{ "subscribes": 2, "updated_at": "2014-04-15 07:08:11", "id": "2603", "likes": 1, "description": "MMC believes that the blood of Jesus and His Teachings are only ways to restore the hopes of people. God wants to spread the joy and hope of Good News to the people of New York through this church.. A change and transformation in the spirit of one person will contribute in bringing God’s Kingdom to this place of education, art, economy, politics, culture, society, and family. MMC will bring about an abundant fruits of life with the blood of Jesus on the Cross, so that this city may become a true land of hope. And this hope will spread to the ends of the earth. This is the vision and reason for existence of Manhattan Mission Church.", "episodes": [ { "file": "http://www.mmcnyc.org/mmc_media/mp3/IM/03_31_13_IM.mp3", "title": "Receive, and Enjoy Jesus Christ by faith", "pubdate": "20130402" }, { "file": "http://www.mmcnyc.org/mmc_media/mp3/IM/03_17_13_IM.mp3", "title": "Be Like a Solid Rock", "pubdate": "20130318" }, { "file": "http://www.mmcnyc.org/mmc_media/mp3/IM/03_10_13_IM.mp3", "title": "The Power of Rest", "pubdate": "20130311" }, { "file": "http://www.mmcnyc.org/mmc_media/mp3/IM/03_03_13_IM.mp3", "title": "Jesus’ Nine Prayers", "pubdate": "20130305" }, { "file": "http://www.mmcnyc.org/mmc_media/mp3/IM/02_24_13_IM.mp3", "title": "Four principles on how to overcome fears and anxieties", "pubdate": "20130302" }, { "file": "http://www.mmcnyc.org/mmc_media/mp3/IM/02_17_13_IM.mp3", "title": "Are you in Heaven?", "pubdate": "20130224" }, { "file": "http://www.mmcnyc.org/mmc_media/mp3/IM/02_10_13_IM.mp3", "title": "A Picture is worth a thousand words", "pubdate": "20130219" }, { "file": "http://www.mmcnyc.org/mmc_media/mp3/IM/02_03_13_IM.mp3", "title": "Winning over Guilt", "pubdate": "20130205" }, { "file": "http://www.mmcnyc.org/mmc_media/mp3/IM/01_27_13_IM.mp3", "title": "A mustard seed", "pubdate": "20130130" }, { "file": "http://www.mmcnyc.org/mmc_media/mp3/IM/01_13_13_IM.mp3", "title": "Leave it alone for one more year", "pubdate": "20130113" } ], "created_at": "2012-03-07 12:30:43", "category": { "name": "종교", "id": 1033 }, "is_adult_only": false, "title": "Manhattan Mission Church", "thumbnail": "http://img.podbbang.com/img/pb_m/thumb/x150/2603.png?time=202002171610" }