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Clinton and a professor at Georgetown University Center of Law.", "episodes": [ { "file": "", "title": "Competing Visions for the U.S. Economy and Implications for the 2012 Elections", "pubdate": "20120601" }, { "file": "http://images2.americanprogress.org/CAP/2012/06/Event_2012_06_29.mp3", "title": "Unfair Criminalization of LGBT Youth", "pubdate": "20120630" }, { "file": "http://images2.americanprogress.org/CAP/2012/06/Event_2012_06_25.mp3", "title": "Ex-Im Chief Hochberg on U.S. Export Finance Strategy amid the Emergence of State-Driven Capitalism", "pubdate": "20120626" }, { "file": "http://images2.americanprogress.org/CAP/2012/06/Event_2012_06_21.mp3", "title": "Playing Fair: Title IX Now", "pubdate": "20120622" }, { "file": "http://images2.americanprogress.org/CAP/2012/06/Event_2012_06_20_CAP.mp3", "title": "To the Source: Exploring Energy and Movement with Dance Exchange’s Cassie Meador", "pubdate": "20120621" }, { "file": "http://images2.americanprogress.org/CAP/2012/06/Event_2012_06_14_Religion.mp3", "title": "Religious Liberty: What It Is and Isn’t", "pubdate": "20120615" }, { "file": "http://images2.americanprogress.org/CAP/2012/06/Event_2012_So_Rich.mp3", "title": "So Rich, So Poor", "pubdate": "20120612" }, { "file": "http://images2.americanprogress.org/CAP/2012/06/Event_2012_06_08.mp3", "title": "U.S.-India Strategic Dialogue: A Conversation with Ambassadors Nirupama Rao and Nancy Powell", "pubdate": "20120609" }, { "file": "http://images2.americanprogress.org/CAP/2012/06/Event_2012_06_08_Economy.mp3", "title": "The Price of Inequality", "pubdate": "20120609" }, { "file": "http://images2.americanprogress.org/CAP/2012/06/Event_2012_06_07.mp3", "title": "Competency Based Education", "pubdate": "20120609" }, { "file": "http://images2.americanprogress.org/CAP/2012/06/Event_2012_06_05.mp3", "title": "U.S. Policy on Egypt’s Transition", "pubdate": "20120606" }, { "file": 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