{ "category": { "name": "교양", "id": 1029 }, "likes": 1, "created_at": "2012-02-24 10:17:50", "title": "Slate's Manners for the Digital Age", "subscribes": 6, "updated_at": "2012-05-20 13:30:00", "description": "Slate's tech columnist Farhad Manjoo and Dear Prudence advice columnist Emily Yoffe debate how the age-old rules of civility apply to a social dilemma caused by new technology. Please send your questions or comments to digitalmanners@slate.com.", "episodes": [ { "file": "https://traffic.megaphone.fm/ARC1235587711.mp3", "title": "The Teacher Tweeting TMI: Manners for the Digital Age #55", "pubdate": "20120520" }, { "file": "https://traffic.megaphone.fm/ARC1250088912.mp3", "title": "Cell Phones in Locker Rooms: Manners for the Digital Age #54", "pubdate": "20120513" }, { "file": "https://traffic.megaphone.fm/ARC7030336092.mp3", "title": "Saying No to Social Networking: Manners for the Digital Age #53", "pubdate": "20120506" }, { "file": "https://traffic.megaphone.fm/ARC3858851457.mp3", "title": "Audio Cocooning: Manners for the Digital Age #52", "pubdate": "20120429" }, { "file": "https://traffic.megaphone.fm/ARC9258527190.mp3", "title": "Stolen Status Update: Manners for the Digital Age #51", "pubdate": "20120422" }, { "file": "https://traffic.megaphone.fm/ARC2015848481.mp3", "title": "Sext-o-Genarian: Manners for the Digital Age #50", "pubdate": "20120415" }, 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"De-Friending Family: Manners for the Digital Age #43", "pubdate": "20120226" }, { "file": "https://traffic.megaphone.fm/ARC9854833407.mp3", "title": "Amateur Wedding Paparazzi: Manners for the Digital Age #42", "pubdate": "20120219" }, { "file": "https://traffic.megaphone.fm/ARC5092902544.mp3", "title": "Doubting Dater: Manners for the Digital Age #41", "pubdate": "20120212" }, { "file": "https://traffic.megaphone.fm/ARC7081507133.mp3", "title": "You’ve Got It All Wrong!: Manners for the Digital Age #40", "pubdate": "20120205" }, { "file": "https://traffic.megaphone.fm/ARC9020127633.mp3", "title": "Offline Lover: Manners for the Digital Age #39", "pubdate": "20120129" }, { "file": "https://traffic.megaphone.fm/ARC5860946235.mp3", "title": "Hands off the DVR: Manners for the Digital Age #38", "pubdate": "20120122" }, { "file": "https://traffic.megaphone.fm/ARC4715918535.mp3", "title": "Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me?: Manners for the Digital Age #37", "pubdate": "20120115" }, { 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