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Andy Yosha and his team of expert dating coaches (Yad, Mark Mowgli their female sidekick Minnie) take you into a secret world of pickup artists and dating knowledge to try and skyrocket your dating life, without ever stepping foot in a noisy expensive nightclub.", "episodes": [ { "file": "http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheDaygamePodcast/~5/USVkfTln1NQ/091.mp3", "title": "The Daygame Podcast #91 – Women On Top, Busting Nuts & Tantra", "pubdate": "20150208" }, { "file": "http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheDaygamePodcast/~5/iU1Afdqpe-Y/090.mp3", "title": "The Daygame Podcast #90 – 2015 New Year Resolutions", "pubdate": "20150108" }, { "file": "http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheDaygamePodcast/~5/SQYjIl6ckvQ/089.mp3", "title": "The Daygame Podcast #89 – Swiss Army Attraction", "pubdate": "20141128" }, { "file": "http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheDaygamePodcast/~5/lGqWUwKLo8M/088.mp3", "title": "The Daygame Podcast #88 – Strap On, Strap Off", "pubdate": "20141127" }, { "file": "http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheDaygamePodcast/~5/PPKK9tjoiLQ/087.mp3", "title": "The Daygame Podcast #87 – Geek Get Girl", "pubdate": "20141031" }, { "file": "http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheDaygamePodcast/~5/2-0yUFZmomQ/086.mp3", "title": "The Daygame Podcast #86 – Teasing Vibes", "pubdate": "20141031" }, { "file": "http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheDaygamePodcast/~5/WSU3pL2w9T0/085.mp3", "title": "The Daygame Podcast #85 – Managing Expectations", "pubdate": "20141027" }, { "file": "http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheDaygamePodcast/~5/uHzuSk0fLQM/084_1.mp3", "title": "The Daygame Podcast #84 – Student Stumbling Blocks", "pubdate": "20140819" }, { "file": "http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheDaygamePodcast/~5/Tv_kfaLeYBc/083.mp3", "title": "The Daygame Podcast #83 – Public Sex, Anyone?", "pubdate": "20140716" }, { "file": "http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheDaygamePodcast/~5/pSAJG8eWMbU/082.mp3", "title": "The Daygame Podcast #82 – From Adversity To Transformation", "pubdate": "20140108" }, { "file": "http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheDaygamePodcast/~5/2XP8xDzzdqs/081.mp3", "title": "The Daygame Podcast #81 – Aussie Adventures", "pubdate": "20131222" }, { "file": "http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheDaygamePodcast/~5/KUbHBDdy5iw/080.mp3", "title": "The Daygame Podcast #80 – The Need For Speed", "pubdate": "20131218" }, { "file": "http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheDaygamePodcast/~5/eRSO3VnkIOI/079_1.mp3", "title": "The Daygame Podcast #79 – You Are Your Own Brand", "pubdate": "20131211" }, { "file": "http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheDaygamePodcast/~5/nPxYO0Uq07I/078.mp3", "title": "The Daygame Podcast #78 – Brothers In Arms – Daygame Camaraderie", "pubdate": "20131101" }, { "file": "http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheDaygamePodcast/~5/3VryJS0g6aU/077.mp3", "title": "The Daygame Podcast #77 – Unconscious Competency.. 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