{ "subscribes": 10, "updated_at": "2021-02-08 05:46:12", "id": "5933", "likes": 1, "description": "Weekly podcasts of HolyWave Sunday worship service for English community in Sa-Rang Community Church. We hope and pray that you will be encouraged, blessed and inspired through these pdocasts. You can find out more information and other worship services at www.sarang.com or m.sarang.com.", "episodes": [ { "file": "https://media.sarang.com/sermon/2021/0411hw-2h.mp3", "title": "Chosen By God", "pubdate": "20210412" }, { "file": "https://media.sarang.com/sermon/2021/0404hw-2h.mp3", "title": "God\\'s Amazing Grace", "pubdate": "20210406" }, { "file": "https://media.sarang.com/sermon/2021/0328hw-1h.mp3", "title": "Why Do You Love Me?", "pubdate": "20210329" }, { "file": "https://media.sarang.com/sermon/2021/0321hw-2h.mp3", "title": "A Fast That Moves God\\'s Heart", "pubdate": "20210322" }, { "file": "https://media.sarang.com/sermon/2021/0314hw-2h.mp3", "title": "Fasting for Intimacy", "pubdate": "20210315" }, { "file": "https://media.sarang.com/sermon/2021/0307hw-1h.mp3", "title": "Do You Know Who You Are Meeting With?", "pubdate": "20210315" }, { "file": "https://media.sarang.com/sermon/2021/0228hw-1h.mp3", "title": "Purity and Intimacy", "pubdate": "20210301" }, { "file": "https://media.sarang.com/sermon/2021/0221hw-1h.mp3", "title": "The Bottomless Sacrificial Love of God", "pubdate": "20210222" }, { "file": "https://media.sarang.com/sermon/2021/0214hw-1h.mp3", "title": "The Priority of Intimacy", "pubdate": "20210215" }, { "file": "https://media.sarang.com/sermon/2021/0207hw-1h.mp3", "title": "The Pursuit of Intimacy", "pubdate": "20210208" }, { "file": "https://media.sarang.com/sermon/2021/0131hw-1h.mp3", "title": "Unite in Love and Show Christ to the World", "pubdate": "20210201" }, { "file": "https://media.sarang.com/sermon/2021/0124hw-1h.mp3", "title": "Rise, Make Your Bed", "pubdate": "20210125" }, { "file": "https://media.sarang.com/sermon/2021/0117hw-1h.mp3", "title": "Light Where We Are", "pubdate": "20210118" }, { "file": "https://media.sarang.com/sermon/2021/0110hw-1h.mp3", "title": "Light in Our Brokenness", "pubdate": "20210111" }, { "file": "https://media.sarang.com/sermon/2021/0103hw-1h.mp3", "title": "Light in the Darkness", "pubdate": "20210104" }, { "file": "https://media.sarang.com/sermon/2020/1227hw-2h.mp3", "title": "The Power of Remembering", "pubdate": "20201228" }, { "file": "https://media.sarang.com/sermon/2020/1220hw-1h.mp3", "title": "The Good News of Christmas in 2020", "pubdate": "20201221" }, { "file": "https://media.sarang.com/sermon/2020/1213hw-1h.mp3", "title": "Take Care of Those Who Provide Care for Your Soul", "pubdate": "20201214" }, { "file": "https://media.sarang.com/sermon/2020/1206hw-2h.mp3", "title": "Take Heed to Take Care of Your Soul", "pubdate": "20201207" }, { "file": "https://media.sarang.com/sermon/2020/1129hw-1h.mp3", "title": "Becoming Antioch (Part II)", "pubdate": "20201130" }, { "file": "https://media.sarang.com/sermon/2020/1122hw-2h.mp3", "title": "Finding Peace in Times of Trouble", "pubdate": "20201123" }, { "file": "https://media.sarang.com/sermon/2020/1115hw-1h.mp3", "title": "Open Heart, Open Ears", "pubdate": "20201120" }, { "file": "https://media.sarang.com/sermon/2020/1108hw-1h.mp3", "title": "Kingdom Goals Under Earthly Leadership", "pubdate": "20201109" }, { "file": "https://media.sarang.com/sermon/2020/1101hw-2h.mp3", "title": "Becoming a Praying Church", "pubdate": "20201102" }, { "file": "https://media.sarang.com/sermon/2020/1025hw-2h.mp3", "title": "The Barnabas Way", "pubdate": "20201028" }, { "file": "https://media.sarang.com/sermon/2020/1018hw-2h.mp3", "title": "Becoming Antioch", "pubdate": "20201019" }, { "file": "https://media.sarang.com/sermon/2020/1011hw-1h.mp3", "title": "Prepared to Witness", "pubdate": "20201012" }, { "file": "https://media.sarang.com/sermon/2020/1004hw-2h.mp3", "title": "God In Our Persecution", "pubdate": "20201005" }, { "file": "https://media.sarang.com/sermon/2020/0927hw-1h.mp3", "title": "Receiving the Holy Spirit", "pubdate": "20200928" }, { "file": "https://media.sarang.com/sermon/2020/0920hw-2h.mp3", "title": "We Are All Witnesses", "pubdate": "20200921" }, { "file": "https://media.sarang.com/sermon/2020/0913hw-2h.mp3", "title": "Diaspora: The Church as Scattered Seeds", "pubdate": "20200914" }, { "file": "https://media.sarang.com/sermon/2020/0906hw-2h.mp3", "title": "Divine Disruption", "pubdate": "20200907" }, { "file": "https://media.sarang.com/sermon/2020/0830hw-1h.mp3", "title": "The Temple, Jesus and the Church", "pubdate": "20200831" }, { "file": "https://media.sarang.com/sermon/2020/0823hw-1h.mp3", "title": "The Sweetness of Persecution", "pubdate": "20200824" }, { "file": "https://media.sarang.com/sermon/2020/0816hw-1h.mp3", "title": "Growing Pains", "pubdate": "20200817" }, { "file": "https://media.sarang.com/sermon/2020/0809hw-1h.mp3", "title": "Instruments of the Gospel", "pubdate": "20200810" }, { "file": "https://media.sarang.com/sermon/2020/0802hw-1h.mp3", "title": "An Internal Threat to the Church", "pubdate": "20200803" }, { "file": "https://media.sarang.com/sermon/2020/0726hw-2h.mp3", "title": "Jesus, the Church, and Cancel 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"pubdate": "20191118" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2019/1110hw-1h.mp3", "title": "Words to the Rich", "pubdate": "20191111" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2019/1103hw-1h.mp3", "title": "Giving vs. Tithing", "pubdate": "20191104" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2019/1027hw-2h.mp3", "title": "It Begins With Repentance", "pubdate": "20191028" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2019/1020hw-2h.mp3", "title": "Into the Wilderness", "pubdate": "20191021" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2019/1013hw-2h.mp3", "title": "Living as the Beloved of God", "pubdate": "20191014" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2019/1006hw-1h.mp3", "title": "Touching Jesus vs. Touching Jesus", "pubdate": "20191007" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2019/0929hw-2h.mp3", "title": "Supporting Actor", "pubdate": "20190930" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2019/0922hw-2h.mp3", "title": "Wisdom Shall Build the House", "pubdate": "20190923" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2019/0915hw-1h.mp3", "title": "The Blessing of Obedience", "pubdate": "20190916" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2019/0908hw-2h.mp3", "title": "Living H2O & Fruit from God", "pubdate": "20190909" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2019/0901hw-1h.mp3", "title": "How We Are to Approach God in Worship", "pubdate": "20190902" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2019/0825hw-2h.mp3", "title": "Restoring Eden", "pubdate": "20190826" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2019/0818hw-1h.mp3", "title": "Rise Up O Army of God", "pubdate": "20190819" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2019/0811hw-2h.mp3", "title": "Extravagant Devotion", "pubdate": "20190812" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2019/0804hw-2h.mp3", "title": "Living Large vs Living Right", "pubdate": "20190805" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2019/0728hw-1h.mp3", "title": "Pursue the Maturity of 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"http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2019/0602hw-1h.mp3", "title": "God Places the Solitary in Families", "pubdate": "20190604" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2019/0526hw-1h.mp3", "title": "The Cross: God\\\\\"s Invitation to the People Who Were Not Accepted into the World", "pubdate": "20190527" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2019/0519hw-2h.mp3", "title": "Adoption: The Heart of the Gospel", "pubdate": "20190520" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2019/0512hw-1h.mp3", "title": "Good Moms, Godly Moms", "pubdate": "20190513" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2019/0505hw-1h.mp3", "title": "Follow Me: The Call of Discipleship", "pubdate": "20190506" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2019/0428hw-2h.mp3", "title": "Seeking the Renewal of God in All Things", "pubdate": "20190429" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2019/0421hw-2h.mp3", "title": "Reasoning Through the Resurrection", "pubdate": "20190422" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2019/0414hw-1h.mp3", "title": "To Walk the Talk", "pubdate": "20190416" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2019/0407hw-1h.mp3", "title": "LOVE To Show the Truth", "pubdate": "20190408" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2019/0331hw-2h.mp3", "title": "Why Water Baptism?", "pubdate": "20190401" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2019/0324hw-1h.mp3", "title": "Clearing Away the Clutter of Materialism", "pubdate": "20190325" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2019/0317hw-2h.mp3", "title": "Running on Empty?", "pubdate": "20190318" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2019/0310hw-2h.mp3", "title": "Time is of the Essence", "pubdate": "20190311" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2019/0303hw-2h.mp3", "title": "Tidying Up With Jesus", "pubdate": "20190304" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2019/0224hw-1h.mp3", "title": "The Rumble in the Grumble", "pubdate": "20190225" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2019/0217hw-1h.mp3", "title": "Joy Comes with the Mourning", "pubdate": "20190218" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2019/0210hw-2h.mp3", "title": "When We Pray", "pubdate": "20190211" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2019/0203hw-1h.mp3", "title": "Soul Care II: The Power of Acceptance", "pubdate": "20190204" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2019/0127hw-2h.mp3", "title": "Walking in the Spirit and Power of Elijah", "pubdate": "20190128" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2019/0120hw-1h.mp3", "title": "Inheritance: Preparing to Possess", "pubdate": "20190121" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2019/0113hw-2h.mp3", "title": "We Become What We Behold", "pubdate": "20190114" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2019/0106hw-2h.mp3", "title": "Becoming Like Jesus: 153", "pubdate": "20190110" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2018/1230hw-2h.mp3", "title": "Immanuel: God With Us", "pubdate": "20190102" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2018/1223hw-2h.mp3", "title": "No Vacancy", "pubdate": "20181229" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2018/1216hw-1h.mp3", "title": "Mary Did You Know?", "pubdate": "20181217" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2018/1209hw-2h.mp3", "title": "The Power of Living In Hope", "pubdate": "20181212" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2018/1202hw-1h.mp3", "title": "The God of Our Past, Present, and Future", "pubdate": "20181203" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2018/1118hw-1h.mp3", "title": "How Then Shall We Pray?", "pubdate": "20181120" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2018/1111hw-2h.mp3", "title": "The Weight of Waiting", "pubdate": "20181114" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2018/1104hw-1h.mp3", "title": "The Ministry of Hospitality", "pubdate": "20181105" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2018/1028hw-1h.mp3", "title": "A House That Feeds the 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"pubdate": "20180910" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2018/0902hw-1h.mp3", "title": "Old School Worship Translated to New Culture", "pubdate": "20180904" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2018/0826hw-2h.mp3", "title": "Ichabod: When the Glory Departs", "pubdate": "20180827" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2018/0819hw-1h.mp3", "title": "The Pathway to True Glory", "pubdate": "20180820" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2018/0812hw-1h.mp3", "title": "Whatever Happened to the Glory of God In My Life?", "pubdate": "20180813" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2018/0805hw-2h.mp3", "title": "Contending for the Greater Glory (2)", "pubdate": "20180806" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2018/0729hw-2h.mp3", "title": "Contending for the Greater Glory", "pubdate": "20180730" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2018/0722hw-1h.mp3", "title": "Whatever Happened to the Glory of God?", "pubdate": "20180723" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2018/0715hw-1h.mp3", "title": "Inheritance to the Nations", "pubdate": "20180716" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2018/0708hw-1h.mp3", "title": "Trust to Impact", "pubdate": "20180709" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2018/0701hw-1h.mp3", "title": "Impact (Part 8): Intimacy to Impact", "pubdate": "20180702" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2018/0624hw-2h.mp3", "title": "Impact (Part 7): Tapping into God’s Authority and Power", "pubdate": "20180625" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2018/0617hw-1h.mp3", "title": "Impact (Part 6): The Hardest Ones to Reach", "pubdate": "20180618" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2018/0610hw-2h.mp3", "title": "Impact (Part 5): Come Like a Fire", "pubdate": "20180611" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2018/0603hw-1h.mp3", "title": "Impact (Part 4): The Crucified Life", "pubdate": "20180604" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2018/0527hw-1h.mp3", "title": "Impact (Part 3): Become a House that Impacts the Nations", "pubdate": "20180528" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2018/0520hw-2h.mp3", "title": "Impact (Part 2): Like a Mighty Rushing Wind", "pubdate": "20180521" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2018/0513hw-1h.mp3", "title": "Impact (Part 1): 2nd Chances in the House of God", "pubdate": "20180514" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2018/0506hw-1h.mp3", "title": "Contending for the Promises of God", "pubdate": "20180507" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2018/0429hw-2h.mp3", "title": "Don\\\\\"t Settle Now, For the Best is Yet to Come", "pubdate": "20180430" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2018/0422hw-2h.mp3", "title": "Let the Little Ones Come to Me", "pubdate": "20180423" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2018/0415hw-2h.mp3", "title": "Built to Last (Part 2): Getting to the Finish Line", "pubdate": "20180416" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2018/0408hw-2h.mp3", "title": "Built to Last (Part 1): The Foundation Matters", "pubdate": "20180409" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2018/0401hw-2h.mp3", "title": "Divine Interruptions & The Relentless Pursuit of God", "pubdate": "20180402" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2018/0325hw-2h.mp3", "title": "The Constant Gardener", "pubdate": "20180326" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2018/0318hw-2h.mp3", "title": "Tough Questions (Part 7): Cosmic Reasons to Believe in Christ", "pubdate": "20180319" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2018/0311hw-2h.mp3", "title": "Tough Questions (Part 6): Can We Trust The Bible?", "pubdate": "20180312" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2018/0304hw-2h.mp3", "title": "Tough Questions (Part 5): Cults FAQ", "pubdate": "20180305" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2018/0225hw-1h.mp3", "title": "Tough Questions (Part 4): Why Does God Allow Suffering and Evil?", "pubdate": "20180226" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2018/0218hw-2h.mp3", "title": "Tough Questions (Part 3): What Difference Does Jesus Make?", "pubdate": "20180219" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2018/0211hw-1h.mp3", "title": "Tough Questions (Part 2): Don\\\\\"t All Religions Lead to God?", "pubdate": "20180212" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2018/0204hw-1h.mp3", "title": "Tough Questions (Part I): Is There Anybody Out There?", "pubdate": "20180205" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2018/0128hw-1h.mp3", "title": "Ekklesia", "pubdate": "20180129" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2018/0121hw-2h.mp3", "title": "We Are The Church (Part 3): A Rooted Church", "pubdate": "20180122" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2018/0114hw-2h.mp3", "title": "We Are The Church (Part 2): A Mature Church", "pubdate": "20180115" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2018/0107hw-2h.mp3", "title": "We Are The Church (Part 1): 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"http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2017/1112hw-1h.mp3", "title": "Stretch Out Your Faith", "pubdate": "20171113" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2017/1105hw-2h.mp3", "title": "When God Turns Down the Lights", "pubdate": "20171106" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2017/1029hw-2h.mp3", "title": "The Healing Power of Forgiveness", "pubdate": "20171030" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2017/1022hw-2h.mp3", "title": "Scars Have Stories to Tell", "pubdate": "20171025" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2017/1015hw-1h.mp3", "title": "A Season of Recovery", "pubdate": "20171016" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2017/1008hw-1h.mp3", "title": "The Inconvenient Call of God: Out of Ur and Into His Promise", "pubdate": "20171009" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2017/1001hw-1h.mp3", "title": "The Dangerous Place of Becoming Complacent in Faith", "pubdate": "20171002" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2017/0924hw-2h.mp3", "title": "How We Respond to Times of Crisis", "pubdate": "20170925" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2017/0917hw-2h.mp3", "title": "The Inconvenient Truth about Inconvenience", "pubdate": "20170918" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2017/0910hw-2h.mp3", "title": "The First Step of a Crippled Beggar", "pubdate": "20170911" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2017/0903hw-1h.mp3", "title": "Building a Culture of Vulnerability", "pubdate": "20170904" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2017/0827hw-1h.mp3", "title": "DNA of the Church", "pubdate": "20170828" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2017/0820hw-2h.mp3", "title": "Ekklesia as a Community of Love", "pubdate": "20170821" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2017/0813hw-2h.mp3", "title": "Ekklesia as the Family of God", "pubdate": "20170814" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2017/0806hw-1h.mp3", "title": "Blessed Are Those Who Mourn", "pubdate": "20170807" }, { 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"The Power of the Cross in the Family", "pubdate": "20170410" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2017/0402hw-2h.mp3", "title": "Mission of Families", "pubdate": "20170403" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2017/0326hw-2h.mp3", "title": "Embracing the Seasons of Your Marriage", "pubdate": "20170327" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2017/0319hw-1h.mp3", "title": "Love Is a Garden", "pubdate": "20170320" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2017/0312hw-2h.mp3", "title": "Working From a Place of Rest", "pubdate": "20170313" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2017/0305hw-1h.mp3", "title": "A Faith That Works", "pubdate": "20170306" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2017/0226hw-2h.mp3", "title": "Our Vocation as Our Calling", "pubdate": "20170227" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2017/0219hw-1h.mp3", "title": "Co-Creating with God", "pubdate": "20170220" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2017/0212hw-2h.mp3", "title": "The Seven Spheres of Influence", "pubdate": "20170213" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2017/0205hw-2h.mp3", "title": "Work as Worship", "pubdate": "20170206" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2017/0129hw-1h.mp3", "title": "The gospel According to the Prodigals", "pubdate": "20170130" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2017/0122hw-1h.mp3", "title": "Living with Eternal Values", "pubdate": "20170123" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2017/0115hw-1h.mp3", "title": "The Gospel According to Lazarus", "pubdate": "20170116" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2017/0108hw-1h.mp3", "title": "The Gospel According to Jesus", "pubdate": "20170109" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2017/0101hw-2h.mp3", "title": "KYLO: Keep Your Light On", "pubdate": "20170102" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2016/1225hw-2h.mp3", "title": "Jesus: The King Who Was and Is, and Is To Come", "pubdate": "20161226" }, { "file": 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"pubdate": "20161024" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2016/1016hw-1h.mp3", "title": "Being Yoked with Christ", "pubdate": "20161017" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2016/1009hw-1h.mp3", "title": "Envy: The Covenant Killer", "pubdate": "20161010" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2016/1002hw-2h.mp3", "title": "Knitted Together: The Power of Walking in Covenant", "pubdate": "20161003" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2016/0925hw-2h.mp3", "title": "The Inheritance of Nations", "pubdate": "20160926" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2016/0918hw-2h.mp3", "title": "Diaspora: The Scattering of The Seed", "pubdate": "20160919" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2016/0911hw-2h.mp3", "title": "The Power of A Seed", "pubdate": "20160912" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2016/0904hw-1h.mp3", "title": "New Wine, New Wineskin", "pubdate": "20160905" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2016/0828hw-2h.mp3", "title": "Always Dying Yet Never Lifeless", "pubdate": "20160829" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2016/0821hw-1h.mp3", "title": "Give Me This Hill Country", "pubdate": "20160822" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2016/0807hw-1h.mp3", "title": "Moving Onto God’s Agenda", "pubdate": "20160808" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2016/0731hw-2h.mp3", "title": "When the Dream Dies", "pubdate": "20160801" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2016/0724hw-1h.mp3", "title": "Joseph\"s Unoffendable Heart of Jesus", "pubdate": "20160725" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2016/0717hw-2h.mp3", "title": "Burning Ones In The Darkness", "pubdate": "20160718" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2016/0710hw-1h.mp3", "title": "Growing Faith", "pubdate": "20160711" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2016/0703hw-1h.mp3", "title": "The Gospel of Jesus’ Indwelling", "pubdate": "20160704" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2016/0626hw-2h.mp3", "title": "Just Do It With Humility", "pubdate": "20160627" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2016/0619hw-1h.mp3", "title": "Lessons In The Wilderness", "pubdate": "20160620" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2016/0612hw-2h.mp3", "title": "Healing The Worn Out Soul", "pubdate": "20160613" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2016/0605hw-2h.mp3", "title": "Faith Is A Big Deal", "pubdate": "20160606" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2016/0529hw-2h.mp3", "title": "Dealing With Disappointment in Healing", "pubdate": "20160601" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2016/0522hw-2h.mp3", "title": "Back To Plan A", "pubdate": "20160523" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2016/0515hw-2h.mp3", "title": "SOZO: A Whole Gospel for A Whole Person", "pubdate": "20160516" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2016/0508hw-2h.mp3", "title": "Birthing the Miraculous", "pubdate": "20160509" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2016/0501hw-1h.mp3", "title": "Why Some People Don’t Make It To The Dance", "pubdate": "20160502" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2016/0424hw-2h.mp3", "title": "Preparing For The Homecoming", "pubdate": "20160425" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2016/0417hw-2h.mp3", "title": "Finding The Lost Treasure", "pubdate": "20160418" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2016/0410hw-2h.mp3", "title": "The Value of One Soul", "pubdate": "20160411" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2016/0403hw-1h.mp3", "title": "What Difference Does The Resurrection Make For The Rest of The Yeat", "pubdate": "20160404" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2016/0327hw-2h.mp3", "title": "The Beautiful Exchange", "pubdate": "20160328" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2016/0320hw-1h.mp3", "title": "The Keys To An Empowering Marriage", "pubdate": "20160321" }, { "file": 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"http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2015/1122hw-1h.mp3", "title": "I Have A Dream...", "pubdate": "20151123" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2015/1115hw-1h.mp3", "title": "The Difference That Jesus Makes", "pubdate": "20151116" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2015/1108hw-2h.mp3", "title": "Stepping Into Your Glorious Calling", "pubdate": "20151109" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2015/1101hw-1h.mp3", "title": "Your Kingdom Come, Your Will Be Done", "pubdate": "20151102" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2015/1025hw-1h.mp3", "title": "A Shaking for His Taking", "pubdate": "20151026" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2015/1018hw-1h.mp3", "title": "You Can Handle The Truth", "pubdate": "20151019" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2015/1011hw-1h.mp3", "title": "Eat The Scroll!", "pubdate": "20151012" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2015/1004hw-1h.mp3", "title": "Staying In The Flow of The Spirit", "pubdate": "20151005" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2015/0927hw-2h.mp3", "title": "Walking In The Spirit of Sonship", "pubdate": "20150928" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2015/0920hw-2h.mp3", "title": "The Value of Spiritual Mothers", "pubdate": "20150921" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2015/0913hw-1h.mp3", "title": "The Blessing of Spiritual Fathers", "pubdate": "20150914" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2015/0906hw-2h.mp3", "title": "The Church as Family", "pubdate": "20150907" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2015/0830hw-1h.mp3", "title": "Seeking the Welfare of the City", "pubdate": "20150831" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2015/0823hw-2h.mp3", "title": "Sing a New Song to the Lord", "pubdate": "20150824" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2015/0816hw-2h.mp3", "title": "Mature Children", "pubdate": "20150817" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2015/0809hw-2h.mp3", "title": "Worship in the 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"pubdate": "20150420" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2015/0412hw-2h.mp3", "title": "Seeking the Way of Shalom", "pubdate": "20150413" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2015/0405hw-2h.mp3", "title": "The Road to Emmaus", "pubdate": "20150406" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2015/0329hw-1h.mp3", "title": "Put a Ring On It", "pubdate": "20150330" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2015/0322hw-2h.mp3", "title": "Given Mercy, Giving Mercy", "pubdate": "20150323" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2015/0315hw-1h.mp3", "title": "A Hunger & Thirst for What Truly Satisfies", "pubdate": "20150316" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2015/0308hw-2h.mp3", "title": "The Blessedness of Meekness", "pubdate": "20150309" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2015/0301hw-1h.mp3", "title": "But the Greatest of these is LOVE", "pubdate": "20150302" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2015/0222hw-2h.mp3", "title": "Comfort 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"http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2014/0907-3h.mp3", "title": "Strengthening Our Families (Part 2)", "pubdate": "20140908" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2014/0831-3h.mp3", "title": "Strengthening Our Families", "pubdate": "20140901" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2014/0824-3h.mp3", "title": "Equipping The People of God", "pubdate": "20140825" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2014/0817-3h.mp3", "title": "Who is My Neighbor?", "pubdate": "20140818" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2014/0810-3h.mp3", "title": "Building Up the Generation", "pubdate": "20140811" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2014/0803-3h.mp3", "title": "The God of Restoration", "pubdate": "20140804" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2014/0727-3h.mp3", "title": "No Other God Has Wounds", "pubdate": "20140728" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2014/0720-3h.mp3", "title": "What is Truth?", "pubdate": "20140721" }, { "file": 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"20121112" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2012/1104-3h.mp3", "title": "Higher Cause", "pubdate": "20121105" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2012/1028-3h.mp3", "title": "The Cost of Following Jesus: Is It Worth It?", "pubdate": "20121029" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2012/1021-3h.mp3", "title": "Come to Me and Drink", "pubdate": "20121022" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2012/1014-3h.mp3", "title": "Why Did God Make You?", "pubdate": "20121015" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2012/1007-3h.mp3", "title": "Live For Something Greater", "pubdate": "20121008" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2012/0930-3h.mp3", "title": "Culture of Faith", "pubdate": "20121001" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2012/0923-3h.mp3", "title": "Where Do We Go From Here?", "pubdate": "20120924" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2012/0916-3h.mp3", "title": "Lasting Success", "pubdate": "20120917" }, { "file": 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"http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2012/0520-3h.mp3", "title": "God\\\\\"s Strategy for Victory", "pubdate": "20120521" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2012/0513-3h.mp3", "title": "Molders Of Men (MOM)", "pubdate": "20120514" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2012/0506-3h.mp3", "title": "So Alive In Christ", "pubdate": "20120507" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2012/0429-3h.mp3", "title": "Preparing for Victory", "pubdate": "20120430" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2012/0422-3h.mp3", "title": "What’s the Greater Miracle?", "pubdate": "20120423" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2012/0415-3h.mp3", "title": "You Have To Cross Over", "pubdate": "20120416" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2012/0408-3h.mp3", "title": "But With Jesus", "pubdate": "20120409" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2012/0401-3h.mp3", "title": "Unlikely People and Unlikely Ways", "pubdate": "20120402" }, { "file": 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"http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2012/0129-3h.mp3", "title": "Holey, Wholly, or Holy?", "pubdate": "20120130" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2012/0122-3h.mp3", "title": "A Greater Glory", "pubdate": "20120123" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2012/0115-3h.mp3", "title": "A Proper Response", "pubdate": "20120116" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2012/0108-3h.mp3", "title": "What House Are You Building?", "pubdate": "20120109" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2012/0101-3h.mp3", "title": "What Time Is It?", "pubdate": "20120102" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2011/1225-3h.mp3", "title": "Make Room For God", "pubdate": "20111226" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2011/1218-3h.mp3", "title": "The Real Transformers", "pubdate": "20111219" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2011/1211-3h.mp3", "title": "Ownership", "pubdate": "20111212" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2011/1204-3h.mp3", "title": 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"20090504" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2009/0426-3h.mp3", "title": "Living Sacrifice", "pubdate": "20090427" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2009/0419-3h.mp3", "title": "Our Highest Calling", "pubdate": "20090420" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2009/0412-3h.mp3", "title": "Worthy is the Lamb", "pubdate": "20090413" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2009/0405-3h.mp3", "title": "Ruth`s Choice", "pubdate": "20090406" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2009/0329-3h.mp3", "title": "You Matter to God", "pubdate": "20090330" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2009/0322-3h.mp3", "title": "Never Give Up", "pubdate": "20090323" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2009/0315-3h.mp3", "title": "So Do Not Worry", "pubdate": "20090316" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2009/0308-3h.mp3", "title": "To Lead Us to God", "pubdate": "20090309" }, { "file": "http://media.sarang.com/sermon/2009/0301-3h.mp3", 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