{ "category": { "name": "시사", "id": 1026 }, "likes": 0, "created_at": "2012-02-24 10:46:19", "title": "ABA Journal Podcasts - Legal Talk Network", "subscribes": 5, "updated_at": "2021-02-03 21:00:00", "description": "Listen to the ABA Journal Podcast for analysis and discussion of the latest legal issues and trends the first Monday of each month and as significant legal news breaks.", "episodes": [ { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalmodernlawlibrary/ABA_MLL_episode_137.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Modern Law Library : Why do barristers wear wigs? 'Dress Codes' explores fashion and the law", "pubdate": "20210203" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalmodernlawlibrary/MLL_136_Final.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Modern Law Library : How your firm can use technology to build business and keep clients", "pubdate": "20210127" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalaskedandanswered/ABA_AA_-_166_-_Peter_Huang_FINAL.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Asked and Answered : Law prof focuses on positives from the COVID-19 pandemic", "pubdate": "20210125" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalmodernlawlibrary/MLL_135_Final.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Modern Law Library : 'White Fright' author discusses historical lynch mobs and the attack on the Capitol", "pubdate": "20210113" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/rebels/ABA_LR_66_FINAL.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Legal Rebels : Law firms should not rush lateral hiring, due diligence expert says", "pubdate": "20210113" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalaskedandanswered/ABA_AA_165_FINAL.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Asked and Answered : What it's like to argue before the Supreme Court during COVID-19", "pubdate": "20201228" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalmodernlawlibrary/ABA_MLL_episode_134.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Modern Law Library : Our favorite reads from 2020", "pubdate": "20201223" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/rebels/ABA_LR_65_FINAL.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Legal Rebels : Deloitte is monitoring regulatory reforms but is focused on growing new practice", "pubdate": "20201216" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalmodernlawlibrary/ABA_MLL_133_Final.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Modern Law Library : Former corporate lawyer draws inspiration from her family for her tireless clemency work", "pubdate": "20201209" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalaskedandanswered/AA_164_Final_V2.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Asked and Answered : Law prof finds ways to connect remotely amid historic election and COVID-19 restrictions", "pubdate": "20201130" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalmodernlawlibrary/ABA_MLL_episode_132.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Modern Law Library : Lawyer recounts the life and legacy of the mysterious man behind Pilates", "pubdate": "20201126" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/rebels/ABA_LR_64_Final.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Legal Rebels : Constant communication has been key amid COVID-19, law school dean says", "pubdate": "20201118" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalmodernlawlibrary/MLL_131_Final.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Modern Law Library : Having a hard time connecting with your witness? Try these tips", "pubdate": "20201111" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalaskedandanswered/AA_163_Final.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Asked and Answered : How to maximize your business development during the COVID-19 crisis", "pubdate": "20201026" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalmodernlawlibrary/MLL_130_Final.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Modern Law Library : Knowing when to tell your client 'no,' and other ethical dilemmas", "pubdate": "20201021" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/rebels/ABA_LR_63_Final.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Legal Rebels : Firms of the future: COVID-19 prompts more law firms to pursue real estate downsizing", "pubdate": "20201014" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalmodernlawlibrary/ABA_MLL_episode_129.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Modern Law Library : Voting rights attorney tells a tale of dark money chicanery in 'The Coyotes of Carthage'", "pubdate": "20201008" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalaskedandanswered/ABA_AA_episode_162.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Asked and Answered : How is the lawyer known as ‘Popehat’ on Twitter keeping busy during the pandemic?", "pubdate": "20200928" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalmodernlawlibrary/MLL_128_Final.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Modern Law Library : The case for separating Church and State", "pubdate": "20200923" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/rebels/ABA_LR_62_Final.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Legal Rebels : This Louisiana judge continues to innovate during the COVID-19 crisis", "pubdate": "20200916" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalmodernlawlibrary/MLL_127_Final.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Modern Law Library : 'Demagogue' tells the story of Sen. Joseph McCarthy's rise and fall", "pubdate": "20200909" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalaskedandanswered/AA_161_Final.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Asked and Answered : This law prof has been fighting off Twitter trolls during the coronavirus crisis", "pubdate": "20200831" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalmodernlawlibrary/MLL_126_Final.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Modern Law Library : 6 key numbers that can diagnose the financial health of your law practice", "pubdate": "20200827" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/rebels/ABA_LR_61_Final.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Legal Rebels : Bench trial by video? This lawyer says it went better than expected", "pubdate": "20200819" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalmodernlawlibrary/MLL_125_Final.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Modern Law Library : Convicted of a crime that never occurred? It happens all too often, law prof says", "pubdate": "20200812" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalaskedandanswered/ABA_AA_episode_160.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Asked and Answered : 2020 Harvard Law grad postpones bar exam and her wedding plans because of COVID-19", "pubdate": "20200728" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalmodernlawlibrary/MLL_124_Final.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Modern Law Library : How well-meaning social reforms created 'Prison by Any Other Name'", "pubdate": "20200722" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalaskedandanswered/ABA_AA_ABA_Annual_2020_Bonus_Final.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Asked and Answered : What can we expect from the all-virtual 2020 ABA Annual Meeting?", "pubdate": "20200717" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalmodernlawlibrary/MLL_123_Final.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Modern Law Library : How feminism worsened mass incarceration–and how it can stop", "pubdate": "20200715" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/rebels/ABA_LR_episode_60.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Legal Rebels : Legal reform advocates need to more actively engage the public", "pubdate": "20200715" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalaskedandanswered/ABA_AA_episode_159.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Asked and Answered : COVID-19 hasn't stopped this lawyer from advocating for wellness and recovery", "pubdate": "20200629" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalmodernlawlibrary/ABA_MLL_122_Final.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Modern Law Library : What does police abolition look like?", "pubdate": "20200624" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/rebels/ABA_LR_episode_59.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Legal Rebels : BigLaw firm’s legal tech subsidiary has launched a steady stream of COVID-19 tools", "pubdate": "20200617" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalmodernlawlibrary/MLL_121_Final.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Modern Law Library : What's lost when jury trials vanish?", "pubdate": "20200611" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalaskedandanswered/A__A_Episode_158_Final.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Asked and Answered : Can cyborg lawyers convince their clients to listen?", "pubdate": "20200527" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalmodernlawlibrary/ABA_MLL_episode_120.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Modern Law Library : Meet 9 American women shortlisted for the U.S. Supreme Court before Sandra Day O'Connor", "pubdate": "20200520" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/rebels/ABA_LR_58_Final.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Legal Rebels : How hosting a national pandemic summit aided Nebraska courts with its COVID-19 response", "pubdate": "20200513" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalmodernlawlibrary/ABA_MLL_119_Final.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Modern Law Library : Insider's guide to succeeding in law school", "pubdate": "20200506" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalaskedandanswered/episode_157.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Asked and Answered : Trials and tiaras: How do pageant winners fare as lawyers?", "pubdate": "20200428" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalmodernlawlibrary/MLL_118_Maurice_Final.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Modern Law Library : Journalist investigating wrongful convictions turns lens on white-collar criminal case", "pubdate": "20200422" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/rebels/ABA_LR_57_Cody_Final.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Legal Rebels : Online estate planning sees surge during coronavirus crisis", "pubdate": "20200415" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalmodernlawlibrary/ABA_MLL_117_Julie_Fershtman_Final.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Modern Law Library : Develop your horse sense with equine law", "pubdate": "20200408" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalaskedandanswered/episode_156.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Asked and Answered : How to practice law remotely and efficiently during the COVID-19 crisis", "pubdate": "20200330" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalmodernlawlibrary/ABA_MLL_116_Mary_Lancaster_Final.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Modern Law Library : What should you read about COVID-19? We asked an epidemiologist", "pubdate": "20200325" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/rebels/ABA_LR_56_Jim_Sandman_Final.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Legal Rebels : President of the Legal Services Corp. reflects on his tenure", "pubdate": "20200318" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalmodernlawlibrary/ABA_MLL_115_Final.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Modern Law Library : How to achieve vocal power in and out of the courtroom", "pubdate": "20200311" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalmodernlawlibrary/Episode_114.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Modern Law Library : Two families connected by LA riots collide in 'Your House Will Pay", "pubdate": "20200226" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalaskedandanswered/episode_155_V2.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Asked and Answered : Why did a Georgia city prohibit tattoos on Sundays?", "pubdate": "20200225" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/rebels/episode_55.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Legal Rebels : How 2 Texas lawyers are marketing their practice through song", "pubdate": "20200212" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalmodernlawlibrary/episode_113.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Modern Law Library : How safe is your right to vote?", "pubdate": "20200205" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalaskedandanswered/episode_154.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Asked and Answered : Getting real: What happens when clients go on reality TV", "pubdate": "20200128" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalmodernlawlibrary/episode_112_v2.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Modern Law Library : The court of public opinion: Why litigation PR is a critical component of a case", "pubdate": "20200122" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/rebels/episode_54.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Legal Rebels : Reinventing the staid field of legal academic writing", "pubdate": "20200115" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalmodernlawlibrary/ABA_MLL_111_FINAL.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Modern Law Library : How to kick off 2020 with more productive business meetings", "pubdate": "20200108" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalaskedandanswered/episode_153.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Asked and Answered : The financial costs for firms when women and minority lawyers leave", "pubdate": "20191230" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalmodernlawlibrary/episode_110v2.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Modern Law Library : Our favorite reads of 2019", "pubdate": "20191218" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/rebels/ABA_LR_53_FINAL.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Legal Rebels : How one lawyer built a practice by defending a notorious accused hacker", "pubdate": "20191213" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalmodernlawlibrary/ABA_MLL_109_FINAL.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Modern Law Library : What goes on in the mind of a sentencing judge?", "pubdate": "20191204" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalmodernlawlibrary/ABA_MLL_110_FINAL.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Modern Law Library : The Education of Brett Kavanaugh", "pubdate": "20191127" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalaskedandanswered/episode_152.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Asked and Answered : Introverted lawyer offers tips for office holiday parties", "pubdate": "20191125" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/rebels/episode_52.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Legal Rebels : Diversity in the legal tech community", "pubdate": "20191113" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalmodernlawlibrary/ABA_MLL_108_FINAL_Mix.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Modern Law Library : How to master the jury selection process", "pubdate": "20191106" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalmodernlawlibrary/ABA_MLL_107_FINAL.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Modern Law Library : Fighting for 9/11\"s first responders", "pubdate": "20191030" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalaskedandanswered/ABA_AA__KAPLOWITZ_FINAL_151.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Asked and Answered : What seasoned and new lawyers can learn from each other", "pubdate": "20191028" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/rebels/ABA_LR_51_FINAL.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Legal Rebels : Criminal justice experts hope tech can more easily help people expunge prior convictions and arrests", "pubdate": "20191016" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalmodernlawlibrary/ABA_MLL_106_FINAL.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Modern Law Library : New book addresses critical legal issues, policies and strategies surrounding smart technology", "pubdate": "20191009" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalaskedandanswered/ABA_AA_150_FINAL.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Asked and Answered : Pay Attention: CPA serves up financial tips for lawyers", "pubdate": "20190930" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalmodernlawlibrary/episode_105.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Modern Law Library : African American farmer’s legal battle to save his family farm is focus of ‘Catfish Dream’", "pubdate": "20190925" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/rebels/ABA_LR_50_FINAL_V2.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Legal Rebels : Exploring new frontiers in research for the legal industry", "pubdate": "20190918" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalmodernlawlibrary/episode_104.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Modern Law Library : How power dynamics in the workplace shield perpetrators of sexual harassment", "pubdate": "20190911" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalmodernlawlibrary/ABA_MLL_103_FINAL.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Modern Law Library : Debut novelist\"s tale of Sri Lankan refugees wins the Harper Lee Prize", "pubdate": "20190828" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalaskedandanswered/episode_149.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Asked and Answered : Speak Up: Tips for lawyers on how to give an impactful 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Max Miller has some thoughts", "pubdate": "20190717" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalmodernlawlibrary/episode_100_V2.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Modern Law Library : How the Great Recession changed American law firms", "pubdate": "20190710" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalaskedandanswered/episode_147.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Asked and Answered : Want to go to law school? This teen has some tips", "pubdate": "20190624" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalmodernlawlibrary/episode_99.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Modern Law Library : How to become a federal criminal", "pubdate": "20190619" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/rebels/episode_47.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Legal Rebels : Avvo founder Mark Britton unwinds as he thinks about next step", "pubdate": "20190612" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalmodernlawlibrary/ABA_MLL_98_Mark_Herrmann_FINAL.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Modern Law Library : A curmudgeon\"s guide to surviving and thriving in BigLaw", "pubdate": "20190605" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalaskedandanswered/episode_146.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Asked and Answered : Amped Up: ADHD med abuse in the legal profession", "pubdate": "20190528" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalmodernlawlibrary/episode_97.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Modern Law Library : Public-Speaking Skills Every Lawyer Should Master", "pubdate": "20190522" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalaskedandanswered/episode_145.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Asked and Answered : Civics beyond Schoolhouse Rock", "pubdate": "20190520" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/rebels/episode_46.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Legal Rebels : David Van Zandt has made a career out of touching third rails in higher ed", "pubdate": "20190515" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalmodernlawlibrary/episode_96_V2_Headnote.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Modern Law Library : The strange tale of the \"Voodoo Reverend\" and Harper Lee\"s lost true-crime book", "pubdate": "20190508" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalaskedandanswered/episode_144.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Asked and Answered : Where the Jobs Are: Hot careers for the Class of 2019", "pubdate": "20190429" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalmodernlawlibrary/episode_95.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Modern Law Library : Why tech tools can hold both promise and peril for policing", "pubdate": "20190424" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/rebels/episode_45.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Legal Rebels : Nonprofit law pioneer applauds \"low bono\" growth", "pubdate": "20190417" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalmodernlawlibrary/episode_94.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Modern Law Library : Networking for Introverts", "pubdate": "20190410" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalaskedandanswered/episode_143.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Asked and Answered : Your client’s gone viral–now what?", "pubdate": "20190325" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalmodernlawlibrary/episode_93.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Modern Law Library : A look back at Lizzie Borden", "pubdate": "20190320" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/rebels/episode_44.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Legal Rebels : Jeff Carr continues his fight against billable hours", "pubdate": "20190313" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalmodernlawlibrary/episode_92.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Modern Law Library : Former JAG captain draws from history and sports for diversity advice", "pubdate": "20190306" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalaskedandanswered/episode_142.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Asked and Answered : Bullying from the Bench: How to cope in court", "pubdate": "20190225" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalmodernlawlibrary/episode_91.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Modern Law Library : From Columbine to Parkland: How have school shootings changed us?", "pubdate": "20190220" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/rebels/episode_43.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Legal Rebels : Leading advocate for diversity in legal industry hasn\"t seen much progress in 10 years", "pubdate": "20190213" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalmodernlawlibrary/episode_90.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Modern Law Library : Building blockchain expertise into a practice area that pays", "pubdate": "20190211" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalaskedandanswered/episode_141.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Asked and Answered : Finding the Right Fit: Creating a career you love", "pubdate": "20190128" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalmodernlawlibrary/episode_89.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Modern Law Library : The Supreme Court’s colorful history with alcohol gets a look in ‘Glass and Gavel’", "pubdate": "20190123" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/rebels/episode_42.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Legal Rebels : Beating the drum for change", "pubdate": "20190116" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalmodernlawlibrary/episode_88.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Modern Law Library : How introverted lawyers can harness their traits for success", "pubdate": "20190109" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalaskedandanswered/episode_140_V2.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Asked and Answered : Creating Order: Lifestyle tips for disorganized lawyers", "pubdate": "20190104" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalmodernlawlibrary/episode_87.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Modern Law Library : How to avoid burnout and be “The Best Lawyer You Can Be”", "pubdate": "20181219" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/rebels/episode_41.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Legal Rebels : Young lawyers can be technophobes too", "pubdate": "20181212" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalmodernlawlibrary/episode_86.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Modern Law Library : 3 trial court judges share the tough cases that stuck with them", "pubdate": "20181205" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalaskedandanswered/episode_139.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Asked and Answered : Good Conduct: Confronting confusion in the wake of #MeToo", "pubdate": "20181126" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalmodernlawlibrary/episode_85.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Modern Law Library : How this lawyer turned a love for sports into his career", "pubdate": "20181121" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/rebels/episode_40.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Legal Rebels : Make room for chatbots at your firm, LawDroid founder says", "pubdate": "20181114" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalmodernlawlibrary/episode_84.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Modern Law Library : Ken Starr shares his side of the Clinton investigation in \"Contempt\"", "pubdate": "20181107" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalaskedandanswered/episode_138.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Asked and Answered : Convincing clients you’re worth the cost", "pubdate": "20181029" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalmodernlawlibrary/episode_83.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Modern Law Library : How to stop worrying and learn to love data-driven law", "pubdate": "20181024" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/rebels/episode_39.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Legal Rebels : Could 80 percent of cases be resolved through online dispute resolution?", "pubdate": "20181017" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalmodernlawlibrary/episode_82.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Modern Law Library : We need to talk about abortion, says author of \"Scarlet A\"", "pubdate": "20181010" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalaskedandanswered/episode_137.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Asked and Answered : Election Protection: How lawyers can help uphold voters’ rights this November", "pubdate": "20180924" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalmodernlawlibrary/episode_81.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Modern Law Library : How to be (sort of) happy in law school", "pubdate": "20180919" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/rebels/episode_38.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Legal Rebels : Legal writing pro is helping teach AI to draft contracts", "pubdate": "20180912" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalaskedandanswered/episode_136.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Asked and Answered : Halting the Hover: Dealing with helicopter parents in law school", "pubdate": "20180827" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalmodernlawlibrary/episode_80.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Modern Law Library : Can you become a better lawyer in 5 minutes a day? This author thinks so", "pubdate": "20180822" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/rebels/episode_37.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Legal Rebels : Legal services innovator moves on to app development", "pubdate": "20180815" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalaskedandanswered/episode_135.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Asked and Answered : Mounting a defense: Security expert shares tips on avoiding violence", "pubdate": "20180730" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalmodernlawlibrary/episode_79.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Modern Law Library : What would it mean to impeach a president?", "pubdate": "20180725" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/rebels/episode_36.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Legal Rebels : Entrepreneur Amy Porter’s theme is finding what lawyers need", "pubdate": "20180718" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalaskedandanswered/episode_133.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Asked and Answered : Lived & Learned: Difficult conversations can save relationships, says Michele Coleman Mayes", "pubdate": "20180625" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalaskedandanswered/episode_132.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Asked and Answered : Lived & Learned: Present as your true self, says Mia Yamamoto", "pubdate": "20180625" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalaskedandanswered/episode_131.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Asked and Answered : Lived & Learned: Ask for help when you have an ethics quandary, says Lucian Pera", "pubdate": "20180625" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalaskedandanswered/episode_130.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Asked and Answered : Lived & Learned: Ask those in power to fulfill their obligations, says Cruz Reynoso", "pubdate": "20180625" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalaskedandanswered/eoisode_129.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Asked and Answered : Lived & Learned: Laughter belongs in your work life, says Bobbi Liebenberg", "pubdate": "20180625" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalaskedandanswered/episode_134.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Asked and Answered : International etiquette: Minding your manners when practicing abroad", "pubdate": "20180625" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalaskedandanswered/episode_128.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Asked and Answered : Lived & Learned: Set your own expectations, says Andrés Gallegos", "pubdate": "20180625" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalmodernlawlibrary/episode_78.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Modern Law Library : Meet the nominees for the 2018 Harper Lee Prize for Legal Fiction", "pubdate": "20180620" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/rebels/episode_35.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Legal Rebels : Tech is not the only answer to legal aid issues, Joyce Raby says", "pubdate": "20180613" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalaskedandanswered/episode_127.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Asked and Answered : Attending the ABA Annual Meeting? Here’s a sneak peek", "pubdate": "20180611" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalmodernlawlibrary/episode_77.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Modern Law Library : How Anthony Comstock\"s anti-obscenity crusade changed American law", "pubdate": "20180606" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalaskedandanswered/episode_126.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Asked and Answered : Quest for Perfection: Brian Cuban talks about lawyers and body image", "pubdate": "20180530" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalmodernlawlibrary/episode_76.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Modern Law Library : How Nixon used a law firm stint to resurrect his political career and win the presidency", "pubdate": "20180523" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/rebels/episode_34.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Legal Rebels : From paper to digital documents, Judge Andrew Peck traveled (and set) the discovery trail", "pubdate": "20180516" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalmodernlawlibrary/episode_75.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Modern Law Library : How can we fight to reduce bias? 6th Circuit judge shares her thoughts", "pubdate": "20180510" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalaskedandanswered/episode_125.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Asked and Answered : Where are the jobs for the class of 2018?", "pubdate": "20180430" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalmodernlawlibrary/episode_74.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Modern Law Library : How broken windows policing changed the legal landscape in ‘Misdemeanorland’How broken windows policing changed the legal landscape in ‘Misdemeanorland’", "pubdate": "20180425" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalmodernlawlibrary/episode_73.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Modern Law Library : Roe v. Wade had a broader impact than the public realizes, says author of \"Beyond Abortion\"", "pubdate": "20180411" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/rebels/episode_33.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Legal Rebels : Outgoing Adobe GC witnessed changes that digitization, globalization wrought", "pubdate": "20180404" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalaskedandanswered/episode_123.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Asked and Answered : How firms can encourage mental, emotional and physical fitness", "pubdate": "20180326" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalmodernlawlibrary/episode_72.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Modern Law Library : Uncovering the secret history of how corporations gained their civil rights", "pubdate": "20180321" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/rebels/episode_32.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Legal Rebels : Longtime legal tech leader Richard Granat finds a new challenge", "pubdate": "20180314" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalmodernlawlibrary/episode_71.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Modern Law Library : Dark tale of \"The Cadaver King and the Country Dentist\" brings wrongful convictions to light", "pubdate": "20180307" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalaskedandanswered/episode_117.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Asked and Answered : How to turn tech savvy into a fulfilling legal career", "pubdate": "20180226" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalmodernlawlibrary/episode_70.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Modern Law Library : A stalled elevator leads to love in lawyer\"s best-selling romance novel", "pubdate": "20180221" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/rebels/episode_31.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Legal Rebels : Mary Juetten hopes legal software can help improve access-to-justice problems", "pubdate": "20180214" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalmodernlawlibrary/episode_69.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Modern Law Library : Teamsters lawyer pens children’s book to show importance of the labor movement", "pubdate": "20180207" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalaskedandanswered/Episode_116.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Asked and Answered : Loving life as a lawyer: How to maintain joy in your work", "pubdate": "20180129" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalmodernlawlibrary/Episode_68.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Modern Law Library : Bryan Garner reflects on his friendship with Justice Antonin Scalia in ‘Nino and Me’", "pubdate": "20180117" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/rebels/12012017_-_ABA_LR_-_30_-_Bob_Litt_-_Final.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Legal Rebels : Robert Litt has been out front on online threats for decades", "pubdate": "20180110" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalaskedandanswered/episode_115.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Asked and Answered : You’re in a pickle. Can a lawyer assistance program help?", "pubdate": "20180104" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalmodernlawlibrary/episode_67.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Modern Law Library : How a Quaker’s suit against the Secretary of Defense still impacts cases over government surveillance", "pubdate": "20180103" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalmodernlawlibrary/episode_66.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Modern Law Library : Barbie v. Bratz: What happened when toy titans took each other to court", "pubdate": "20171220" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/rebels/episode_29.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Legal Rebels : Trailblazer with a nonlawyer past brings the present and future to law firms", "pubdate": "20171213" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalmodernlawlibrary/episode_65.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Modern Law Library : Georgetown law prof calls for complete re-imagining of criminal justice system in \"Chokehold\"", "pubdate": "20171206" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalaskedandanswered/episode_114.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Asked and Answered : Esquire Etiquette: Minding your manners at work", "pubdate": "20171127" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalmodernlawlibrary/episode_64.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Modern Law Library : Will big data tools make policing less biased--or violate people’s rights?", "pubdate": "20171115" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/rebels/episode_28.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Legal Rebels : Robert Ambrogi’s blog points lawyers to tech’s opportunities", "pubdate": "20171108" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalaskedandanswered/episode_113.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Asked and Answered : Should I stay or should I go? When partners should make a lateral move", "pubdate": "20171023" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/rebels/episode_27.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Legal Rebels : Bruce MacEwen diagnoses and prescribes for law practice ills", "pubdate": "20171011" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalmodernlawlibrary/episode_63.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Modern Law Library : What can we learn from the history of interracial relationships in America?", "pubdate": "20171004" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalaskedandanswered/episode_112.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Asked and Answered : Drowning in debt? Here are some potential lifelines", "pubdate": "20170925" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/rebels/episode_26.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Legal Rebels : John Tredennick of Catalyst took the lead in the ‘80s to bring tech to his law firm", "pubdate": "20170913" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalmodernlawlibrary/episode_62.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Modern Law Library : How the author of \"The Forgotten Flight\" fought to bring justice for terror victims\" families", "pubdate": "20170906" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalaskedandanswered/episode_111.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Asked and Answered : How can lawyers help Hurricane Harvey victims? Disaster response attorneys share tips", "pubdate": "20170830" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalaskedandanswered/episode_110.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Asked and Answered : Seeking equal pay? Here are some strategies", "pubdate": "20170828" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalaskedandanswered/episode_109.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Asked and Answered : Is Diversity All Talk?", "pubdate": "20170825" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/rebels/episode_25.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Legal Rebels : From C-Suite-Type Post to Legal Service Founder, Mills Has Always Been a Leader.", "pubdate": "20170816" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalmodernlawlibrary/episode_61.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Modern Law Library : First Amendment defender warns of threats to free speech in the ‘fake news’ era", "pubdate": "20170804" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalaskedandanswered/episode_108.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Asked and Answered : ABA president shares a sneak peek into ABA Annual Meeting in NYC", "pubdate": "20170727" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalaskedandanswered/episode_107.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Asked and Answered : How the radical movements of the 1960s changed the law and challenged the status quo", "pubdate": "20170724" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalmodernlawlibrary/episode_60.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Modern Law Library : Merriam-Webster editor shares the \"secret life of dictionaries\"", "pubdate": "20170719" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/rebels/episode_24.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Legal Rebels : Susskind sees ‘rosy future’ for law—if it embraces technology", "pubdate": "20170713" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalmodernlawlibrary/episode_59.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Modern Law Library : Harper Lee Prize finalists discuss their novels, careers, and the first time they read \"To Kill a Mockingbird\"", "pubdate": "20170705" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalaskedandanswered/episode_106.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Asked and Answered : How to be your own advocate without stepping on toes", "pubdate": "20170626" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalmodernlawlibrary/episode_58.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Modern Law Library : How government actions, not personal choices, created segregated neighborhoods", "pubdate": "20170621" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/rebels/episode_23.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Legal Rebels : Paul Lippe’s ‘new normal’ was always about innovation", "pubdate": "20170614" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalmodernlawlibrary/episode_57.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Modern Law Library : David Grann uncovers the deadly conspiracy behind murders of oil-rich Osage tribe members", "pubdate": "20170607" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalaskedandanswered/episode_105.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Asked and Answered : How to land government contracts as a minority- or women-owned firm", "pubdate": "20170529" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalmodernlawlibrary/episode_56.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Modern Law Library : How a Chinese-American family challenged school segregation in 1920s Mississippi", "pubdate": "20170517" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/rebels/episode_22.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Legal Rebels : Lisa Solomon found the time was right for her career in online legal research", "pubdate": "20170510" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalmodernlawlibrary/episode_55.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Modern Law Library : The Crime of Complicity: Examining the Role of the Bystander in the Holocaust and Beyond", "pubdate": "20170503" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalaskedandanswered/episode_104.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Asked and Answered : Are schools that fail to teach children to read violating their Constitutional rights?", "pubdate": "20170424" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalmodernlawlibrary/episode_54.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Modern Law Library : Are prisoners’ civil rights being needlessly violated by long-term solitary confinement?", "pubdate": "20170419" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/rebels/episode_21.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Legal Rebels : Justia’s Stacy Stern finds real profit in making things free", "pubdate": "20170412" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/rebels/episode_20.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Legal Rebels : Catching up with Legal Rebel Stacy Stern of Justia", "pubdate": "20170406" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/rebels/episode_19.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Legal Rebels : Catching up with Legal Rebels Shantelle Argyle and Daniel Spencer of Open Legal Services", "pubdate": "20170406" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/rebels/episode_18.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Legal Rebels : Catching up with Legal Rebel Sarah Glassmeyer of the ABA’s Center for Innovation", "pubdate": "20170329" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/rebels/episode_17.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Legal Rebels : Catching up with Legal Rebel Sam Glover of Lawyerist", "pubdate": "20170329" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/rebels/episode_16.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Legal Rebels : Catching up with Legal Rebel Nicole Black of MyCase", "pubdate": "20170329" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/rebels/episode_15.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Legal Rebels : Catching up with Legal Rebels Ed Walters of Fastcase and Kevin O’Keefe of Lexblog", "pubdate": "20170329" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalaskedandanswered/episode_103.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Asked and Answered : Getting ahead while working from home", "pubdate": "20170327" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalmodernlawlibrary/episode_53.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Modern Law Library : What can neuroscience tell us about crime?", "pubdate": "20170315" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/rebels/episode_14.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Legal Rebels : CodeX co-founder caught the entrepreneurial bug at Stanford", "pubdate": "20170308" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalmodernlawlibrary/episode_52.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Modern Law Library : Al-Tounsi by Anton Piatigorsky: The U.S. Supreme Court through a Human Lens", "pubdate": "20170307" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalaskedandanswered/episode_102.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Asked and Answered : How to host a networking event which actually brings in business", "pubdate": "20170227" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/rebels/episode_13.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Legal Rebels : Lawyerist founder Sam Glover reports anecdata from the legal community", "pubdate": "20170208" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalmodernlawlibrary/episode_51.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Modern Law Library : Legal Asylum by Paul Goldstein: A Satiric Look at Legal Academia", "pubdate": "20170201" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalaskedandanswered/episode_101.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Asked and Answered : How can lawyers fight implicit bias?", "pubdate": "20170123" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalmodernlawlibrary/episode_50.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Modern Law Library : Alberto Gonzales reflects back on Bush administration and gives his advice for Trump staff", "pubdate": "20170118" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/rebels/episode_12.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Legal Rebels : Judge Dixon stays on to keep bringing tech to courts", "pubdate": "20170111" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalaskedandanswered/episode_100.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Asked and Answered : How to prepare for another try at the bar exam", "pubdate": "20170104" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalmodernlawlibrary/episode_49.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Modern Law Library : Was this lawyer-turned-WWII-spy the basis for James Bond?", "pubdate": "20161221" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/rebels/episode_100.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Legal Rebels : Legal tech\"s future is in lawyers\" mindset, Randi Mayes says", "pubdate": "20161214" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalaskedandanswered/how-lawyers-negotiate-better-salaries-positions.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Asked and Answered : How lawyers can negotiate for better salaries and positions", "pubdate": "20161128" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalmodernlawlibrary/what-past-presidential-history-teach-today.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Modern Law Library : What can past presidential history teach us about today?", "pubdate": "20161116" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/rebels/ediscovery-expert-craig-ball-tech-learn.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Legal Rebels : E-discovery expert Craig Ball: Tech is no harder to learn than driving", "pubdate": "20161109" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalaskedandanswered/art-getting-clients-to-pay.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Asked and Answered : The art of getting clients to pay", "pubdate": "20161024" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalmodernlawlibrary/john-lennons-lawyer-musician-deportation-case-immigration-law.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Modern Law Library : John Lennon\"s lawyer explains how the musician\"s deportation case changed immigration law", "pubdate": "20161019" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/rebels/fastcase-founders-message-change-faster.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Legal Rebels : For Fastcase founders, the message is: Change, and do it faster!", "pubdate": "20161012" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalaskedandanswered/lawyers-bring-mindfulness-practice.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Asked and Answered : How lawyers can bring mindfulness into their practice", "pubdate": "20160926" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalmodernlawlibrary/seismic-shift-us-wages-war-american-public.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Modern Law Library : A seismic shift in how the US wages war and what it means for the American public", "pubdate": "20160921" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/rebels/jean-ogrady-leads-lawyers-through-tech-maze.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Legal Rebels : Dewey B Strategic\"s Jean O\"Grady leads lawyers through the tech maze", "pubdate": "20160914" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalaskedandanswered/time-leave-current-job.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Asked and Answered : Is it time to leave your current job?", "pubdate": "20160829" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalmodernlawlibrary/freedom-isnt-end-story-exonerees.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Modern Law Library : Freedom isn\"t the end of the story for exonerees", "pubdate": "20160817" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/rebels/jerome-goldmans-work-gives-voice-scotus-arguments.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Legal Rebels : Jerome Goldman’s work gives a voice to SCOTUS arguments", "pubdate": "20160810" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalaskedandanswered/how-to-build-book-business-without-looking-desperate.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Asked and Answered : How to build a book of business without looking desperate", "pubdate": "20160725" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/rebels/deborah-rhode-at-war-with-complacency.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Legal Rebels : Deborah Rhode is at war with complacency", "pubdate": "20160720" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalmodernlawlibrary/1980s-lynching-case-helped-bring-down-klan.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Modern Law Library : How a 1980s lynching case helped bring down the Klan", "pubdate": "20160713" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalaskedandanswered/get-out-of-office-make-exercise-part-of-routine.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Asked and Answered : How to get out of the office and make exercise part of your routine", "pubdate": "20160627" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalmodernlawlibrary/last-good-girl-allison-leotta-campus-rape.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Modern Law Library : In ‘The Last Good Girl,’ Allison Leotta tackles the fraught subject of campus rape", "pubdate": "20160622" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalaskedandanswered/miranda-rights.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Asked and Answered : How well do people actually know their Miranda rights?", "pubdate": "20160523" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/rebels/rocket-lawyer-charley-moore-lawyer-collaboration-future.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Legal Rebels : Rocket Lawyer\"s Charley Moore sees lawyer collaboration as the future", "pubdate": "20160518" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalmodernlawlibrary/vagrant-nation-vagrancy-laws-rise-fall.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Modern Law Library : Before stop-and-frisk there were vagrancy laws; ‘Vagrant Nation’ explores their rise and fall", "pubdate": "20160511" }, { "file": "http://traffic.libsyn.com/abajournalaskedandanswered/stop-bias-workplace.mp3", "title": "ABA Journal: Asked and Answered : Want to stop bias in the workplace? 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