello, is this the office?)", "pubdate": "20200413" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KoreanQuilt017.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 17] 화장실이 어디 있어요?(Where is the restroom?)", "pubdate": "20200412" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KoreanQuilt016.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 16] 뭐 타고 갈까요? (How shall we go there?)", "pubdate": "20200411" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KoreanQuilt015.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 15] 뭐 타고 왔어요? (How did you come here?)", "pubdate": "20200410" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KoreanQuilt014.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 14] 뭐 좋아해요? (What do you like?)", "pubdate": "20200409" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KoreanQuilt013.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 13] 같이 운동할까요? (Do you want to exercise together?)", "pubdate": "20200408" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KoreanQuilt012.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 12] 뭐 하고 싶어요? (What do you want to do?)", "pubdate": "20200407" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KoreanQuilt011.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 11] 빨리 해주세요 (Hurry up, please)", "pubdate": "20200406" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KoreanQuilt010.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 10] 전화해주세요 (Give me a call)", "pubdate": "20200406" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KoreanQuilt009.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 9] 비빔밥 되요? (Do you have BIBIMBOB?)", "pubdate": "20200405" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KoreanQuilt008.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 8] 여기는 뭐가 맛있어요?(What's good here?)", "pubdate": "20200404" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KoreanQuilt007.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 7] 여기요, 주문받으세요. (Excuse me, could you take my order?)", "pubdate": "20200403" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KoreanQuilt006.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 6] 비빔밥 어떠세요? (How about some Bibimbob?)", "pubdate": "20200402" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KoreanQuilt005.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 5] 한국에 가족이 없어요.(I'm here in Korea by myself.)", "pubdate": "20200401" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KoreanQuilt04.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 4] 티셔츠 있어요?(Do you have any T-shirts?)", "pubdate": "20200331" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KoreanQuilt003.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 3] 지금 몇 시에요? (What time is it now?)", "pubdate": "20200330" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KoreanQuilt002.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 2] 무슨 일을 하세요? (What do you do?)", "pubdate": "20200326" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_27847/KoreanQuilt001.mp3", "title": "[Korean Quilt 1] 안녕하세요 (How are you?)", "pubdate": "20200326" } ], "likes": 23, "updated_at": "2021-02-03 10:27:32", "title": "Korean Quilt", "created_at": "2020-03-20 14:27:50", "thumbnail": "http://img.podbbang.com/img/pb_m/thumb/x200/1775474.png?_v=1599483990?_v=1599404760" }