{ "description": "It is difficult to find someone from the West that both understands and can elegantly express the theory behind an Eastern mystical tradition. It is even more difficult to find a modern mystic. In Swami Tripurari we have both: a traditional mystic who can articulate the teachings of an ancient spiritual tradition. A compelling speaker, to hear him and be in his presence is itself a spiritual experience.\n\nSwami Tripurari met his initiating guru, Srila A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, in the spring of 1972. He relates that he felt as though he had met a long-lost friend, as Srila Prabhupada blessed him with his all-knowing glance. Over the years of service that followed, Srila Prabhupada showered him with affection and repeatedly expressed his appreciation for his selfless service and ability to inspire others. In 1974 Srila Prabhupada instructed him in a widely circulated letter, “So you organize freely. You are the incarnation of book distribution. Take the leadership and do the needful.” Accordingly, Swami Tripurari has set an example of one who is independently thoughtful and capable of making an insightful literary contribution to the world. In 1975 Swami Tripurari was initiated by Srila Prabhupada into the renounced order of sannyasa.", "id": "796", "category": { "id": 1033, "name": "종교" }, "subscribes": 0, "is_adult_only": false, "episodes": [ { "file": "http://saragrahi.com/podcasts/111231SB%201.5.25_%20Narada%27s%20Becomes%20Purified%20by%20the%20Sadhus%27%20Remnants.mp3", "title": "Canto 1, Chapter 5, Verse 25: Narada\"s Becomes Purified by the Sadhus\" Remnants", "pubdate": "20120101" }, { "file": "http://saragrahi.com/podcasts/111227SB%201.5.24_%20Narada%27s%20Favorable%20Qualities.mp3", "title": "Canto 1, Chapter 5, Verse 24: Narada\"s Favorable Qualities", "pubdate": "20111228" }, { "file": "http://saragrahi.com/podcasts/111225SB%201.5.23_%20How%20Narada%20Received%20His%20Seed%20of%20Bhakti.mp3", "title": "Srimad Bhagavatam: 1.5.23: How Narada Received His Seed of Bhakti", "pubdate": "20111226" }, { "file": "http://saragrahi.com/podcasts/111124BG%20Thanksgiving%20and%20the%20Gita.mp3", "title": "Bhagavad-gita: Thanksgiving and the Gita", "pubdate": "20111125" }, { "file": "http://saragrahi.com/podcasts/111123SB%201.5.18-19_%20The%20Super-excellence%20of%20Bhakti.mp3", "title": "Srimad Bhagavatam: 1.5.18-19 - 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