{ "subscribes": 5, "updated_at": "2019-11-16 06:35:19", "id": "1205", "likes": 0, "description": "Daily scripture readings, psalms, and prayers that follow in the ancient traditions of the Church yet made to feel contemporary through talented readers and remarkable music. Follow along using the session outlines at DivineOffice.org. \n\nFrom ancient times the Church has had the custom of celebrating each day the liturgy of the hours. In this way the Church fulfills the Lord's precept to pray without ceasing, at once offering praise to God the Father and interceding for the salvation of the world. For this expressed purpose, the recordings of the Hours presented here are intended to expand awareness of this Liturgy, introduce and practice the structure of this prayer, and to assist in the recitation of the Liturgy in small groups, domestic prayer and where common celebration is not possible.", "episodes": [ { "file": "http://media.blubrry.com/divineoffice/traffic.libsyn.com/divineoffice/divine-ip-ord-w01-w03-sun.mp3", "title": "Nov 17, Invitatory for Sunday of the 33rd week of Ordinary Time", "pubdate": "20191116" }, { "file": "http://media.blubrry.com/divineoffice/traffic.libsyn.com/divineoffice/divine-ord-w33-sun-or.mp3", "title": "Nov 17, Office of Readings for Sunday of the 33rd week of Ordinary Time", "pubdate": "20191116" }, { "file": "http://media.blubrry.com/divineoffice/traffic.libsyn.com/divineoffice/divine-ord-w33-sun-mp.mp3", "title": "Nov 17, Morning Prayer for Sunday of the 33rd week of Ordinary Time", "pubdate": "20191116" }, { "file": "http://media.blubrry.com/divineoffice/traffic.libsyn.com/divineoffice/divine-ord-w33-sun-dp1.mp3", "title": "Nov 17, Midmorning Prayer for Sunday of the 33rd week of Ordinary Time", "pubdate": "20191116" }, { "file": "http://media.blubrry.com/divineoffice/traffic.libsyn.com/divineoffice/divine-ord-w33-sun-dp2.mp3", "title": "Nov 17, Midday Prayer for Sunday of the 33rd week of Ordinary Time", "pubdate": "20191116" }, { "file": "http://media.blubrry.com/divineoffice/traffic.libsyn.com/divineoffice/divine-ord-w33-sun-dp3.mp3", "title": "Nov 17, Midafternoon Prayer for Sunday of the 33rd week of Ordinary Time", "pubdate": "20191116" }, { "file": "http://media.blubrry.com/divineoffice/traffic.libsyn.com/divineoffice/divine-ord-w33-sun-ep2.mp3", "title": "Nov 17, Evening Prayer for Sunday of the 33rd week of Ordinary Time", "pubdate": "20191116" }, { "file": "http://media.blubrry.com/divineoffice/traffic.libsyn.com/divineoffice/divine-ord-sun-np2.w1-w3.mp3", "title": "Nov 17, Night Prayer for Sunday of the 33rd week of Ordinary Time", "pubdate": "20191116" }, { "file": "http://media.blubrry.com/divineoffice/traffic.libsyn.com/divineoffice/divine-ip-ord-w02-w04-sat.psalm100.mp3", "title": "Nov 16, Invitatory for Saturday of the 32nd week of Ordinary Time", "pubdate": "20191116" }, { "file": "http://media.blubrry.com/divineoffice/traffic.libsyn.com/divineoffice/divine-ord-w32-sat-or.mp3", "title": "Nov 16, Office of Readings for Saturday of the 32nd week of Ordinary Time", "pubdate": "20191116" }, { "file": "http://media.blubrry.com/divineoffice/traffic.libsyn.com/divineoffice/divine-ord-w04-sat-mp.mp3", "title": "Nov 16, Morning Prayer for Saturday of the 32nd week of Ordinary Time", "pubdate": "20191116" }, { "file": "http://media.blubrry.com/divineoffice/traffic.libsyn.com/divineoffice/divine-ord-w04-sat-dp1.mp3", "title": "Nov 16, Midmorning Prayer for Saturday of the 32nd week of Ordinary Time", "pubdate": "20191116" }, { "file": "http://media.blubrry.com/divineoffice/traffic.libsyn.com/divineoffice/divine-ord-w04-sat-dp2.mp3", "title": "Nov 16, Midday Prayer for Saturday of the 32nd week of Ordinary Time", "pubdate": "20191116" }, { "file": "http://media.blubrry.com/divineoffice/traffic.libsyn.com/divineoffice/divine-ord-w04-sat-dp3.mp3", "title": "Nov 16, Midafternoon Prayer for Saturday of the 32nd week of Ordinary Time", "pubdate": "20191116" }, { "file": "http://media.blubrry.com/divineoffice/traffic.libsyn.com/divineoffice/divine-ord-w33-sun-ep1.mp3", "title": "Nov 16, Evening Prayer for Saturday of the 32nd week of Ordinary Time", "pubdate": "20191116" }, { "file": "http://media.blubrry.com/divineoffice/traffic.libsyn.com/divineoffice/divine-ord-sun-np1.mp3", "title": "Nov 16, Night Prayer for Saturday of the 32nd week of Ordinary Time", "pubdate": "20191116" }, { "file": "http://media.blubrry.com/divineoffice/traffic.libsyn.com/divineoffice/divine-ip-ord-w02-w04-fri.psalm095.mp3", "title": "Nov 15, Invitatory for Friday of the 32nd week of Ordinary Time", "pubdate": "20191116" }, { "file": "http://media.blubrry.com/divineoffice/traffic.libsyn.com/divineoffice/divine-ord-w32-fri-or.mp3", "title": "Nov 15, Office of Readings for Friday of the 32nd week of Ordinary Time", "pubdate": "20191116" }, { "file": "http://media.blubrry.com/divineoffice/traffic.libsyn.com/divineoffice/divine-ord-w04-fri-mp.mp3", "title": "Nov 15, Morning Prayer for Friday of the 32nd week of Ordinary Time", "pubdate": "20191116" }, { "file": "http://media.blubrry.com/divineoffice/traffic.libsyn.com/divineoffice/divine-ord-w04-fri-dp1.mp3", "title": "Nov 15, Midmorning Prayer for Friday of the 32nd week of Ordinary Time", "pubdate": "20191116" }, { "file": "http://media.blubrry.com/divineoffice/traffic.libsyn.com/divineoffice/divine-ord-w04-fri-dp2.mp3", "title": "Nov 15, Midday Prayer for Friday of the 32nd week of Ordinary Time", "pubdate": "20191116" }, { "file": "http://media.blubrry.com/divineoffice/traffic.libsyn.com/divineoffice/divine-ord-w04-fri-dp3.mp3", "title": "Nov 15, Midafternoon Prayer for Friday of the 32nd week of Ordinary Time", "pubdate": "20191116" }, { "file": "http://media.blubrry.com/divineoffice/traffic.libsyn.com/divineoffice/divine-ord-w04-fri-ep2.mp3", "title": "Nov 15, Evening Prayer for Friday of the 32nd week of Ordinary Time", "pubdate": "20191116" }, { "file": "http://media.blubrry.com/divineoffice/traffic.libsyn.com/divineoffice/divine-ord-fri-np.w2-w4.mp3", "title": "Nov 15, Night Prayer for Friday of the 32nd week of Ordinary Time", "pubdate": "20191116" } ], "created_at": "2012-02-24 10:42:11", "category": { "name": "종교", "id": 1033 }, "is_adult_only": false, "title": "Divine Office – Liturgy of the Hours of the Roman Catholic Church (Breviary)", "thumbnail": "http://img.podbbang.com/img/pb_m/thumb/x150/1205.png?time=202002171607" }