{ "category": { "name": "대중문화", "id": 1031 }, "likes": 5, "created_at": "2019-12-08 21:32:10", "title": "탬버린의 플레이리스트", "subscribes": 4, "updated_at": "2020-03-31 23:08:21", "description": "비교적 최근 발매된 앨범들을 소개합니다.", "episodes": [ { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_25201/grimes.mp3", "title": "Grimes - Miss Anthropocene", "pubdate": "20200311" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_25201/disclosure.mp3", "title": "Disclosure - Ecstasy", "pubdate": "20200310" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_25201/grae.mp3", "title": "Moses Sumney - græ : Part 1", "pubdate": "20200307" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_25201/manalive.mp3", "title": "King Krule - Man Alive!", "pubdate": "20200305" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_25201/circles.mp3", "title": "Mac Miller - Circles", "pubdate": "20200304" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_25201/czarface.mp3", "title": "CZARFACE - The Odd Czar Against Us", "pubdate": "20200229" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_25201/070.mp3", "title": "070 Shake - Modus Vivendi", "pubdate": "20200228" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_25201/eminem.mp3", "title": "Eminem - Music To Be Mudered By", "pubdate": "20200227" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_25201/johnzorn.mp3", "title": "John Zorn - Beyond Good And Evil", "pubdate": "20200226" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_25201/AAL.mp3", "title": "Against All Logic - 2017-2019", "pubdate": "20200224" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_25201/bebey.mp3", "title": "Theophilus London - Bebey", "pubdate": "20200220" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_25201/coincoin.mp3", "title": "[2019] Matana Roberts - Coin Coin Chapter Four : Memphis", "pubdate": "20200217" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_25201/Klein.mp3", "title": "[2019] Klein - Lifetime", "pubdate": "20200215" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_25201/Burnaboy.mp3", "title": "[2019] Burna Boy - African Giant", "pubdate": "20200214" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_25201/rap.mp3", "title": "[2019] RAP - EXPORT", "pubdate": "20200213" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_25201/bloodorange.mp3", "title": "[2019] Blood Orange - Angel\"s Pulse", "pubdate": "20200212" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_25201/MIKE.mp3", "title": "[2019] MIKE - tears of joy", "pubdate": "20200212" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_25201/clipping.mp3", "title": "[2019] clipping. - There Existed an Addiction to Blood", "pubdate": "20200210" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_25201/maxokream.mp3", "title": "[2019] Maxo Kream - Brandon Banks", "pubdate": "20200209" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_25201/missuniverse.mp3", "title": "[2019] Nilüfer Yanya - Miss Universe", "pubdate": "20200208" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_25201/allmyherosarecornballs.mp3", "title": "[2019] JPEGMafia - All My Heros Are Cornballs", "pubdate": "20200208" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_25201/legacy.mp3", "title": "[2019] Jamila Woods - LEGACY! LEGACY!", "pubdate": "20200206" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_25201/solange.mp3", "title": "[2019] Solange - When I Get Home", "pubdate": "20200205" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_25201/slowthai.mp3", "title": "[2019] slowthai - Nothing Great About Britain", "pubdate": "20200204" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_25201/kimgordon.mp3", "title": "[2019] Kim Gordon - No Home Records", "pubdate": "20200203" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_25201/PUNK.mp3", "title": "[2019] CHAI - PUNK", "pubdate": "20200202" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_25201/uknowwhatimsaying.mp3", "title": "[2019] Danny Brown - uknowhatimsayin¿", "pubdate": "20200201" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_25201/PROTO.mp3", "title": "[2019] Holly Herndon - PROTO", "pubdate": "20200201" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_25201/crush.mp3", "title": "[2019] Floating Points - Crush", "pubdate": "20200131" }, { "file": "http://file.ssenhosting.com/data1/pb_25201/flamagra.mp3", "title": "[2019] Flying Lotus - 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