{ "category": { "name": "교양", "id": 1029 }, "likes": 0, "created_at": "2012-02-24 10:08:12", "title": "Tech Chick Tips", "subscribes": 3, "updated_at": "2016-07-11 11:57:58", "description": "Tips and tricks for gadgets and software for your digital life given by two Texas chicks obsessed with anything digital. The podcast is geared specifically to educators interested in integrating technology into their curriculum. Companion blog, forums and resources at: http://techchicktips.net/", "episodes": [ { "file": "http://techchicktips.net/podcasts/tct01010.mp3", "title": "01010 - Our Tenth Podcastaverary!", "pubdate": "20160711" }, { "file": "http://techchicktips.net/podcasts/tct00135.mp3", "title": "00135 TCT - A Few of Our Favorite Things", "pubdate": "20160620" }, { "file": "http://techchicktips.net/podcasts/tct128.mp3", "title": "00128 TCT - Name that Tune!", "pubdate": "20160302" }, { "file": "http://techchicktips.net/podcasts/tct127.mp3", "title": "00127 TCT - Let\"s DO This Thing!", "pubdate": "20160118" }, { "file": "http://techchicktips.net/podcasts/tct118.mp3", "title": "0118 TCT - We came, we seesawed, we conquered", "pubdate": "20150517" }, { "file": "http://techchicktips.net/podcasts/tct111.mp3", "title": "0111 TCT - We are Tomorrow! Tomorrow!", "pubdate": "20140727" }, { "file": "http://techchicktips.net/podcasts/tct110.mp3", "title": "0110 TCT - Dry Binary Tacos", "pubdate": "20140311" }, { "file": "http://techchicktips.net/podcasts/tct109.mp3", "title": "0109 TCT - Happy New Year!", "pubdate": "20140228" }, { "file": "http://techchicktips.net/podcasts/tct108.mp3", "title": "0108 TCT - A long time coming...", "pubdate": "20131108" }, { "file": "http://techchicktips.net/podcasts/tct107.mp3", "title": "0107 TCT - Code Monkeys", "pubdate": "20130716" }, { "file": "http://techchicktips.net/podcasts/tct106.mp3", "title": "0106 TCT - ISTE 2013, Geek is Chic", "pubdate": "20130705" }, { "file": "http://techchicktips.net/podcasts/tct105.mp3", "title": "0105 TCT - Against all odds", "pubdate": "20130414" }, { "file": "http://techchicktips.net/podcasts/tct104.mp3", "title": "0104 TCT - We\"re not full of...", "pubdate": "20130302" }, { "file": "http://techchicktips.net/podcasts/tct103.mp3", "title": "0103 TCT - Helen, don\"t listen through the end", "pubdate": "20130123" }, { "file": "http://techchicktips.net/podcasts/tct102.mp3", "title": "0102 TCT - You are a Super Hero", "pubdate": "20121218" }, { "file": "http://techchicktips.net/podcasts/tct101.mp3", "title": "0101 TCT - Googly Eyes for Google", "pubdate": "20121031" }, { "file": "http://techchicktips.net/podcasts/tct100.mp3", "title": "0100 TCT - EPISODE 100!!!!", "pubdate": "20120728" }, { "file": "http://techchicktips.net/podcasts/tct99.mp3", "title": "0099 TCT - Travel Tips from the Chicks", "pubdate": "20120720" }, { "file": "http://techchicktips.net/podcasts/tct98.mp3", "title": "0098 TCT - What? Another one? Already?!", "pubdate": "20120629" }, { "file": "http://techchicktips.net/podcasts/tct97.mp3", "title": "0097 TCT - When Crickets Attack", "pubdate": "20120628" }, { "file": "http://techchicktips.net/podcasts/tct96.mp3", "title": "0096 TCT - Determined to publish!", "pubdate": "20120525" }, { "file": "http://techchicktips.net/podcasts/tct95.mp3", "title": "0095 TCT - The podcast that almost never was", "pubdate": "20120412" }, { "file": "http://techchicktips.net/podcasts/tct94.mp3", "title": "0094 TCT - No longer on the backburner", "pubdate": "20120301" }, { "file": "http://techchicktips.net/podcasts/tct93.mp3", "title": "0093 TCT - TCEA 2012 Roundup", "pubdate": "20120220" }, { "file": "http://techchicktips.net/podcasts/tct92.mp3", "title": "0092 TCT - Chock Full of Goodness", "pubdate": "20120114" }, { "file": "http://techchicktips.net/podcasts/tct91.mp3", "title": "0091 TCT - Hurry! Too much to cover! Too Little Time!", "pubdate": "20111203" }, { "file": "http://techchicktips.net/podcasts/tct90.mp3", "title": "0090 TCT - YouTubealishious", "pubdate": "20111123" }, { "file": "http://techchicktips.net/podcasts/tct89.mp3", "title": "0089 TCT - There is no title", "pubdate": "20110906" }, { "file": "http://techchicktips.net/podcasts/tct88.mp3", "title": "0088 TCT - It All Adds Up", "pubdate": "20110824" }, { "file": "http://techchicktips.net/podcasts/tct87.mp3", "title": "0087 TCT - Science Heavy-ish", "pubdate": "20110802" }, { "file": "http://techchicktips.net/podcasts/tct86.5.mp3", "title": "0086.5 TCT - We sound GOOD!", "pubdate": "20110802" }, { "file": "http://techchicktips.net/podcasts/tct86.mp3", "title": "0086 TCT - Summer Bonanza!", "pubdate": "20110618" }, { "file": "http://techchicktips.net/podcasts/tct85.mp3", "title": "0085 TCT - My document\"s corrupted?!", "pubdate": "20110502" }, { "file": "http://techchicktips.net/podcasts/tct84.mp3", "title": "0084 TCT - The Chicks at the Chick (fil-a)", "pubdate": "20110417" }, { "file": "http://techchicktips.net/podcasts/tct83.mp3", "title": "0083 TCT - Stuff we forgot to share...", "pubdate": "20110308" }, { "file": "http://techchicktips.net/podcasts/tct82.mp3", "title": "0082 TCT - YouTube Plus", "pubdate": "20110304" }, { "file": "http://techchicktips.net/podcasts/tct81.mp3", "title": "0081 TCT - TCEA 2011", "pubdate": "20110213" }, { "file": "http://techchicktips.net/podcasts/tct80.mp3", "title": "0080 TCT - Happy New Year!", "pubdate": "20110109" }, { "file": "http://techchicktips.net/podcasts/tct79b.mp3", "title": "0079.5 TCT - CyberMonday!", "pubdate": "20101201" }, { "file": "http://techchicktips.net/podcasts/tct79.mp3", "title": "0079 TCT - Your name? Yeah, it\"s not in this podcast. So listen.", "pubdate": "20101121" }, { "file": "http://techchicktips.net/podcasts/tct78.mp3", "title": "0078 TCT - The iPad Episode! The Super LONG iPad Episode", "pubdate": "20101119" }, { "file": "http://techchicktips.net/podcasts/tct0070.mp3", "title": "0077 TCT - Podcasting even as we speak", "pubdate": "20101025" }, { "file": "http://techchicktips.net/podcasts/tct0076.mp3", "title": "0076 TCT - The DIY Episode", "pubdate": "20101001" }, { "file": "http://techchicktips.net/podcasts/tct75.mp3", "title": "0075 TCT - Anna\"s a bit of a klepto", "pubdate": "20100725" }, { "file": "http://techchicktips.net/podcasts/tct0074.mp3", "title": "0074 TCT - It\"s not THAT much shorter...", "pubdate": "20100717" }, { "file": "http://techchicktips.net/podcasts/tct73.mp3", "title": "0073 TCT - The subdued episode", "pubdate": "20100607" }, { "file": "http://techchicktips.net/podcasts/tct0072.mp3", "title": "0072 TCT - It\"s early!", "pubdate": "20100523" }, { "file": "http://techchicktips.net/podcasts/tct71.mp3", "title": "0071 TCT - Sparking their creativity", "pubdate": "20100421" }, { "file": "http://techchicktips.net/podcasts/tct70.mp3", "title": "0070 TCT - Building Your Capacity", "pubdate": "20100407" }, { "file": "http://techchicktips.net/podcasts/tct69.mp3", "title": "0069 TCT - By the Numbers", "pubdate": "20100219" }, { "file": "http://techchicktips.net/podcasts/tct68.mp3", "title": "0068 TCT - Uhh... what do we call this one?", "pubdate": "20100128" }, { "file": "http://techchicktips.net/podcasts/tct67.mp3", "title": "0067 TCT - The Apptabulous Episode", "pubdate": "20100122" }, { "file": "http://techchicktips.net/podcasts/tct66.mp3", "title": "0066 TCT - The one where the audio REALLY buzzes. :(", "pubdate": "20091217" }, { "file": "http://techchicktips.net/podcasts/tct65.mp3", "title": "0065 TCT - That\"s how we roll!", "pubdate": "20091208" }, { "file": "http://techchicktips.net/podcasts/tct64.mp3", "title": "0064 TCT - Back from Tech Forum SW", "pubdate": "20091113" }, { "file": "http://techchicktips.net/podcasts/tct63.mp3", "title": "0063 TCT - Another not-quite-mobile podcast", "pubdate": "20091104" }, { "file": "http://techchicktips.net/podcasts/tct62.mp3", "title": "0062 TCT - No peanut butter required!", "pubdate": "20091009" }, { "file": "http://techchicktips.net/podcasts/tct61.mp3", "title": "0061 TCT - Not about a pharmacy", "pubdate": "20090929" }, { "file": "http://techchicktips.net/podcasts/tct60.mp3", "title": "0060 TCT - An informercial for ed tech", "pubdate": "20090912" }, { "file": "http://techchicktips.net/podcasts/tct59.mp3", "title": "0059 TCT - Back to School Special", "pubdate": "20090902" }, { "file": "http://techchicktips.net/podcasts/tct58.mp3", "title": "0058 TCT - MmmMmMm... MEAT!", "pubdate": "20090729" }, { "file": "http://techchicktips.net/podcasts/tct57.mp3", "title": "0057 TCT - NECC \"09", "pubdate": "20090710" }, { "file": "http://techchicktips.net/podcasts/tct56.mp3", "title": "0056 TCT - All Things iPhone!", "pubdate": "20090625" }, { "file": "http://techchicktips.net/podcasts/tct55.mp3", "title": "0055 TCT - A short interview with Will Richardson", "pubdate": "20090623" }, { "file": "http://techchicktips.net/podcasts/tct_iphone.mp3", "title": "0055ish TCT - We have our iPhone 3GS\"s!", "pubdate": "20090620" }, { "file": "http://techchicktips.net/podcasts/tct54.mp3", "title": "0054 TCT - The one where you hear Anna\"s iPhone buzzing", "pubdate": "20090428" }, { "file": "http://techchicktips.net/podcasts/tct53.mp3", "title": "0053 TCT - We called a truce", "pubdate": "20090411" }, { "file": "http://techchicktips.net/podcasts/tct52.mp3", "title": "0052 TCT - Back from Canada, eh", "pubdate": "20090406" }, { "file": "http://techchicktips.net/podcasts/tct51.mp3", "title": "0051 TCT - The one after the Golden Episode", "pubdate": "20090318" }, { "file": "http://techchicktips.net/podcasts/tct50.mp3", "title": "0050 TCT - The Golden Episode", "pubdate": "20090306" }, { "file": "http://techchicktips.net/podcasts/tct49.mp3", "title": "0049 TCT - TCEA \"09 and some other stuff", "pubdate": "20090207" }, { "file": "http://techchicktips.net/podcasts/tct48.mp3", "title": "0048 TCT - We\"re Thankful for You!", "pubdate": "20081123" }, { "file": "http://techchicktips.net/podcasts/tct47.mp3", "title": "0047 TCT - Tech Forum 2008", "pubdate": "20081112" }, { "file": "http://techchicktips.net/podcasts/tct46.mp3", "title": "0046 TCT - Podslackers No More!", "pubdate": "20081015" }, { "file": "http://techchicktips.net/podcasts/techchicks45.mp3", "title": "0045 TCT - Corrections and Resources Revealed!", "pubdate": "20080619" }, { "file": "http://techchicktips.net/podcasts/techchicks44.mp3", "title": "0044 TCT - On a Twitter Soapbox", "pubdate": "20080501" }, { "file": "http://techchicktips.net/podcasts/techchicktips43.mp3", "title": "0043 TCT - Twubble with Twitters in Time", "pubdate": "20080412" }, { "file": "http://techchicktips.net/podcasts/techchicks42.mp3", "title": "0042 TCT - The first one we titled!", "pubdate": "20080327" }, { "file": "http://techchicktips.net/podcasts/techchicks41.mp3", "title": "0041 Tech Chick Tips", "pubdate": "20080323" }, { "file": "http://techchicktips.net/podcasts/techchicks40.m4a", "title": "0040 Tech Chick Tips", "pubdate": "20080216" }, { "file": "http://techchicktips.net/podcasts/techchicks40b.mp3", "title": "0040.5 Tech Chick Tips", "pubdate": "20080211" }, { "file": "http://techchicktips.net/podcasts/techchicks39b.mp3", "title": "0039b Tech Chick Tips", "pubdate": "20080210" }, { "file": "http://techchicktips.net/podcasts/techchicks39.mp3", "title": "0039 Tech Chick Tips", "pubdate": "20080208" }, { "file": "http://techchicktips.net/podcasts/techchicks38.mp3", "title": "0038 Tech Chick Tips", "pubdate": "20080205" }, { "file": "http://techchicktips.net/podcasts/techchicks37.mp3", "title": "0037 Tech Chick TIps", "pubdate": "20080116" }, { "file": "http://techchicktips.net/podcasts/techchicks36.mp3", "title": "0036 Tech Chick Tips", "pubdate": "20071229" }, { "file": "http://techchicktips.net/podcasts/techchicktips035slj.mp3", "title": "0035 Tech Chick Tips - 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