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Now includes PaperFlicks - videos of scientists explaining their latest research.", "episodes": [ { "file": "http://download.cell.com/images/edimages/podcasts/0523cell2013.mp3", "title": "From Food to Fuel", "pubdate": "20130524" }, { "file": "http://download.cell.com/images/edimages/podcasts/0425cell2013.mp3", "title": "From Epigenetics to Optogenetics", "pubdate": "20130426" }, { "file": "http://download.cell.com/images/edimages/podcasts/0314cell2013.mp3", "title": "From the Cell\"s Nucleus to the Cell Phone", "pubdate": "20130315" }, { "file": "http://download.cell.com/images/edimages/podcasts/0214cell2013.mp3", "title": "From Appetite Control to Molecular Networks", "pubdate": "20130215" }, { "file": "http://download.cell.com/images/edimages/podcasts/0131cell2013.mp3", "title": "From \"Nobel\" proteins to genes in context", "pubdate": "20130201" }, { "file": "http://download.cell.com/images/edimages/podcasts/1220cell2012.mp3", "title": "From Synthetic Biology to Evolution of Limbs 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