{ "category": { "name": "교양", "id": 1029 }, "likes": 0, "created_at": "2012-02-24 10:04:28", "title": "Great Moments in History", "subscribes": 13, "updated_at": "2012-09-15 13:00:00", "description": "In this podiobook: Great Moments in History is a collection of ten momentous events in World and Americanhistory, covered by live, on-the-spot newscasters. These are \"first-hand\" dramatizationsenhanced by full-range, professional sound effects.Experience real historic events as they happen:- Charge with the Athenians at Marathon; die with the Spartan 300 at the tragedy ofThermopylae; and thrill to the final Greek victory at Plataea.- From the first heroic charge to the bizarre victory, you are at Hastings, reliving that mostfamous of all battles. King Harold of England and William the Conqueror highlight thissuccession dispute that can only be settled on the field of combat.- King Phillip II, Sir Francis Drake, Queen Elizabeth - again they meet in the climactic struggle. Return to 1588 as Spanish ships sail out upon the ebb of empire!This series was initially marketed to schools in the early 1970's, and distributed on albums and cassette tapes. Now, 35 years later, thanks to digital technology and podiobooks.com, a new generation is able to enjoy these truly remarkable programs.", "episodes": [ { "file": "http://media.podiobooks.com/greatmomentsinhistory/PB-GreatMomentsinHistory-10.mp3", "title": "Episode 10: 1812: Jackson at New Orleans", "pubdate": "20060607" }, { "file": "http://media.podiobooks.com/greatmomentsinhistory/PB-GreatMomentsinHistory-09.mp3", "title": "Episode 9: Yorktown: Victor and Vanquished", "pubdate": "20060607" }, { "file": "http://media.podiobooks.com/greatmomentsinhistory/PB-GreatMomentsinHistory-08.mp3", "title": "Episode 8: Road to Revolution: 1775", "pubdate": "20060607" }, { "file": "http://media.podiobooks.com/greatmomentsinhistory/PB-GreatMomentsinHistory-07.mp3", "title": "Episode 7: The Salem Witch Trials", "pubdate": "20060607" }, { "file": "http://media.podiobooks.com/greatmomentsinhistory/PB-GreatMomentsinHistory-06.mp3", "title": "Episode 6: King Philip\"s War", "pubdate": "20060607" }, { "file": "http://media.podiobooks.com/greatmomentsinhistory/PB-GreatMomentsinHistory-05.mp3", "title": "Episode 5: Defeat of the Spanish Armada", "pubdate": "20060607" }, { "file": "http://media.podiobooks.com/greatmomentsinhistory/PB-GreatMomentsinHistory-04.mp3", "title": "Episode 4: Battle of Hastings", "pubdate": "20060607" }, { "file": "http://media.podiobooks.com/greatmomentsinhistory/PB-GreatMomentsinHistory-03.mp3", "title": "Episode 3: Death of Socrates", "pubdate": "20060607" }, { "file": "http://media.podiobooks.com/greatmomentsinhistory/PB-GreatMomentsinHistory-02.mp3", "title": "Episode 2: Assassination of Caesar", "pubdate": "20060607" }, { "file": "http://media.podiobooks.com/greatmomentsinhistory/PB-GreatMomentsinHistory-01.mp3", "title": "Episode 1: Greek-Persian Wars", "pubdate": "20060607" } ], "id": "297", "is_adult_only": false, "thumbnail": "http://img.podbbang.com/img/pb_m/thumb/x150/297.png?time=202002171458" }