{ "subscribes": 0, "updated_at": "2012-11-17 14:00:00", "id": "1156", "likes": 1, "description": "Gain a unique insider's perspective on Duke Basketball and download Blue Devil hoops videos to your iPod. The Blue Planet Passport features videos on the Duke experience, the Cameron Crazies, the Duke Basketball culture, and also offers player video blog entries filmed by members of our team.", "episodes": [], "created_at": "2012-02-24 10:40:09", "category": { "name": "스포츠/레저", "id": 1030 }, "is_adult_only": false, "title": "dukeblueplanet's Podcast", "thumbnail": "http://img.podbbang.com/img/pb_m/thumb/x150/1156.png?time=202002171556" }