{ "category": { "name": "종교", "id": 1033 }, "likes": 3, "created_at": "2012-02-24 10:19:18", "title": "Times Square Church - Sermons", "subscribes": 18, "updated_at": "2021-02-07 23:00:00", "description": "Each week we update this podcast with messages from Pastor Tim Dilena, senior pastor of Times Square Church. Our vision is to reach New York City and cities around the world with the life changing message of Jesus. We hope you are encouraged by this podcast. For more information about Times Square Church, please visit tsc.nyc", "episodes": [ { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/S4_NgrLY5jY/20210207.mp3", "title": "A Prayer to Pray When You Face Your Toughest Moment in Life - Tim Dilena", "pubdate": "20210207" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/vH8cP4iviGI/20210131.mp3", "title": "Thorn in the Flesh - R.T. Kendall", "pubdate": "20210131" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/3Bh-t5JAYg8/20210124.mp3", "title": "When What I Want and What God Wants Collide - Tim Dilena", "pubdate": "20210124" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/QSWW43QLKKo/20210117.mp3", "title": "Big and Small - Tim Dilena", "pubdate": "20210117" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/2pNQ1waJ9uc/20210110.mp3", "title": "The Church Is Going to Babylon - Tim Dilena", "pubdate": "20210110" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/J-Vv0Hbca4o/20210103.mp3", "title": "I Can't Choose the Battle but I Can Choose Strength - Tim Dilena", "pubdate": "20210103" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/2_ycfvHSf5c/20201227.mp3", "title": "Forgetting the Past - R.T. Kendall", "pubdate": "20201227" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/YwE8SDdWLNs/20201220.mp3", "title": "Don't Stop at the Star (You Have to Go a Little Further) - Tim Dilena", "pubdate": "20201220" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/H33VuGYfBoY/20201213.mp3", "title": "Changing Singing to Worship This Christmas - Tim Dilena", "pubdate": "20201213" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/gnHjjNotzTI/20201206s1.mp3", "title": "The Close Are Very Far and the Far Are Very Close - Tim Dilena", "pubdate": "20201206" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/2tmlBVtYTOM/20201129s1.mp3", "title": "A Reason to Be Thankful - David Ham", "pubdate": "20201129" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/zBYQmL7sBDQ/20201115.mp3", "title": "Thanking God - R.T. Kendall", "pubdate": "20201125" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/4gs8v3P8hzA/20201108.mp3", "title": "What's Next? - Tim Dilena", "pubdate": "20201108" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/07Bq3tyaOuk/20201101.mp3", "title": "Whose Side Are you On - Tim Dilena", "pubdate": "20201101" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/g1eoNZ-yols/20201025s1.mp3", "title": "Totally Forgiving God - R.T. Kendall", "pubdate": "20201025" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/3GnNPTQh-j0/20201018s1.mp3", "title": "Multiplication Is Always Harder Than Addition - Tim Dilena", "pubdate": "20201018" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/2Qp4uLvd2hc/20201011s1.mp3", "title": "Find Your Walk - Tim Dilena", "pubdate": "20201011" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/EpycAea9XVs/20201004s1.mp3", "title": "I Heard the Voice of Mercy - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20201004" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/1O7kxyGfeBs/20200927s1.mp3", "title": "The Ugliness of Cynical Living - Tim Dilena", "pubdate": "20200927" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/GbW6Qrm-Hpk/20200920s1.mp3", "title": "Totally Forgiving Ourselves - R.T. Kendall", "pubdate": "20200920" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/JE9YrVOeINQ/20200913s1.mp3", "title": "Process and Crisis - Tim Dilena", "pubdate": "20200913" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/PdcBuGT81EQ/20200906s1.mp3", "title": "Total Forgiveness - R.T. Kendall", "pubdate": "20200906" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/nCdsY5Nry74/20200830s1.mp3", "title": "Losing It but Not Losing Him - Tim Dilena", "pubdate": "20200830" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/v2DPmOS1UII/20200823s1.mp3", "title": "Straight Line Prayers and Squiggly Line Answers - Tim Dilena", "pubdate": "20200823" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/sicbc381OrU/20200816s1.mp3", "title": "Spiking the Ball on the 5 Yard Line - Tim Dilena", "pubdate": "20200816" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/0NdoGdkwTpg/20200809s1.mp3", "title": "How Does God Do It? - Tim Dilena", "pubdate": "20200809" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/yUykh9c_Kto/20200802s1.mp3", "title": "Can You Be That Far Off? - Tim Dilena", "pubdate": "20200802" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/Wq3RJ9LKa1c/20200726s1.mp3", "title": "3 PM Christians - Tim Dilena", "pubdate": "20200726" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/N4eQlKQrppg/20200719s1.mp3", "title": "Finally a Way to Fight These Negative Thoughts - Tim Dilena", "pubdate": "20200719" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/wO1CMDZFrY4/20200712s1.mp3", "title": "What Do I Do When My Situation Seems Impossible? - Tim Dilena", "pubdate": "20200712" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/OURnyBq28VM/20200705s1.mp3", "title": "A New Season - Tim Dilena", "pubdate": "20200705" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/Sk90bNoBMrQ/20200628s1.mp3", "title": "Stars and Hearts - Tim Dilena", "pubdate": "20200628" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/wZDURFI-fBg/20200621s1.mp3", "title": "Sometimes God Makes Me Really Really Angry - Tim Dilena", "pubdate": "20200621" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/tmY2HioS4S4/20200614s1.mp3", "title": "The Most Diverse Place In The Universe....A Glimpse Of Glory - Tim Dilena", "pubdate": "20200614" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/4hZpYIuKERI/20200607s1.mp3", "title": "How To Change Our Cities From Groaning To Rejoicing - Tim Dilena", "pubdate": "20200607" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/QuSB5JjzyM8/20200531s1.mp3", "title": "What Is It Going To Take For Me To Change? - Tim Dilena", "pubdate": "20200531" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/M0mYYCEsB5k/20200524s1.mp3", "title": "Praise #2 Is My Problem - Tim Dilena", "pubdate": "20200524" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/MpHWgzpZb6E/20200517s1.mp3", "title": "A Rudder and A Sail Verse - Tim Dilena", "pubdate": "20200517" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/J-u5T2BO2Tw/20200510s1.mp3", "title": "Finding Hope When Everything Is Changing Around Me - Tim Dilena", "pubdate": "20200510" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/qNZfnEv-Bg4/20200503s1.mp3", "title": "My Last Message - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20200503" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/iFX3nO-R33c/20200426s1.mp3", "title": "It's No Longer A Secret - Tim Dilena", "pubdate": "20200419" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/I1B2YFYE4aQ/20200419s1.mp3", "title": "In Everything? Really? - Tim Dilena", "pubdate": "20200419" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/LzK6Cphdkjo/20200412s1.mp3", "title": "Set Free From the Fear of Death - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20200412" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/KZI9y9tibzI/20200405s1.mp3", "title": "Finding Your Voice in the Storm - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20200405" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/ie_MIRYHmfE/20200329s1.mp3", "title": "Dealing With Ourselves in Times of Crisis - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20200329" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/CitHca_-G-k/20200322s1.mp3", "title": "5 Words for Any Crisis - Tim Dilena", "pubdate": "20200322" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/J_ugYWgaTMc/20200315s1.mp3", "title": "How To Worship When I'm Afraid - Tim Dilena", "pubdate": "20200315" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/hPNUE8R1qFM/20200308s3.mp3", "title": "Peace - Michael Fratt", "pubdate": "20200309" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/jaHEcWoFtyI/20200308s2.mp3", "title": "The Gideon Church - Esther Ibanga", "pubdate": "20200309" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/NPcbBSJFlnw/20200308s1.mp3", "title": "The Joy of Asking - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20200308" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/eqRPcW4B3HA/20200301s1.mp3", "title": "When The End Comes, Where Will You Be? - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20200301" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/X6xxb0E-yJU/20200223s2.mp3", "title": "Israel and The End Times - Peter Tsukahira", "pubdate": "20200224" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/yHWAg-lQZO0/20200223s1.mp3", "title": "Training for 31 Feet - Tim Dilena", "pubdate": "20200223" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/2Xr-fDv8Qww/20200216s2.mp3", "title": "Following God - Teresa Conlon", "pubdate": "20200217" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/opTRuFmF4j8/20200216s1.mp3", "title": "Abraham Could Have Stayed Home - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20200216" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/AhX8_kp8osk/20200209s3.mp3", "title": "One Experience with Jesus Changes Everything - Tyler Sain", "pubdate": "20200210" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/ZAhWMoZJrrE/20200209s2.mp3", "title": "Rethinking Your Battles With The Devil - Nik Godshall", "pubdate": "20200210" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/TIE2mn95BPQ/20200209s1.mp3", "title": "The Wolf is at The Door - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20200209" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/X5sRQ56dw44/20200202s2.mp3", "title": "The Story That Started A Prayer Meeting And Shook A House - Tim Dilena", "pubdate": "20200203" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/JYf80JR5EFk/20200202s1.mp3", "title": "A Cry From The Heart of God - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20200202" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/tly5bHTpFME/20200126s3.mp3", "title": "It\"s Time to Overcome - Doc Golden", "pubdate": "20200127" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/gld9vCysgis/20200126s2.mp3", "title": "Safeguarding Your Identity - David O\"Neill", "pubdate": "20200127" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/GKLFxkO39GU/20200126s1.mp3", "title": "The Food of Faith Is Love - Nick Cassidy", "pubdate": "20200126" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/h0bFJkjd66w/20200119s3.mp3", "title": "Help My Unbelief - David Ham", "pubdate": "20200120" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/OUbQ8O9C6lk/20200119s2.mp3", "title": "What Does it Mean to be Born Again? - Nik Godshall", "pubdate": "20200120" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/xA9VhS2XPCw/20200119s1.mp3", "title": "The Cost of Pentecost - William Carrol", "pubdate": "20200119" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/dnfdc2fAowE/20200112s3.mp3", "title": "Let The People Say Amen! - David Ham", "pubdate": "20200113" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/QrwRx2pjLw8/20200112s2.mp3", "title": "It All Begins When You Have Nothing - Pavel Maftey", "pubdate": "20200113" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/bEQHy9qIrq0/20200112s1.mp3", "title": "God Is With Us. Let\"s Rise And Build! - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20200112" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/RYvfJKWOE6Q/20200105s3.mp3", "title": "Eyes Wide Open - Michael Fratt", "pubdate": "20200106" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/-rSbSPBawGI/20200105s2.mp3", "title": "Brand New At Last - Stan Jouk", "pubdate": "20200106" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/mQRrbZLwRrE/20200105s1.mp3", "title": "A New Vision - William Carrol", "pubdate": "20200105" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/W_y2hFxsxJQ/20191229s3.mp3", "title": "The Right Side - David Ham", "pubdate": "20191230" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/v_KvELRJ9zQ/20191229s2.mp3", "title": "How Do We Know the Will of God? - Tim Williams", "pubdate": "20191230" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/9m36V1A-IHo/20191229s1.mp3", "title": "The Groanings of the Holy Spirit - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20191229" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/pW2aQQj7rGA/20191222s3.mp3", "title": "Evangelistic Message - David Ham", "pubdate": "20191223" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/Cskw8ooI2xo/20191222s2.mp3", "title": "God Is The Best Gift-Giver - Tim Dilena", "pubdate": "20191223" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/y4Oubb2bBXU/20191222s1.mp3", "title": "The Christmas Message - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20191222" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/1bsvcQmJ-kY/20191215s3.mp3", "title": "Let It Be - David Ham", "pubdate": "20191216" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/IzZfSXakzmE/20191215s2.mp3", "title": "Finding Joy in Trials - Ryan Seaborn", "pubdate": "20191216" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/D0kVIB6cuIE/20191215s1.mp3", "title": "2020 - The Year When We Will See Wonders - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20191215" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/s1e3ANY3X-I/20191208s3.mp3", "title": "Bittersweet - Michael Fratt", "pubdate": "20191209" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/LLmChptV5FY/20191208s2.mp3", "title": "Bringing Church To Work - William Carrol", "pubdate": "20191209" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/hpU4vh-rcD8/20191208s1.mp3", "title": "Walking Free - Teresa Conlon", "pubdate": "20191208" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/6Zaao_XB6D0/20191201s3.mp3", "title": "From Stressed To Rest - Patrick Pierre", "pubdate": "20191202" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/msq8N2llnj8/20191201s2.mp3", "title": "It Is Not Good For Man To Be Alone - Pavel Maftey", "pubdate": "20191202" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/EsndBTadZPs/20191201s1.mp3", "title": "I Want To See - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20191201" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/5jLIDPKGqVg/20191124s3.mp3", "title": "Rest - Michael Fratt", "pubdate": "20191125" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/HhCstsQlD8g/20191124s2.mp3", "title": "The Reach Series: Part 2 - Josiah DeRoos", "pubdate": "20191125" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/3pqAIm06jcQ/20191124s1.mp3", "title": "I Want To See - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20191124" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/9kzzSI5xwX4/20191117s2.mp3", "title": "The Reach Series: Part 1 - Nik Godshall", "pubdate": "20191118" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/hwRUr748eg8/20191117s1.mp3", "title": "Waters, Rivers and Fire - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20191117" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/rMZkAc7Z_10/20191110s1.mp3", "title": "Will I Ever Be Free? - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20191110" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/tmoPRor-sVI/20191103s3.mp3", "title": "Captivated By The Weeds - Michael Fratt", "pubdate": "20191104" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/yze-hgbuWD4/20191103s2.mp3", "title": "Why We Need The Body Of Christ - Tim Williams", "pubdate": "20191104" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/xyb01By5wrI/20191103s1.mp3", "title": "Living With Open Hands And An Open Heart - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20191103" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/UHLUXodFV4c/20191027s3.mp3", "title": "The Anointed Ones - David Ham", "pubdate": "20191028" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/IYvPxEwE9AM/20191027s2.mp3", "title": "Not Without You - Part 5: What Are We Afraid Of? - Teresa Conlon", "pubdate": "20191028" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/lA51jSPZQ_U/20191027s1.mp3", "title": "A Prayer Meeting Outside Of Sodom - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20191027" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/eD-pvKx3Tcg/20191020s3.mp3", "title": "The Freedom Of Confession - David Ham", "pubdate": "20191021" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/r4lCmNBcoWE/20191020s2.mp3", "title": "Not Without You - Part 4: Committed To Make A Difference - Patrick Pierre", "pubdate": "20191021" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/8NPc_4cA9vM/20191020s1.mp3", "title": "Celebrating 25 Years - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20191020" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/7mmQvrfOLAs/20191013s3.mp3", "title": "Evangelistic Message - David Ham", "pubdate": "20191014" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/PE02s22hs44/20191013s2.mp3", "title": "Not Without You - Part 3: Friends For Life - David Ham", "pubdate": "20191014" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/OyUq_he7Sas/20191013s1.mp3", "title": "Who Are You? 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- Michael Fratt", "pubdate": "20190701" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/3bmgL0Ob0u4/20190630s2.mp3", "title": "What God Wants - Stan Jouk", "pubdate": "20190701" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/Y1pHPo0x6Ss/20190630s1.mp3", "title": "You Are God\"s Masterpiece - Patrick Pierre", "pubdate": "20190630" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/_pPsVsXYJJI/20190623s3.mp3", "title": "Set Free And Delivered - David Ham", "pubdate": "20190624" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/Bd2sDKsD3so/20190623s2.mp3", "title": "The Power To Witness - Dani Sayag", "pubdate": "20190624" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/shMr6EsMYms/20190623s1.mp3", "title": "Stay Strong - David Ham", "pubdate": "20190623" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/QivQ2unRqW0/20190616s2.mp3", "title": "Checking The Label - Tim Dilena", "pubdate": "20190617" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/zh4i1Ufh1zo/20190616s1.mp3", "title": "When Fathers Come Home - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20190616" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/t84X0xIRthM/20190609s3.mp3", "title": "Take Back What\"s Yours - David Ham", "pubdate": "20190610" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/_uAq_Rb7jkg/20190609s2.mp3", "title": "Finishing Well - Daniel Decary", "pubdate": "20190610" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/bWqaKRiaaEo/20190609s1.mp3", "title": "How A Really Good Man Ends Really Bad - Tim Dilena", "pubdate": "20190609" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/1TTeNaq0p5A/20190602s2.mp3", "title": "Marching To A Different Drummer - Ravi Zacharias", "pubdate": "20190603" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/humlkY0KeJQ/20190602s1.mp3", "title": "Pray While You Still Can - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20190602" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/xLCieQ9onCg/20190526s3.mp3", "title": "A Reputation of Faith - David Ham", "pubdate": "20190527" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/U7QN2H78Bes/20190526s2.mp3", "title": "Growing In Salvation - Ryan Seaborn", "pubdate": "20190527" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/am8AE--sof0/20190526s1.mp3", "title": "Rebuilding The Wall Of Prayer - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20190526" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/bq9YTBXsIGg/20190519s3.mp3", "title": "No Strange god - David Ham", "pubdate": "20190520" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/tm4m_rTwaY4/20190519s2.mp3", "title": "Why Did God Make Us Male and Female? - Nik Godshall", "pubdate": "20190520" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/kl6k9snIowY/20190519s1.mp3", "title": "A Dry Stick At A Religious Meeting - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20190519" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/7Drs-SAL8TI/20190512s2.mp3", "title": "Why Jesus\" Great Commission Is Greater Than The Great Commission - Dr. Peter Kuzmic", "pubdate": "20190513" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/cnXjWYmriKs/20190512s1.mp3", "title": "Mothers Rising - Teresa Conlon", "pubdate": "20190512" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/47t2eZK-YPU/20190505s3.mp3", "title": "No More Stargazing, We\"re Going! - David Ham", "pubdate": "20190506" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/WurN95McsMo/20190505s2.mp3", "title": "Are You Available? - Josiah DeRoos", "pubdate": "20190506" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/RjIO5Aw1o9M/20190505s1.mp3", "title": "Shipwrecked Under His Sovereignty - Claude Houde", "pubdate": "20190505" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/fs8P-Z8Gs1Q/20190428s2.mp3", "title": "Above All Guard Your Heart - Pavel Maftey", "pubdate": "20190429" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/E_Mud2P73E4/20190428s1.mp3", "title": "Remember The Prisoners - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20190428" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/963eK4u1Weg/20190421s2.mp3", "title": "Dealing With Disappointments - David O\"Neill", "pubdate": "20190422" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/2xBwMiik_Yg/20190421s1.mp3", "title": "Keep Silence Before Me - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20190421" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/8AfoRJ-Wzns/20190414s2.mp3", "title": "How Do I Grow In Trusting God? 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Will You? - Michael Fratt", "pubdate": "20181231" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/lT77oDUiMGc/20181230s2.mp3", "title": "God\"s Answer To The \\\"When\\\" Question - Tim Williams", "pubdate": "20181231" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/OxSU2n8yu5g/20181230s1.mp3", "title": "2019….The Year Of Faith And Favor - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20181231" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/3WNUqU2QsHo/20181216s3.mp3", "title": "Living The Dream - David Ham", "pubdate": "20181217" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/LgKIv_dTMoY/20181216s2.mp3", "title": "The Supremacy of Jesus - Patrick Pierre", "pubdate": "20181217" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/IqpDleBqu8A/20181216s1.mp3", "title": "Shepherds In A Quiet Place - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20181217" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/IQnh9UWAwI4/20181209s3.mp3", "title": "A Reason To Shout! - David Ham", "pubdate": "20181210" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/cVMEJq7OMgI/20181209s2.mp3", "title": "Jesus Changes Everything: Lessons from the Life of William Wilberforce - Eric Metaxas", "pubdate": "20181210" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/Wzf-BI8tq3s/20181209s1.mp3", "title": "Where Do Aliens Come From? 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- Nik Godshall", "pubdate": "20181015" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/SAmLt067k-E/20181014s1.mp3", "title": "The Greatest Temptation You Will Ever Face - William Carrol", "pubdate": "20181014" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/-cH3Ky-gnHw/20181007s3.mp3", "title": "From Your Head to Your Heart - Maria Durso", "pubdate": "20181008" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/DNc2Yuldpbo/20181007s2.mp3", "title": "Building Our Home - Daniel Decary", "pubdate": "20181008" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/urWEr9xe5QM/20181007s1.mp3", "title": "Dreaming Together With Israel - Daniel Sayag", "pubdate": "20181007" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/hMroGYYPeaU/20180930s3.mp3", "title": "What Must I Do - Derik Griffin", "pubdate": "20181001" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/-SgMsKilANY/20180930s2.mp3", "title": "You God Money: Part 3 - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20181001" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/ty5Q-0Fxy4Y/20180930s1.mp3", "title": "Jesus, Wash My Feet - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20180930" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/jcz6deycvAg/20180923s2.mp3", "title": "You God Money: Part 2 - Jerry Hampton", "pubdate": "20180924" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/vsb4Y4GF9Kg/20180923s1.mp3", "title": "Is This Your First or Last Year - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20180923" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/mokljcStaE0/20180916s2.mp3", "title": "You God Money: Part 1 - Nik Godshall", "pubdate": "20180917" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/lb6rQwAxF1k/20180916s1.mp3", "title": "I Just Made A Really Bad Decision....Now What? 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Lets Go! - David Ham", "pubdate": "20180813" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/yodXg9ElUu8/20180812s2.mp3", "title": "It Doesn’t Hurt to be Kind - Pavel Maftey", "pubdate": "20180813" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/833SHnG79g0/20180812s1.mp3", "title": "I Can\"t Go On One More Day - Tim Dilena", "pubdate": "20180812" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/_Dft0umgCeY/20180805s3.mp3", "title": "The Invites Went Out - David Ham", "pubdate": "20180806" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/TJ5paDdUyl0/20180805s2.mp3", "title": "Unpacking The Great Commission - Thomas Jones", "pubdate": "20180806" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/_XJMx3yy0fY/20180805s1.mp3", "title": "I\"m Hurt, So What Do I Do Now? - Tim Dilena", "pubdate": "20180805" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/6OO8zZtGuvY/20180729s3.mp3", "title": "Get Up, Your Story Is Not Over Yet - David Ham", "pubdate": "20180730" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/cWuJt8qYCyM/20180729s2.mp3", "title": "Amazing Grace and the Hope of Healing - William Carrol", "pubdate": "20180730" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/ZIJpHkPZuqw/20180729s1.mp3", "title": "My Fear Is A Revelation - Tim Dilena", "pubdate": "20180729" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/SC0BzeG9FkY/20180722s3.mp3", "title": "No Mercy For Demons - David Ham", "pubdate": "20180723" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/bP17N6n4uPE/20180722s2.mp3", "title": "Responsibility is the Road to Freedom - Tim Williams", "pubdate": "20180723" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/lxFxTIxC4MU/20180722s1.mp3", "title": "Hallowed Be Thy Name - Claude Houde", "pubdate": "20180722" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/YjkOkA9SKYc/20180715s2.mp3", "title": "The Power Of Forgiveness - Pavel Maftey", "pubdate": "20180716" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/kpgQ4hWtXcs/20180715s1.mp3", "title": "The Ministry Of Encouragement - Patrick Pierre", "pubdate": "20180715" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/N8ln5vOcpzY/20180708s2.mp3", "title": "Conflict 101 Part 2 - David O\"Neill", "pubdate": "20180709" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/O6I1xfWsFoo/20180708s1.mp3", "title": "The Promise Of Power - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20180708" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/gwYfori-g2U/20180701s1.mp3", "title": "Standing In The Gap - Gary Ham", "pubdate": "20180702" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/sRXFXSVoAxM/20180701s3.mp3", "title": "God Change My Status - David Ham", "pubdate": "20180702" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/OGNs9GszpWM/20180701s2.mp3", "title": "Conflict 101 - David O\"Neill", "pubdate": "20180702" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/XSYaAx3tqZs/20180624s1.mp3", "title": "How To Pray When You Can\"t - William Carrol", "pubdate": "20180625" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/ZAXvFQKLGaE/20180624s3.mp3", "title": "Evangelistic Message - David Ham", "pubdate": "20180625" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/5f0pLi4fv58/20180624s2.mp3", "title": "The Freedom Of Obedience - Jerry Hampton", "pubdate": "20180625" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/eGRxpl_OR88/20180617s2.mp3", "title": "Why God Loves Families - Nik Godshall", "pubdate": "20180618" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/f4yTe9mme7M/20180617s1.mp3", "title": "The Strength In A Father\"s Heart - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20180617" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/D56QjOLhoVQ/20180610s3.mp3", "title": "All Things Work Together - David Ham", "pubdate": "20180611" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/IwBsYB-8Rzg/20180610s2.mp3", "title": "Help! 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- Jerry Hampton", "pubdate": "20180423" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/Hb4EQQFlCss/20180422s1.mp3", "title": "Inviting The Devil To Dinner - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20180422" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/PPxeB5WhLN4/20180415s3.mp3", "title": "Evangelistic Message - JC Mejia", "pubdate": "20180416" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/zV-Vhm9Gj-Q/20180415s2.mp3", "title": "Breaking the Power of Pornography - Nik Godshall", "pubdate": "20180416" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/bhyAJ3bMW7Y/20180415s1.mp3", "title": "It Is What God Says It Is! - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20180415" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/E6vqoW9HrpA/20180408s3.mp3", "title": "Evangelistic Message - Tony Peralta", "pubdate": "20180409" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/yxg-kFJdJ44/20180408s2.mp3", "title": "Trust Issues - Greg Thomas", "pubdate": "20180409" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/1McqmpwWfBU/20180408s1.mp3", "title": "No Fear of Man, Only A Reverence for God - Tony Perkins", "pubdate": "20180408" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/S3ZRtPCflOc/20180401s3.mp3", "title": "Peace Be With You - David Ham", "pubdate": "20180402" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/au_1E2ARFns/20180401s2.mp3", "title": "Victory Over Deep Discouragement And Loneliness - Teresa Conlon", "pubdate": "20180402" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/ZAYWTHWgTK8/20180401s1.mp3", "title": "If Grace Finds A Willing Heart - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20180401" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/kpejloSKnaU/20180325s2.mp3", "title": "Lord, Teach Us To Pray - Pavel Maftey", "pubdate": "20180326" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/NKJfJx1D1M0/20180325s1.mp3", "title": "Wells, Wounds and Water Jars - Lamar Vest", "pubdate": "20180325" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/9QneCw9pG3k/20180318s2.mp3", "title": "Help! I Am Overwhelmed… - Patrick Pierre", "pubdate": "20180319" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/U8rkLUI_b7Y/20180318s1.mp3", "title": "Abide In Christ - Gary Ham", "pubdate": "20180318" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/C3_t5LJ6ZUs/20180311s3.mp3", "title": "The City That Never Sleeps - David Ham", "pubdate": "20180312" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/PsUqFJoNw2w/20180311s2.mp3", "title": "Overcoming Adversity - David Ham", "pubdate": "20180312" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/k3YN9tM8RNY/20180311s1.mp3", "title": "When Ice Forms On Your Wings - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20180311" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/cpCv9lYIBIs/20180304s3.mp3", "title": "No Longer Powerless - David Ham", "pubdate": "20180305" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/fEsEGpPQvOA/20180304s2.mp3", "title": "Why Marriage? - Nik Godshall", "pubdate": "20180305" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/Kf-ThtOv4X8/20180304s1.mp3", "title": "Losing The Book In The House - Tim Dilena", "pubdate": "20180305" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/jsCb0fbuF6k/20180225s2.mp3", "title": "Heart Of A Servant - Pavel Maftey", "pubdate": "20180226" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/Q_-OGZ7Ztqw/20180225s1.mp3", "title": "The Day That God Condemned The Law - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20180226" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/O5BPA6wcdQk/20180218s2.mp3", "title": "Learning To Hear God\"s Voice - Tim Williams", "pubdate": "20180219" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/UNAw_E2gVLI/20180218s1.mp3", "title": "It\"s Time, Again, To Pray! - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20180219" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/ft8v8KR0v-U/20180211s1.mp3", "title": "Do Not Grieve The Holy Spirit - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20180212" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/Lz-E6nGmVbI/20180204s2.mp3", "title": "The Cave-Dwellers Are Coming Out - Esther Ibanga", "pubdate": "20180205" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/bxzyjO20sxI/20180204s1.mp3", "title": "The Lord Your God Is With You - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20180205" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/DVn8pc4D5mI/20180128s3.mp3", "title": "Evangelistic Message - David Ham", "pubdate": "20180129" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/FQ0qn0Ywue8/20180128s2.mp3", "title": "Why Do We Need Church? - Nik Godshall", "pubdate": "20180129" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/yKbATPYi86o/20180128s1.mp3", "title": "The Power of A Reluctant Witness - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20180129" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/5tFBpOBwdjw/20180121s3.mp3", "title": "Straighten Up - David Ham", "pubdate": "20180122" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/vUsZvz0ah0w/20180121s2.mp3", "title": "New Life And Power By the Holy Spirit - Ryan Seaborn", "pubdate": "20180122" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/u0XDe55QIUo/20180121s1.mp3", "title": "Seeing Through The Eyes of God - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20180122" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/ET-O4i55ow8/20180114s3.mp3", "title": "What\"s Your Covering? - David Ham", "pubdate": "20180115" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/PctWv2yxf5Q/20180114s2.mp3", "title": "The Ugly Side of Freedom - Teresa Conlon", "pubdate": "20180115" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/Cvup-XbF7hE/20180114s1.mp3", "title": "Standing On the Wrong Side of the Message - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20180115" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/s1Ld4tTxpWs/20180107s3.mp3", "title": "Get Out - David Ham", "pubdate": "20180108" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/zbLAoTUKUlo/20180107s2.mp3", "title": "What The Community Of Faith Should Look Like - David O\"Neill", "pubdate": "20180108" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/YXlRkZuEQbA/20180107s1.mp3", "title": "Pursue Goodness - Gary Ham", "pubdate": "20180108" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/0a4tpuhRBtU/20171231s1.mp3", "title": "2018 - The Year That We Flourish - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20180101" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/JzkxEtYJEfA/20171224s1.mp3", "title": "Being Wounded And Unhealed At Christmas Time - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20171225" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/LWZgM8QtbBo/20171217s2.mp3", "title": "The Grace That Leads to Godliness - Patrick Pierre", "pubdate": "20171218" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/ar-Cq-_UsvE/20171217s1.mp3", "title": "The Real Christmas Story - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20171218" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/LLLaGXWz2oc/20171210s3.mp3", "title": "Evangelistic Message - David Ham", "pubdate": "20171211" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/lEGWba_ZSgo/20171210s2.mp3", "title": "Martin Luther: The Man Who Rediscovered God and Changed the World - Eric Metaxas", "pubdate": "20171211" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/DYE0OL46BuM/20171210s1.mp3", "title": "Don\"t Forget Your Thank You Note - Tim Dilena", "pubdate": "20171211" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/PtTyBIzuHYc/20171203s2.mp3", "title": "God\"s Value System: Obedience - Jerry Hampton", "pubdate": "20171204" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/_SREhvl8ai0/20171203s1.mp3", "title": "Daniel Had A Window - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20171204" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/vFx2319qNdE/20171126s3.mp3", "title": "Evangelistic Message - Derik Griffin", "pubdate": "20171127" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/7RVzTjb5Qys/20171126s2.mp3", "title": "The New Covenant Walk - Tim Williams", "pubdate": "20171127" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/lY8kx5RNdYQ/20171126s1.mp3", "title": "A Rejoicing That Is Deeper Than Knowledge - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20171127" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/k7wxDPyeHiE/20171119s2.mp3", "title": "The Power Of A Praying Church - David Ham", "pubdate": "20171120" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/XFqEzHpyxco/20171119s1.mp3", "title": "Remember My Chains - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20171120" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/ONeF2JLv4Cg/20171112s1.mp3", "title": "What Amazes Jesus - Teresa Conlon", "pubdate": "20171113" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/Th7oUFaWdIM/20171105s3.mp3", "title": "Who Do You Belong To - David Ham", "pubdate": "20171106" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/wn4pJfK01ko/20171105s2.mp3", "title": "The Faithfulness of the Father Pt. 2 - William Carrol", "pubdate": "20171106" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/BuWA35kg2E0/20171105s1.mp3", "title": "Lord, My Heart Is Open. Help Me. - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20171106" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/M8AM8HlMjuY/20171029s2.mp3", "title": "The Power of His Presence - Nik Godshall", "pubdate": "20171030" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/sLS8y0voFQI/20171029s1.mp3", "title": "Your Kingdom Come - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20171029" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/VHk3zNf5SUY/20171022s2.mp3", "title": "Three Signs of a True Revival - Ron Pearce", "pubdate": "20171023" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/H3FkNOjtcIw/20171022s1.mp3", "title": "The Victory is Yours - Patrick Pierre", "pubdate": "20171022" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/SIudWwAlB1o/20171015s2.mp3", "title": "Standing Strong After The Storm - David O\"Neill", "pubdate": "20171016" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/1HJ57AfpInE/20171015s1.mp3", "title": "How Many Christians Weep On Sunday Night? - Carter 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"pubdate": "20170925" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/ldOF38m_Suo/20170924s1.mp3", "title": "A Deeper Healing - Joni Eareckson Tada", "pubdate": "20170924" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/zDp7sOez3So/20170917s3.mp3", "title": "Walk, Leap and Praise - David Ham", "pubdate": "20170918" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/uWa3eeGZ2lE/20170917s2.mp3", "title": "God\"s Value System: Ethics of the Heart - Jerry Hampton", "pubdate": "20170918" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/aUZxq3X_dvs/20170917s1.mp3", "title": "Can You Be Reasoned With? - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20170917" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/AugPotx0WuE/20170910s3.mp3", "title": "The Saviour Of My Soul - David Ham", "pubdate": "20170911" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/YDBLSVwFpcE/20170910s2.mp3", "title": "The Reigning Glory Of God - Tim Williams", "pubdate": "20170911" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/KoYRRpiTHLc/20170910s1.mp3", "title": "Unshakeable Last Day Worship - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20170910" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/QyjzionfzqM/20170903s3.mp3", "title": "The Spiritual Aspect Of Our Need - Michael Fratt", "pubdate": "20170904" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/guqogJeOziY/20170903s2.mp3", "title": "The One And The Many - William Carrol", "pubdate": "20170904" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/zlrlPUF0HnA/20170903s1.mp3", "title": "Does Your Jesus Shine In The Dark? - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20170903" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/t9OJxRnyd_0/20170827s3.mp3", "title": "Call On Jesus - David Ham", "pubdate": "20170828" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/CToKeSmQq1o/20170827s2.mp3", "title": "Why Hate When You Can Be Free - Patrick Pierre", "pubdate": "20170828" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/Awf8S3b5AoA/20170827s1.mp3", "title": "The Sudden Shaming Of Your Enemies - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20170827" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/zJAvErH9L-Y/20170820s3.mp3", "title": "The Impact of His Power - David Ham", "pubdate": "20170821" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/EieQ-DjapYc/20170820s2.mp3", "title": "Lazarus Wasn\"t Afraid To Die - Eric Metaxas", "pubdate": "20170821" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/3Qcin2Oyq90/20170820s1.mp3", "title": "When Christians Make Mistakes - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20170820" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/TMk0CfMjYcE/20170813s2.mp3", "title": "How Mercy Strengthens Grace - William Carrol", "pubdate": "20170814" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/6-xf3aN0Sm0/20170813s1.mp3", "title": "Fire At Will - Nick Cassidy", "pubdate": "20170813" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/jfj5dsxF9cE/20170806s3.mp3", "title": "A Messy Situation - David Ham", "pubdate": "20170807" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/5Kgasi2iaCQ/20170806s2.mp3", "title": "Why All The Rules - Nik Godshall", "pubdate": "20170807" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/wjdGxP4HFxU/20170806s1.mp3", "title": "Behold The Man - Gary Ham", "pubdate": "20170806" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/SrJN2d9ub3I/20170730s2.mp3", "title": "The Work Of The Spirit In Spiritual Warefare Pt. 5 - William Carrol", "pubdate": "20170731" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/ex6M97Kr0rc/20170730s1.mp3", "title": "God Has An Attitude - Tim Dilena", "pubdate": "20170730" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/WsvGDjORfYg/20170723s2.mp3", "title": "Victorious Prayer - Tim Williams", "pubdate": "20170724" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/V0pexj3xmL4/20170723s1.mp3", "title": "It\"s That Simple - Tim Dilena", "pubdate": "20170723" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/ixl0jFni8YE/20170716s3.mp3", "title": "Go God\"s Way - David Ham", "pubdate": "20170717" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/EHGx8wMh1BM/20170716s2.mp3", "title": "God\"s Value System - Jerry Hampton", "pubdate": "20170717" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/_OnTL5aebCk/20170716s1.mp3", "title": "By This All Will Know: From Abraham To Antioch - Claude Houde", "pubdate": "20170716" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/YQMgl18dtK4/20170709s3.mp3", "title": "Evangelistic Message - David Ham", "pubdate": "20170710" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/1LywZPw8mvc/20170709s2.mp3", "title": "A Five-Point Faith Inspection - David O\"Neill", "pubdate": "20170710" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/G-5TdFrtJqI/20170709s1.mp3", "title": "Forward In Faith - David Ham", "pubdate": "20170709" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/fPLdlFaLDVk/20170702s2.mp3", "title": "The Work of The Spirit In Spiritual Warfare Pt. 4 - William Carrol", "pubdate": "20170703" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/vKB27ElxVW4/20170702s1.mp3", "title": "A Thief In A Parking Lot - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20170702" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/E_6AoLKKbn0/20170625s3.mp3", "title": "Evangelistic Message - David Ham", "pubdate": "20170626" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/cvCj6aX0Ypo/20170625s2.mp3", "title": "God\"s Value System - Jerry Hampton", "pubdate": "20170626" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/og5Fcp9wAAE/20170625s1.mp3", "title": "The Problem With Paradise - William Carrol", "pubdate": "20170625" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/_CbB7RwrZpc/20170618s3.mp3", "title": "Come Home - David Ham", "pubdate": "20170619" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/dttubhd9dx8/20170618s2.mp3", "title": "God\"s Gotcha - Patrick Pierre", "pubdate": "20170619" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/GSeSUAkZHbA/20170618s1.mp3", "title": "Push Back The Darkness - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20170618" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/317rzlvuErU/20170611s3.mp3", "title": "Evangelistic Message - David Ham", "pubdate": "20170612" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/BiAU7J3yjuU/20170611s2.mp3", "title": "The Work Of The Spirit In Spiritual Warfare Pt. 3 - William Carrol", "pubdate": "20170612" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/caA3jhIwTJ0/20170611s1.mp3", "title": "Hating Religion, Loving Jesus - Gary Wilkerson", "pubdate": "20170611" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/h4cN3rCqlY0/20170604s2.mp3", "title": "The Work Of The Spirit In Spiritual Warfare Pt. 2 - William Carrol", "pubdate": "20170605" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/5b9A6ai9J0M/20170604s1.mp3", "title": "Psalm 91: A Psalm Of Spiritual Warfare - Claude Houde", "pubdate": "20170604" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/iLIlo1Eh9l8/20170528s3.mp3", "title": "Faith In Jesus - David Ham", "pubdate": "20170529" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/dy78DPlX2aA/20170528s2.mp3", "title": "How To Stay Standing - Nik Godshall", "pubdate": "20170529" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/xA5EGV8iXfI/20170528s1.mp3", "title": "Who\"s In Charge Here? - Patrick Pierre", "pubdate": "20170528" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/dkKz5gmmKak/20170521s3.mp3", "title": "Let Go, Let Jesus - David Ham", "pubdate": "20170522" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/Z4awb8VTWMg/20170521s2.mp3", "title": "The Work of The Spirit in Spiritual Warfare - William Carrol", "pubdate": "20170522" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/dGbz8c1KRb0/20170521s1.mp3", "title": "A Last Day Return To Power - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20170521" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/x8w0WD_Mn2Q/20170514s2.mp3", "title": "God Knows the Secret Vocabulary of Your Heart - Eric Metaxas", "pubdate": "20170515" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/QOGuoCStScw/20170514s1.mp3", "title": "The Power Of A Mother\"s Comfort - Teresa Conlon", "pubdate": "20170514" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/iWevb2mCFnE/20170507s3.mp3", "title": "A New Song - David Ham", "pubdate": "20170508" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/1P_sf3F11Sg/20170507s2.mp3", "title": "When God Won\"t Let You Quit - William Carrol", "pubdate": "20170508" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/KQVg3Ftg3iM/20170507s1.mp3", "title": "Bad Math - Tim Dilena", "pubdate": "20170507" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/I3BGeZDMlaM/20170430s2.mp3", "title": "Who Does God Say That You Are? - David O\"Neill", "pubdate": "20170501" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/9FLYTOPQvA4/20170430s1.mp3", "title": "In the Day Of God\"s Power - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20170430" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/_EPZOp4aw08/20170423s3.mp3", "title": "The Power Of The Blood - David Ham", "pubdate": "20170424" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/mIwsBYuapPA/20170423s2.mp3", "title": "Kick The Devil Out Of Your House - Patrick Pierre", "pubdate": "20170424" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/BPoufg-spLI/20170423s1.mp3", "title": "I Will Not Die, But Live - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20170423" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/rs9o853fJgg/20170416s3.mp3", "title": "Do You See Jesus? - David Ham", "pubdate": "20170417" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/v7Xc18CLpmg/20170416s2.mp3", "title": "A New Value System - Jerry Hampton", "pubdate": "20170417" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/iYKO1ybVcJ8/20170416s1.mp3", "title": "The True Witness - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20170416" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/kz9-A9xukN8/20170409s3.mp3", "title": "Everyone Gets To Shout! - David Ham", "pubdate": "20170410" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/S4a6Q4o09P0/20170409s2.mp3", "title": "Times Of Refreshing - William Carrol", "pubdate": "20170410" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/71jDIyBAXwI/20170409s1.mp3", "title": "Anoint Our Eyes Again - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20170409" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/3c2MyrRlsYw/20170402s2.mp3", "title": "Faith In Times Of Uncertainty - John Bailey", "pubdate": "20170403" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/Qfe44xuZdKQ/20170402s1.mp3", "title": "I Will Call Upon God - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20170402" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/EWeN5ZIcJ0c/20170326s3.mp3", "title": "It\"s Possible With God - David Ham", "pubdate": "20170327" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/1XfI3bAEMvc/20170326s2.mp3", "title": "Great Faith-How Do I Get It? - Teresa Conlon", "pubdate": "20170327" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/_OiF3NxpfI8/20170326s1.mp3", "title": "Where Are The Magic Bricks? - Tim Dilena", "pubdate": "20170326" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/KS-QARQ9DM0/20170319s2.mp3", "title": "I Will Never Die - Eric Metaxas", "pubdate": "20170320" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/DndRDrmylQE/20170319s1.mp3", "title": "Old Men Shall Dream Dreams - Carter 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"pubdate": "20170227" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/HsT49hXBumI/20170226s2.mp3", "title": "God Is Faithful - Tim Williams", "pubdate": "20170227" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/sttp46R7gkA/20170226s1.mp3", "title": "Facing A Moment Of Bitter Division - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20170227" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/3ixqbjW9pLw/20170219s3.mp3", "title": "Evangelistic Testimony And Message - Ajay Kunarasa", "pubdate": "20170220" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/WImQ4OsQ7xQ/20170219s2.mp3", "title": "One Body With Many Parts - Gary Ham", "pubdate": "20170220" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/q0tXlWhsazQ/20170219s1.mp3", "title": "Shake It Off! - David Ham", "pubdate": "20170220" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/KfM-vHlMeVw/20170212s3.mp3", "title": "Evangelistic Message - Tobi Adewodu", "pubdate": "20170213" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/Ayfl_kKGeT8/20170212s1.mp3", "title": "Living On Had-Hoped Street - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20170213" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/frCHHw43Agc/20170205s3.mp3", "title": "Evangelistic Message - Christian Ortiz", "pubdate": "20170206" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/q6RMuXaIJ10/20170205s2.mp3", "title": "Holding On To Hope - William Carrol", "pubdate": "20170206" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/M9c2LC7fF8E/20170205s1.mp3", "title": "Why Do The Nations Rage? - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20170206" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/EKFAp-tv7Pk/20170129s3.mp3", "title": "Heaven Celebrates - David Ham", "pubdate": "20170130" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/vEeankTELdA/20170129s2.mp3", "title": "The Indispensable Ministry and Gifts of the Holy Spirit - Nick Cassidy", "pubdate": "20170130" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/EJpVnxN5Seg/20170129s1.mp3", "title": "What\"s In Between Ask And Receive - Tim Dilena", "pubdate": "20170130" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/AtWlws9dPZw/20170122s3.mp3", "title": "Trust Jesus - David Ham", "pubdate": "20170123" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/EkSUJg718yk/20170122s2.mp3", "title": "You Are More Of A Leader Than You Know - Teresa Conlon", "pubdate": "20170123" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/P1pm0-aH42I/20170122s1.mp3", "title": "Escaping The Yoke Of The Swindler - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20170123" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/FfD7Ste5t48/20170115s3.mp3", "title": "The Power Of A Victory Song - David Ham", "pubdate": "20170116" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/FKW-KcTss3I/20170115s2.mp3", "title": "From \\\"Woe Is Me” To “Here Am I\\\" - William Carrol", "pubdate": "20170116" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/U26kIEKRSis/20170115s1.mp3", "title": "\\\"Yes Lord\\\" Is A Prayer - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20170116" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/9GGBjP95oiw/20170108s3.mp3", "title": "No More Cover Up - David Ham", "pubdate": "20170109" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/Ovrap3uXuZc/20170108s2.mp3", "title": "Right Song, Wrong Side 2.0 - Eric Metaxas", "pubdate": "20170109" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/qTdibqg3bNI/20170108s1.mp3", "title": "Is That All You\"re Going To Eat? - Patrick Pierre", "pubdate": "20170109" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/JmoY-XcbOiY/20170101s3.mp3", "title": "A New Start - David Ham", "pubdate": "20170102" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/oIBmotQMNmY/20170101s2.mp3", "title": "Past, Present and Future...A New Year’s Resolution - Jerry Hampton", "pubdate": "20170102" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/5a-mmW-y0yY/20170101s1.mp3", "title": "2017-The Year When We Decide - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20170102" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/THF7mF_QGXY/20161225s1.mp3", "title": "Jesus Came To The Night Shift - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20161226" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/TjBldeI314o/20161218s3.mp3", "title": "The Wise Thing To Do - David Ham", "pubdate": "20161219" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/K4PoQOeSKlM/20161218s2.mp3", "title": "Prayers That Bless The Lord, ChangeThe World And Heal The Heart - William Carrol", "pubdate": "20161219" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/OcyVX-BjbAA/20161218s1.mp3", "title": "Keep The Lamps Burning - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20161219" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/IwjNm7qSwjQ/20161211s3.mp3", "title": "Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled - David Ham", "pubdate": "20161212" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/joEq_S8Ua40/20161211s2.mp3", "title": "Are You Ready For War? - Nik Godshall", "pubdate": "20161212" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/TXixyMOMZ_0/20161211s1.mp3", "title": "The Parting Of The Third Veil - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20161212" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/7jV6q2UUGXc/20161204s3.mp3", "title": "Evangelistic Message - David Ham", "pubdate": "20161205" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/Kb9P0kufpC8/20161204s2.mp3", "title": "How To Protect Your Thought Life - William Carrol", "pubdate": "20161205" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/HfJ436_yrAM/20161204s1.mp3", "title": "Because Of Bethlehem: Love Is Born, Hope Is Here - Max Lucado", "pubdate": "20161205" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/IpePS4yVWmE/20161127s3.mp3", "title": "Evangelistic Message - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20161128" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/42SKvUjMYLU/20161127s2.mp3", "title": "The Power To Build a Holy Life - Tim Williams", "pubdate": "20161128" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/dW0soozpiyg/20161127s1.mp3", "title": "When I Don\"t Understand - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20161128" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/1zlIaHIlJy0/20161120s3.mp3", "title": "Thank God I\"m Free - David Ham", "pubdate": "20161121" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/abyOFYZMz_E/20161120s2.mp3", "title": "How Great Prayers Are Born - William Carrol", "pubdate": "20161121" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/EzeggxKSzFs/20161120s1.mp3", "title": "Condemning The Condemner - Teresa Conlon", "pubdate": "20161121" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/_FUrpKxTAr4/20161113s3.mp3", "title": "Having Faith In The Saviour - David Ham", "pubdate": "20161114" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/MrzSV9VVLZY/20161113s2.mp3", "title": "The Lord God said, \\\"Chill, I Got This\\\" - Eric Metaxas", "pubdate": "20161114" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/grXwcxH9lZE/20161113s1.mp3", "title": "The Responsibilty Of Little Strength - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20161114" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/fcIFNIV8u3E/20161106s3.mp3", "title": "Evangelistic Message - Nik Godshall", "pubdate": "20161107" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/1575eOsMEcM/20161106s1.mp3", "title": "The Compromised Religion In A Corrupted Time - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20161107" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/CGc3Ft3n_sQ/20161030s3.mp3", "title": "The Triumphant Cross - David Ham", "pubdate": "20161031" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/jMez6mmy7TE/20161030s2.mp3", "title": "The Heavenly Ministry Of Jesus - Franck Lefillatre", "pubdate": "20161031" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/xMcbwFydFVc/20161030s1.mp3", "title": "God Never Laughs At An Honest Heart - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20161030" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/umSgPXUvnUA/20161023s3.mp3", "title": "Evangelistic Testimony And Message - Benny Prasad", "pubdate": "20161024" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/8evgE92ZVjw/20161023s2.mp3", "title": "It’s Time To Pray With Our Watch On - David O\"Neill", "pubdate": "20161024" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/r3-7_xTBa_4/20161023s1.mp3", "title": "Bad News, Good News - Tim Dilena", "pubdate": "20161023" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/cCc5ck5tAgA/20161016s3.mp3", "title": "Evangelistic Testimony and Message - Nicky Cruz", "pubdate": "20161017" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/agxM9ZyI5xI/20161016s2.mp3", "title": "Faith And Family - William Carrol", "pubdate": "20161017" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/MLpcm0cQYvY/20161016s1.mp3", "title": "Victory Comes When Victory Can No Longer Come - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20161016" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/cX9IjGCtAqg/20161009s3.mp3", "title": "Your Life Is A Door Way - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20161010" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/VN2_gzWQQ40/20161009s2.mp3", "title": "The Making Of An Iron Man - Phil Edwards", "pubdate": "20161010" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/8PB_PnoXicg/20161009s1.mp3", "title": "It\"s A Compelling Time - David Ham", "pubdate": "20161009" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/2l0yXrK8yRM/20161002s3.mp3", "title": "Filled With Life - David Ham", "pubdate": "20161003" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/Z7RGJeuDC3s/20161002s2.mp3", "title": "Ethics: Part 3 - Jerry Hampton", "pubdate": "20161003" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/vOTr1liIQjA/20161002s1.mp3", "title": "Spiritual Depression - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20161002" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/3x0uuYxHE24/20160925s3.mp3", "title": "New Life In Jesus Christ - David Ham", "pubdate": "20160926" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/tOT_cZtAhD8/20160925s2.mp3", "title": "Good News In Bad News - William Carrol", "pubdate": "20160926" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/kmCXI7uRpzU/20160925s1.mp3", "title": "Greetings From Caesar\"s House! - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20160925" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/XFl-A32NL68/20160918s3.mp3", "title": "Evangelistic Message - David Ham", "pubdate": "20160919" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/e-ok39jtZzU/20160918s2.mp3", "title": "How To Love Your Neighbor - Nik Godshall", "pubdate": "20160919" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/kKzFi88zTNA/20160918s1.mp3", "title": "Never Cry Alone - William Carrol", "pubdate": "20160918" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/7IoqJY_K3XE/20160911s3.mp3", "title": "Evangelistic Message - David Ham", "pubdate": "20160912" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/oyE4VAO0k0w/20160911s2.mp3", "title": "Living In The Fog - Barry Meguiar", "pubdate": "20160912" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/oqisBw75Gc0/20160911s1.mp3", "title": "The Journey Of A Lifetime! - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20160911" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/Ag1ZQz32k1Y/20160904s3.mp3", "title": "Evangelistic Testimony And Message - Michael Fratt", "pubdate": "20160905" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/zK_wni_3-GY/20160904s2.mp3", "title": "Going Back To The School Of Faith - David O\"Neill", "pubdate": "20160905" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/SMWFuhudXbU/20160904s1.mp3", "title": "The Necessity Of Weakness - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20160904" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/zagsIpTHwPY/20160828s3.mp3", "title": "The Power of the Blood of Jesus - Lisa Camme", "pubdate": "20160829" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/PtvHHOUA6i8/20160828s2.mp3", "title": "How to Turn Suffering Into A Testimony - William Carrol", "pubdate": "20160829" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/tWFNXsdkq9w/20160828s1.mp3", "title": "The Stuff We Don\"t Know About - Tim Dilena", "pubdate": "20160828" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/aoE6a8EeB-E/20160821s3.mp3", "title": "Evangelistic Message - David Ham", "pubdate": "20160822" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/lzx0HZW3_f8/20160821s2.mp3", "title": "The Believer\"s Responsibility - Jerry Hampton", "pubdate": "20160822" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/ZwAxgt3SFkk/20160821s1.mp3", "title": "To Everthing There Is A Season - William Carrol", "pubdate": "20160821" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/MPZP9h0dHzo/20160814s3.mp3", "title": "Drawn By Love - David Ham", "pubdate": "20160815" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/9qI7zCc_v-o/20160814s2.mp3", "title": "The Wonderful Witness of Covenant Love - William Carrol", "pubdate": "20160815" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/iR9jNUBPFZ4/20160814s1.mp3", "title": "A Serious Call To Spiritual Unity - Claude Houde", "pubdate": "20160814" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/-ha5_kciNdc/20160807s3.mp3", "title": "All Power, All Authority - David Ham", "pubdate": "20160808" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/S6MVL_ycPYs/20160807s2.mp3", "title": "The Kind Judge - Tim Williams", "pubdate": "20160808" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/VYbZH_8sjk0/20160807s1.mp3", "title": "A Word To The Wise - Nick Cassidy", "pubdate": "20160807" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/h8Vou2yw7gg/20160731s3.mp3", "title": "The Day That Jesus Came To Church To Preach - Hector Vega", "pubdate": "20160801" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/VDA7KgudbQY/20160731s2.mp3", "title": "Jesus, The Spirit, And The Way of God - William Carrol", "pubdate": "20160801" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/ESHdpph0t00/20160731s1.mp3", "title": "A Cry At The King\"s Gate - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20160731" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/qK0MaCIgmRg/20160724s3.mp3", "title": "Real Hope - Tim Buxton", "pubdate": "20160725" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/85NhFSCQucA/20160724s2.mp3", "title": "Deliverance Is The Children\"s Bread - Teresa Conlon", "pubdate": "20160725" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/ed2InfUg0HY/20160724s1.mp3", "title": "In The Day When I Cried - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20160724" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/gOPyaqHfjRE/20160717s3.mp3", "title": "Evangelistic Message - David Ham", "pubdate": "20160718" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/ekdfL8HFr0k/20160717s2.mp3", "title": "Ethics: Part 2 - Jerry Hampton", "pubdate": "20160718" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/Z6Pxgn2wiYE/20160717s1.mp3", "title": "The Oldest Trick In The Book - William Carrol", "pubdate": "20160717" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/MwZH9aI_NHE/20160710s3.mp3", "title": "Evangelistic Message - Tony Ghelan", "pubdate": "20160711" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/Rqo6OEbdH1Y/20160710s2.mp3", "title": "God\"s Hand In America - Eric Metaxas", "pubdate": "20160711" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/0xINMLCQkXI/20160710s1.mp3", "title": "The Pursuit Of True Happiness - Claude Houde", "pubdate": "20160710" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/J_yfiao4PO4/20160703s3.mp3", "title": "Evangelistic Testimony And Message - Dimas Salaberrios", "pubdate": "20160704" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/efr-TFIL918/20160703s2.mp3", "title": "The School of Submission - David O\"Neill", "pubdate": "20160704" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/tx7q51n4cLI/20160703s1.mp3", "title": "Adam and Eve: A Love Story - William Carrol", "pubdate": "20160703" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/mZN3PmoXYOY/20160626s3.mp3", "title": "Evangelistic Message - Teresa Conlon", "pubdate": "20160627" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/lqJV-qCN8hA/20160626s2.mp3", "title": "Refining Precious Faith - Tim Williams", "pubdate": "20160627" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/In0zefQVH8c/20160626s1.mp3", "title": "Worship And Watch God Fight - David Ham", "pubdate": "20160626" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/1KFBRnRZzWk/20160619s3.mp3", "title": "The Heavenly Father Comforts The Fatherless - David Ham", "pubdate": "20160620" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/JfxdFJk0bVE/20160619s2.mp3", "title": "The Proofs of the Presence - William Carrol", "pubdate": "20160620" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/tFMUE2PvIZs/20160619s1.mp3", "title": "And He Prayed Again - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20160619" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/BFGoSvbxQbY/20160612s3.mp3", "title": "Evangelistic Message - David Ham", "pubdate": "20160613" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/oIC0Yrpsz28/20160612s2.mp3", "title": "Ambition - Jerry Hampton", "pubdate": "20160613" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/Hjsu_uqek-M/20160612s1.mp3", "title": "When The Holy Spirit Comes - Tim Dilena", "pubdate": "20160612" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/EIO1s6gnEIE/20160605s2.mp3", "title": "Remember All of His Benefits - William Carrol", "pubdate": "20160606" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/7g_bVMILm5k/20160605s1.mp3", "title": "From Multiplication To The Storm - Claude Houde", "pubdate": "20160605" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/twlII3wbcq8/20160529s3.mp3", "title": "The Year Of Release - Victoria Griffin", "pubdate": "20160530" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/OofV0eUhq2M/20160529s2.mp3", "title": "The Ministry Of Marriage - David O\"Neill", "pubdate": "20160530" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/3SlobJz_r5Y/20160529s1.mp3", "title": "When God Is Silent And Hope Is Hidden - William Carrol", "pubdate": "20160529" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/jfjFXtqj7xs/20160522s2.mp3", "title": "Basic Principles of Spiritual Warfare - William Carrol", "pubdate": "20160523" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/xhE1vlYgFOY/20160522s1.mp3", "title": "Righteous Prayer In An Unrighteous Time - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20160522" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/hxxaqUny2zA/20160515s3.mp3", "title": "Empty Jar - Derik Griffin", "pubdate": "20160516" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/rVouau3zAKE/20160515s2.mp3", "title": "What Does It Mean To Be \\\"Deep\"? - Nik Godshall", "pubdate": "20160516" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/IXY6sn9q6aM/20160515s1.mp3", "title": "We Must Find Our Strength Again - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20160515" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/y0OOZQz_j10/20160508s3.mp3", "title": "Free To Forgive - David Ham", "pubdate": "20160509" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/2KfTW7f4bQA/20160508s2.mp3", "title": "The Son, The Spirit and The Victorious Life - William Carrol", "pubdate": "20160509" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/Bd6dxIHlxaY/20160508s1.mp3", "title": "The Devil In Your Tent - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20160508" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/44gXx2YwI58/20160501s3.mp3", "title": "The Father’s Heart When We Mess Up - Karla Ochoa", "pubdate": "20160502" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/p8wPvF_-iA4/20160501s2.mp3", "title": "Obedience - Jerry Hampton", "pubdate": "20160502" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/dukEhHwdn3k/20160501s1.mp3", "title": "Prayer In A Surrounded City - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20160501" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/YKGx9MqulqQ/20160424s3.mp3", "title": "Living Above The Line - BJ Neal", "pubdate": "20160425" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/Qr6Pq3f4FlI/20160424s2.mp3", "title": "Heritage Versus Inheritance - Gary Ham", "pubdate": "20160425" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/y2zaJyP9t8U/20160424s1.mp3", "title": "A Day When Many Walked Away From Jesus - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20160424" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/mClIuxmtzE4/20160417s3.mp3", "title": "Resurrection Life - Derik Griffin", "pubdate": "20160418" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/S8gYeYlsMKE/20160417s2.mp3", "title": "What Does It Mean To Be Born Again - William Carrol", "pubdate": "20160418" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/zQDcgjzzhZc/20160417s1.mp3", "title": "When Winning Looks Like Losing - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20160417" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/U6VB0paDTOI/20160410s3.mp3", "title": "The Good Shepherd - Victoria Griffin", "pubdate": "20160411" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/hNxnBbOGgqo/20160410s2.mp3", "title": "It\"s Time To Fast - David O\"Neill", "pubdate": "20160411" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/aPAno9CYpHo/20160410s1.mp3", "title": "A Picture Of Hope - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20160410" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/gnoXuNkyD4A/20160403s3.mp3", "title": "Wake Up Sleeper! - David Ham", "pubdate": "20160404" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/spMdyhkBP-0/20160403s2.mp3", "title": "What I’ve Learned About Healing - William Carrol", "pubdate": "20160404" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/h0TASN4CBco/20160403s1.mp3", "title": "Acts 2016 - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20160403" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/uBYUeNuYJ9E/20160327s2.mp3", "title": "See You At The Finish Line - Nik Godshall", "pubdate": "20160328" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/rnefvkfLdgc/20160327s1.mp3", "title": "Sealing The Stone And Setting The Guard - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20160327" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/nGTfaEBsM7E/20160320s3.mp3", "title": "Leave It All Behind And Come To Jesus - Tyler Sain", "pubdate": "20160321" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/3PKq3kT49TE/20160320s2.mp3", "title": "Ethics In The Worklplace - Jerry Hampton", "pubdate": "20160321" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/Ir5ZGTnG4-U/20160320s1.mp3", "title": "Get Up And Keep Going! - David Ham", "pubdate": "20160320" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/jH5UhIc5KQI/20160313s3.mp3", "title": "Love Cries Out - David Ham", "pubdate": "20160314" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/RjoSF4V0R_g/20160313s2.mp3", "title": "Life In The Ark - Tim Williams", "pubdate": "20160314" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/iaxTvl13bp4/20160313s1.mp3", "title": "A Blind Church In A Miraculous Place - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20160313" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/qmxBso4SbSA/20160306s3.mp3", "title": "The Father\"s Voice - Derik Griffin", "pubdate": "20160307" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/z-Gko5ZQ71M/20160306s2.mp3", "title": "The Way Of Escape - David Ham", "pubdate": "20160307" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/kV_EEDoAvBM/20160306s1.mp3", "title": "Evil Is At The Door - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20160307" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/gnb2yjdZrq4/20160228s3.mp3", "title": "The Love That Last - David Ham", "pubdate": "20160229" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/hd90KXB5ftw/20160228s2.mp3", "title": "Integrity - Jerry Hampton", "pubdate": "20160229" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/IkaOeZ3n5wI/20160228s1.mp3", "title": "Red Is Still Tough - Tim Dilena", "pubdate": "20160229" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/WGpLDhvkMkM/20160221s3.mp3", "title": "Jesus And The Stones In My Life - Karla Ochoa", "pubdate": "20160222" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/lMydTzLgB0Y/20160221s2.mp3", "title": "The God Who Is More Than Fair - Nik Godshall", "pubdate": "20160222" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/vKMcpBlJTNk/20160221s1.mp3", "title": "Having Light In The Midnight Hour - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20160222" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/loDETEk1Fs4/20160214s3.mp3", "title": "Hidden Wounds - Jay Fallon", "pubdate": "20160215" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/UXxbao_hHlM/20160214s1.mp3", "title": "When The Only Prayers You Have Left Are Tears - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20160215" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/WSN80x9bHug/20160207s3.mp3", "title": "Go Back To Jesus - David Ham", "pubdate": "20160208" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/TuGQpaB2zuI/20160207s2.mp3", "title": "Building Altars That Produce Fire - Gary Ham", "pubdate": "20160208" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/kIzBBWIYBcU/20160207s1.mp3", "title": "Be Still, And Know That I Am God - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20160208" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/f4wOHrNUf98/20160131s3.mp3", "title": "The Saul Company - Victoria Griffin", "pubdate": "20160201" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/iQ8fc59lt7c/20160131s2.mp3", "title": "Breaking Bad Habits - David Ham", "pubdate": "20160201" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/6_ectN0vwfc/20160131s1.mp3", "title": "Striking Christ With Unbelief - Nick Cassidy", "pubdate": "20160201" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/ju2Tqa5IIw0/20160124s1.mp3", "title": "When Society Begs Jesus To Touch His Church - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20160125" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/F3gqBe7cUeE/20160117s2.mp3", "title": "Getting Through The Tough Stuff: Overcoming The Offenses - David O\"Neill", "pubdate": "20160118" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/o9ulBK1PUKo/20160117s1.mp3", "title": "Living Between Promise And Power - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20160118" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/aiHTSDIiSwQ/20160110s3.mp3", "title": "He Touched Me - Derik Griffin", "pubdate": "20160111" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/ghFtOXaO0aM/20160110s2.mp3", "title": "The Gift of Giving: Seeing Giving As A Gift And Not A Chore - William Carrol", "pubdate": "20160111" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/E9nX3tuQ4UU/20160110s1.mp3", "title": "Finding The Strength We Once Heard Of - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20160111" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/B4djr_8GO54/20160103s3.mp3", "title": "Jesus Is In The House - David Ham", "pubdate": "20160104" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/2TovNQZmDJA/20160103s2.mp3", "title": "New In Christ - Jerry Hampton", "pubdate": "20160104" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/K1vu08SQgKs/20160103s1.mp3", "title": "\\\"2016 – The Year Of Answered Prayer\\\" - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20160104" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/0sszxZtkCB0/20151227s3.mp3", "title": "Reaching Out To Jesus - Karla Ochoa", "pubdate": "20151228" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/e1VFn-1bydQ/20151227s2.mp3", "title": "How to Beat the Holiday Blues - William Carrol", "pubdate": "20151228" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/VlIz3RCf-AY/20151227s1.mp3", "title": "The End is the Beginning - David Ham", "pubdate": "20151228" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/6VvpWj-rV9o/20151213s3.mp3", "title": "In Your Right Mind - Derik Griffin", "pubdate": "20151214" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/e5Dh-qLEVzg/20151213s2.mp3", "title": "The Fear of God - Nik Godshall", "pubdate": "20151214" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/_V7Dd_rnlt4/20151213s1.mp3", "title": "Giving the Gift that Changes Everything - Teresa Conlon", "pubdate": "20151214" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/ZzsXQebuPCU/20151206s3.mp3", "title": "The Cross Changes the End - David Ham", "pubdate": "20151207" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/XCaE4rJxoDE/20151206s2.mp3", "title": "Discipleship and the Cross - Tim Williams", "pubdate": "20151207" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/6m8W5IV6Xjw/20151206s1.mp3", "title": "You Are An Incredible Testimony Of Mercy - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20151207" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/9owchz2SUVc/20151129s3.mp3", "title": "If He Said It, Believe It - David Ham", "pubdate": "20151130" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/o9RrQrNDIh4/20151129s2.mp3", "title": "The Greatest Need in the World Today - William Carrol", "pubdate": "20151130" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/r5lRoqB6alY/20151129s1.mp3", "title": "Excuse Me, Do You Know What Time It Is? - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20151130" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/ePD05ooxB78/20151122s3.mp3", "title": "The Ultimate Decision - Victoria Griffin", "pubdate": "20151123" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/h7O5Dq9Lp6s/20151122s2.mp3", "title": "We Serve An Extreme God - Jerry Hampton", "pubdate": "20151123" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/RaP_gz2Hpmw/20151122s1.mp3", "title": "Stepping Into The Light - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20151123" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/HPfoROv22uI/20151115s3.mp3", "title": "From The Inside Out - Derik Griffin", "pubdate": "20151116" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/3iqe-fQo9ew/20151115s2.mp3", "title": "The Only Way Out of the Grip of Temptation - William Carrol", "pubdate": "20151116" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/IEiDwoVq3Sc/20151115s1.mp3", "title": "The Final Pleading of Conscience - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20151116" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/-lbR1peLV0Y/20151108s3.mp3", "title": "Get Loud If You Have To! - David Ham", "pubdate": "20151109" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/C5B1e0X4IJg/20151108s1.mp3", "title": "The Covering - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20151109" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/iXP9g7ZcrCI/20151025s3.mp3", "title": "Who’s Sleeping In Your Boat? - David Ham", "pubdate": "20151026" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/nnS7F2DqBMU/20151025s2.mp3", "title": "Learning to Walk in the Strength of the Lord - Tim Williams", "pubdate": "20151026" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/MirDf3iEAAQ/20151025s1.mp3", "title": "A Promise of Extraordinary Life - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20151025" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/sb8oGDI1T1E/20151018s3.mp3", "title": "Evangelistic Message - David Ham", "pubdate": "20151019" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/jfy6QnIHxBM/20151018s2.mp3", "title": "The Lord is in His Holy Temple - Nik Godshall", "pubdate": "20151019" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/6VyToh50jQI/20151018s1.mp3", "title": "Finding Light in Darkness - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20151018" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/OOVOvH8xtAU/20151011s3.mp3", "title": "Losing What Is Really Precious - Karla Ochoa", "pubdate": "20151012" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/NYeuL7vNvNw/20151011s2.mp3", "title": "Turn and Believe the Good News - Jerry Hampton", "pubdate": "20151012" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/EwLnJgU0uFQ/20151011s1.mp3", "title": "For Heaven\"s Sake, Hurry Up and Die - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20151011" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/GU9RRNQBv6s/20151004s3.mp3", "title": "Rebellion or Redemption - David Ham", "pubdate": "20151005" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/H55z-oRNtH8/20151004s2.mp3", "title": "Lord, Teach Me To Wait - David O\"Neill", "pubdate": "20151005" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/tLM6_kYSaJY/20151004s1.mp3", "title": "What Can the Righteous Do? - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20151004" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/LrUeI7NLnLQ/20150927s3.mp3", "title": "One Touch From Jesus Changes Everything - Tyler Sain", "pubdate": "20150928" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/_7qYnb1bEnU/20150927s2.mp3", "title": "In These Last Days God Speaks By His Son - Tim Williams", "pubdate": "20150928" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/72i_UYbEA2A/20150927s1.mp3", "title": "The Church at Satan\"s Throne - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20150927" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/NpzcOxLhGus/20150920s3.mp3", "title": "Interrupted by Grace - David Ham", "pubdate": "20150921" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/pyR8r-uSZv8/20150920s2.mp3", "title": "How To See Revival - William Carrol", "pubdate": "20150921" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/3JH6X4vwamI/20150920s1.mp3", "title": "Six Words That Will Determine Your Eternity - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20150920" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/J1TkszsDscs/20150913s3.mp3", "title": "The Only Way Out - David Ham", "pubdate": "20150914" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/ADjGoAnbGWE/20150913s2.mp3", "title": "Be Of Good Cheer…Jesus Overcame! - Jerry Hampton", "pubdate": "20150914" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/WQCS4XHSmnU/20150913s1.mp3", "title": "Bring Back the King - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20150913" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/Qaf9wjczl74/20150906s3.mp3", "title": "There\"s a Party Over Here - Derik Griffin", "pubdate": "20150907" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/tiaow2YegiY/20150906s2.mp3", "title": "Decide to Trust God - William Carrol", "pubdate": "20150907" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/r0Df2-CwHwM/20150906s1.mp3", "title": "Get Ready To Laugh With God - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20150906" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/1UzblqRVDfw/20150830s3.mp3", "title": "Jesus Makes the Difference - Victoria Griffin", "pubdate": "20150831" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/2s6wB0cTsaE/20150830s2.mp3", "title": "The Sabbath Rest - David O\"Neill", "pubdate": "20150831" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/pB0KGAgArI0/20150830s1.mp3", "title": "The Promise of Provision - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20150830" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/Zrm91GLtJsU/20150823s3.mp3", "title": "The Good Portion - David Ham", "pubdate": "20150824" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/wPqxp4Z2tpo/20150823s2.mp3", "title": "Unoffended While Undelivered - Teresa Conlon", "pubdate": "20150824" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/qV94bTSf-3w/20150823s1.mp3", "title": "Put Confidence In My Fearful Heart - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20150823" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/dp1ZgcpcN7I/20150816s3.mp3", "title": "The Way That Jesus Sees You - Karla Ochoa", "pubdate": "20150817" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/rt97_wvH7ZY/20150816s2.mp3", "title": "The One Thing That Defines Everything: The Priority Of The Presence - William Carrol", "pubdate": "20150817" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/vS2Y-Cv-dlM/20150816s1.mp3", "title": "When Someone Decides to Pray - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20150816" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/9jB3ilcF5Pk/20150809s3.mp3", "title": "It Is Finished - David Ham", "pubdate": "20150810" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/fO6x2wz-zA0/20150809s2.mp3", "title": "The Freedom of God’s Word - Jerry Hampton", "pubdate": "20150810" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/ZWjUqnjEuhg/20150809s1.mp3", "title": "Understanding and Fulfilling the Call of God - Claude Houde", "pubdate": "20150809" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/KQwyTnnXifY/20150802s3.mp3", "title": "His Ways - Derik Griffin", "pubdate": "20150803" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/tjcuwG_3Fck/20150802s2.mp3", "title": "In a Second Story Apartment - Gary Wilkerson", "pubdate": "20150803" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/boMEA1rEfZI/20150802s1.mp3", "title": "When Knowing is Not Enough - William Carrol", "pubdate": "20150802" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/ygEKue8KMvU/20150726s3.mp3", "title": "Live In the Light - David Ham", "pubdate": "20150727" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/zK6RPOGl0XU/20150726s2.mp3", "title": "The Connection Between Worship and Healing - William Carrol", "pubdate": "20150727" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/osm7bnKb4wA/20150726s1.mp3", "title": "You Have Not Passed By This Way Before - Nick Cassidy", "pubdate": "20150726" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/Sr2LWfX_NE8/20150719s3.mp3", "title": "Mercy at the Bottom - David Ham", "pubdate": "20150720" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/E_NuPxMAaco/20150719s2.mp3", "title": "Putting Your Money Where Your Heart Is - David O\"Neill", "pubdate": "20150720" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/bDZdMI1ZlGs/20150719s1.mp3", "title": "How Truth Lives - William Carrol", "pubdate": "20150719" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/hhvJxesCS5Q/20150712s3.mp3", "title": "Dressed for Eternity - David Ham", "pubdate": "20150713" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/DGPUwfg2FOM/20150712s2.mp3", "title": "The Cross and Sanctification - Tim Williams", "pubdate": "20150713" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/OoBAASUrJDg/20150712s1.mp3", "title": "How Lies Die - William Carrol", "pubdate": "20150712" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/2eo9466wJT8/20150705s3.mp3", "title": "Jesus Heals You, Arise And Make Your Bed - Karla Ochoa", "pubdate": "20150706" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/slpeHE5WlDA/20150705s2.mp3", "title": "A Vision For The Blind, Part 2 - William Carrol", "pubdate": "20150706" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/nXWNsqAojsI/20150705s1.mp3", "title": "Finding the Will of God - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20150705" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/XtvAuexUz48/20150628s3.mp3", "title": "Evangelistic Message - David Ham", "pubdate": "20150629" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/Nkxt82krxN0/20150628s2.mp3", "title": "A Vision For The Blind, Part 1 - William Carrol", "pubdate": "20150629" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/wudeLBSd5Uo/20150628s1.mp3", "title": "Who Is Willing to Pray? - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20150628" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/0IlfEUfsSio/20150621s2.mp3", "title": "Great News About the Good News - William Carrol", "pubdate": "20150622" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/MYAqaA519HM/20150621s1.mp3", "title": "Why do Preachers Lie? - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20150621" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/42W7TPdBB34/20150614s3.mp3", "title": "Tears of Faith - David Ham", "pubdate": "20150615" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/STt9lbsNUJI/20150614s2.mp3", "title": "In Spirit and in Truth - Nik Godshall", "pubdate": "20150615" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/6y5hIQmJQEk/20150614s1.mp3", "title": "Will You Judge the Bloody City? - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20150614" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/Pd9YN4q6R7o/20150607s3.mp3", "title": "There is a Stirring - Derik Griffin", "pubdate": "20150608" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/trxF5_HPhm8/20150607s2.mp3", "title": "No Condemnation to Them Which are in Christ Jesus - Tim Williams", "pubdate": "20150608" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/jW6zc4pbahc/20150607s1.mp3", "title": "Preparing for a Time of Suffering - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20150607" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/Iq8WmsUSQKM/20150531s3.mp3", "title": "I Can See Clearly Now - David Ham", "pubdate": "20150601" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/8MVPn6ulwN8/20150531s2.mp3", "title": "The Heart of an Evangelist - William Carrol", "pubdate": "20150601" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/gTMjcE6DmjE/20150531s1.mp3", "title": "Searching the House for a Bride - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20150531" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/veDleJB_J0E/20150524s3.mp3", "title": "Jesus Stopped - Victoria Griffin", "pubdate": "20150525" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/0Ss7IPTen-o/20150524s2.mp3", "title": "Set Apart or Set Aside? - Jerry Hampton", "pubdate": "20150525" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/yWmJ9BOjyyg/20150524s1.mp3", "title": "The Courage to Face Hardship - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20150524" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/vfNiPIfiWnw/20150517s3.mp3", "title": "You\"re Invited to Rest - David Ham", "pubdate": "20150518" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/f1KPN_pICDU/20150517s2.mp3", "title": "The Key to the Kingdom - William Carrol", "pubdate": "20150518" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/Ci8KSQhvSCE/20150517s1.mp3", "title": "In Christ, Even Sorrow Has a Song - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20150517" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/_xEB_92bU9c/20150510s2.mp3", "title": "The Deity of Jesus Christ - David O\"Neill", "pubdate": "20150511" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/_ymndDctgjA/20150510s1.mp3", "title": "Are Your Feet Where They Should Be? - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20150510" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/QwsnkDbOhEs/20150503s3.mp3", "title": "Rise Up and Walk With Jesus - Tyler Sain", "pubdate": "20150504" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/-XJtzVKQ05I/20150503s2.mp3", "title": "\\\"Undeniable Prayer - Part 3\\\" - William Carrol", "pubdate": "20150504" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/pdtSC5Ha-T4/20150503s1.mp3", "title": "When Lust is the Reason People Reach for the Promise - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20150503" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/DR2UfXvMi7o/20150426s3.mp3", "title": "Poison On Your Plate - Karla Ochoa", "pubdate": "20150427" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/dzBnBX1kaaE/20150426s2.mp3", "title": "\\\"Undeniable Prayer - Part 2\\\" - William Carrol", "pubdate": "20150427" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/LiXWyQCQPpk/20150426s1.mp3", "title": "A Temporary, God-Appointed Wilderness - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20150426" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/QVRuAqXap2w/20150419s3.mp3", "title": "Jesus Has the Final Word - David Ham", "pubdate": "20150420" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/r7HiXpdE7uY/20150419s2.mp3", "title": "Excuse Me, Where\"s the Door? - Nik Godshall", "pubdate": "20150420" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/wVUbTFqUtJM/20150419s1.mp3", "title": "\\\"Right Jesus - Wrong Time\\\" - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20150419" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/x5sMj-9C1co/20150412s3.mp3", "title": "Time To Believe - Victoria Griffin", "pubdate": "20150413" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/fNpW2LmWkUA/20150412s2.mp3", "title": "\\\"Undeniable Prayer - Part 1\\\" - William Carrol", "pubdate": "20150413" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/3o9D9XWTFxc/20150412s1.mp3", "title": "Speaking for God in a Hopeless Time - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20150412" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/RFA94DGroN0/20150405s3.mp3", "title": "Can You Hear Him? - Derik Griffin", "pubdate": "20150406" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/-y8wHZDrLD8/20150405s2.mp3", "title": "The Call to Witness Part 2: The Outpouring - David Ham", "pubdate": "20150406" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/1kpdiDICd6M/20150405s1.mp3", "title": "The Resurrection of Hope - William Carrol", "pubdate": "20150405" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/0AaWHBCm3a4/20150329s3.mp3", "title": "Stand Up and Stretch Out to Jesus - Tyler Sain", "pubdate": "20150330" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/NigAy_N5i8c/20150329s2.mp3", "title": "The Call to Witness - David Ham", "pubdate": "20150330" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/fsRMJlSaRWc/20150329s1.mp3", "title": "Running Through the Paper Wall - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20150329" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/-9xAqouZbB4/20150322s3.mp3", "title": "Your Freedom is Free - David Ham", "pubdate": "20150323" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/RZKAw4KaXM0/20150322s2.mp3", "title": "Deliver Us From Torment: A Teaching On The New Covenant - Nick Cassidy", "pubdate": "20150323" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/OvsPG45stUk/20150322s1.mp3", "title": "Returning to Divine Purpose - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20150322" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/ABZyg6rQUC0/20150315s3.mp3", "title": "Honesty - Derik Griffin", "pubdate": "20150316" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/vJAtpOEZH7A/20150315s2.mp3", "title": "\\\"The Power of Now - Growing in Trust\\\" - Teresa Conlon", "pubdate": "20150316" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/oOd2Rgt_4Y0/20150315s1.mp3", "title": "Shouting Glory in the Temple - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20150315" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/hFa_HMyeYhI/20150308s3.mp3", "title": "Why I Am a Christian - William Carrol", "pubdate": "20150309" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/Ltb8AANo4_k/20150308s2.mp3", "title": "God’s Response to Persecution - David Ham", "pubdate": "20150309" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/kopgk2CdWso/20150308s1.mp3", "title": "The Battle that Rages for Your Mind - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20150308" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/ygJVrmwbmrM/20150301s3.mp3", "title": "Jesus, Stop the Noise - David Ham", "pubdate": "20150302" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/wDLV8EVk4yw/20150301s2.mp3", "title": "The Baptism of the Holy Spirit - Patrick Pierre", "pubdate": "20150302" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/3M73_lyCRSg/20150301s1.mp3", "title": "\\\"The Revival of the Righteous - Part 2\\\" - William Carrol", "pubdate": "20150302" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/MPaosUkogJQ/20150222s3.mp3", "title": "Don\"t Cry Because Jesus Is Here - Karla Ochoa", "pubdate": "20150223" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/L_dwxZNPrvU/20150222s2.mp3", "title": "Rethinking Spiritual Warfare - Nik Godshall", "pubdate": "20150223" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/RbWSF98QxPU/20150222s1.mp3", "title": "Please God, Don’t Ask Me To Do One More Thing! - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20150223" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/21U__sld0-A/20150215s3.mp3", "title": "Evangelistic Message - David Ham", "pubdate": "20150216" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/aTk3mAkoPOE/20150215s1.mp3", "title": "The Revival of the Righteous - William Carrol", "pubdate": "20150216" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/Qc_ZZawJAlM/20150208s3.mp3", "title": "A Cry From the Cross - David Ham", "pubdate": "20150209" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/zAlhzI3TQyM/20150208s2.mp3", "title": "I\"m Not Coming Down - Jay Fallon", "pubdate": "20150209" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/9iy_P8fLvso/20150208s1.mp3", "title": "May God Give Us Light - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20150209" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/VZ9zBsOZuPs/20150201s3.mp3", "title": "The Two Girls from Moab - Victoria Griffin", "pubdate": "20150202" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/Lo2EUifIGuw/20150201s2.mp3", "title": "Moses - Ilya Bantseev", "pubdate": "20150202" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/EIjFP4NNs2w/20150201s1.mp3", "title": "A Sure Path Through the Coming Storm - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20150202" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/MU_WcNQ_Abo/20150125s3.mp3", "title": "Believe - David Ham", "pubdate": "20150126" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/lTtgjd0dvIg/20150125s2.mp3", "title": "The Power Of A Shepherding Heart - Tim Williams", "pubdate": "20150126" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/t3Oy0A1sKTI/20150125s1.mp3", "title": "Speak to The Foxes - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20150126" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/KX9Riz-jPhQ/20150118s3.mp3", "title": "When Jesus Is Silent - Karla Ochoa", "pubdate": "20150119" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/MImWxZEpSYI/20150118s2.mp3", "title": "All Of Me In My Father’s Hands - David Ham", "pubdate": "20150119" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/3TYq13CwOA0/20150118s1.mp3", "title": "The Keys to The Kingdom - William Carrol", "pubdate": "20150119" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/wkGy0xdxLwM/20150111s3.mp3", "title": "The Right Hand - Derik Griffin", "pubdate": "20150112" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/WRQvLNKKZ4g/20150111s2.mp3", "title": "Why Serve The Lord? - Teresa Conlon", "pubdate": "20150112" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/Wv2vrw78uXo/20150111s1.mp3", "title": "Fear - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20150112" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/UnXx8qDrWHI/20150104s3.mp3", "title": "Joy For The Journey - David Ham", "pubdate": "20150105" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/O9z9rIJhLoA/20150104s2.mp3", "title": "In Defense Of Hope - William Carrol", "pubdate": "20150105" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/LbURk8y1uMc/20150104s1.mp3", "title": "The Year That King Uzziah Died - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20150105" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/7zmyptcC4tQ/20141228s3.mp3", "title": "Two Brothers, One Ivitation - David O\"Neill", "pubdate": "20141229" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/q_-Y_6uwCwQ/20141228s2.mp3", "title": "Go Home And Go Tell It - David Ham", "pubdate": "20141229" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/USnCHti1Tac/20141228s1.mp3", "title": "The Spirit Is Willing - William Carrol", "pubdate": "20141229" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/MHUsRJQsafI/20141214s2.mp3", "title": "Do You Hear What I Hear - David O\"Neill", "pubdate": "20141215" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/97IHXp5LVvg/20141214s1.mp3", "title": "Still, Small Voices - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20141215" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/Iud-rcUGYBo/20141207s2.mp3", "title": "Baptism In Compassion - William Carrol", "pubdate": "20141208" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/Svi9JCboNxE/20141207s1.mp3", "title": "Cry Out For The Children - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20141208" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/JPMrWXGrwXQ/20141130s3.mp3", "title": "Leave Your Water Pot And Get The Living Water - Karla Ochoa", "pubdate": "20141201" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/dqNkv6NYYeU/20141130s2.mp3", "title": "The Making Of A Victory Song - William Carrol", "pubdate": "20141201" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/psDDwZiPsAY/20141130s1.mp3", "title": "A Cry From The Heart Of God - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20141201" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/-y9s16A5EL4/20141123s3.mp3", "title": "The Gods Aren\"t Listening - David Ham", "pubdate": "20141124" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/dnU3I7ZFG30/20141123s2.mp3", "title": "Claiming David’s Anointing For Family Holidays - Teresa Conlon", "pubdate": "20141124" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/LPvsMkV_c_Q/20141123s1.mp3", "title": "If Only David Had Called For His Chariot - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20141124" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/DG6BohC38wI/20141116s3.mp3", "title": "The Greatest of All Time - David Ham", "pubdate": "20141117" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/s12CyfZM_Pg/20141116s1.mp3", "title": "Don’t Draw Back - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20141117" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/sb2Ptt45kyg/20141109s3.mp3", "title": "Sons And Daughters Of Grace - David Ham", "pubdate": "20141110" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/mbZgWqlCFK0/20141109s2.mp3", "title": "The God Who Shows Up - David O\"Neill", "pubdate": "20141110" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/BTGfmKMPw6U/20141109s1.mp3", "title": "A Blessing for the Stressed - William Carrol", "pubdate": "20141110" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/FDStY9D4hl0/20141102s3.mp3", "title": "Sermon - Derick Griffin", "pubdate": "20141103" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/agU_fQhCrrQ/20141102s2.mp3", "title": "Watch And Pray - William Carrol", "pubdate": "20141103" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/Eir2My1wkec/20141102s1.mp3", "title": "Bend, Bow or Burn - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20141103" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/Nh6flXL-Xr0/20141026s3.mp3", "title": "No More Hiding - David Ham", "pubdate": "20141027" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/xCaQU-6OiJ4/20141026s2.mp3", "title": "Why Jesus Came - Jerry Hampton", "pubdate": "20141027" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/GnK-Grspw3E/20141026s1.mp3", "title": "Free At Last - William Carrol", "pubdate": "20141026" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/wGRxgUsh84s/20141019s3.mp3", "title": "The Writing On The Wood - David Ham", "pubdate": "20141020" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/72AXLOdjhKE/20141019s2.mp3", "title": "Staying Stable In Unstable Times - William Carrol", "pubdate": "20141020" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/u4334bsTsbE/20141019s1.mp3", "title": "The Fourth Person In The Flood - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20141019" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/vNi_ZNX6j3A/20141012s3.mp3", "title": "Shut The Door And Expect Miracles - Karla Ochoa", "pubdate": "20141013" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/-3ds-1m5TnA/20141012s2.mp3", "title": "Stay In The Fight - Nik Godshall", "pubdate": "20141013" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/qlv7EqI7mGg/20141012s1.mp3", "title": "Steak and Snake - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20141012" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/Wu1N-wnkyU4/20141005s3.mp3", "title": "Please Don’t Lie To Me - Victora Griffin", "pubdate": "20141006" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/IjqKChBAfZQ/20141005s2.mp3", "title": "She Came When It Was Dark - Tim Williams", "pubdate": "20141006" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/eTmE2frPM6M/20141005s1.mp3", "title": "A New Commandment - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20141005" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/7BI8GYgyids/20140928s3.mp3", "title": "His Power Is Yours - David Ham", "pubdate": "20140929" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/bPz-qoZ1Q4g/20140928s2.mp3", "title": "Ministry Of Encouragement - Patrick Pierre", "pubdate": "20140929" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/LgV1DJBfgRY/20140928s1.mp3", "title": "Occupy – The Rewarded Christian Life - Teresa Conlon", "pubdate": "20140928" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/_H2kplr2xyg/20140921s3.mp3", "title": "Don’t Be Disheartened In The Face Of Love - David Ham", "pubdate": "20140922" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/wKC23ZZkJxY/20140921s2.mp3", "title": "Don’t Be Afraid - Jerry Hampton", "pubdate": "20140922" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/8jw5cl0tCqo/20140921s1.mp3", "title": "The Promise Of Light In The Time Of Darkness - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20140921" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/X5CyeNGWw10/20140914s3.mp3", "title": "Tonight, Jesus Is Passing By - Karla Ochoa", "pubdate": "20140915" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/tS4b9AdV7vQ/20140914s2.mp3", "title": "The All Inclusive Kingdom - John Bueno", "pubdate": "20140915" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/xx5Mv3rgN4g/20140914s1.mp3", "title": "The Call Of The Shipmaster - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20140914" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/nnsxCjSJvt4/20140907s3.mp3", "title": "You’re About To Have an Earthquake - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20140908" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/VKTVW86CSBM/20140907s2.mp3", "title": "Defying The Odds And Defeating The Giants - William Carrol", "pubdate": "20140908" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/kXcM8WOIxqo/20140907s1.mp3", "title": "Lifting Our Hands In The Valley Of Battle - Claude Houde", "pubdate": "20140907" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/65dWqM3zk2I/20140831s3.mp3", "title": "Sermon - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20140901" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/1n4Up_OxsoA/20140831s2.mp3", "title": "Why Communion? - William Carrol", "pubdate": "20140901" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/VQz2qPnuR5c/20140831s1.mp3", "title": "Just Say Yes, and Worship In Your Mess - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20140831" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/CVlA7o475ss/20140824s3.mp3", "title": "The End Was Just The Beginning - Victoria Griffin", "pubdate": "20140825" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/tLB-e_hRXNQ/20140824s2.mp3", "title": "I Would Rather Have Jesus - William Carrol", "pubdate": "20140825" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/gCciO4sP0k8/20140824s1.mp3", "title": "Who Gets The Power Of God? - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20140824" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/Nm_XUXsTt-8/20140817s3.mp3", "title": "Real Jesus, Real Story - David Ham", "pubdate": "20140818" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/Gcsf28OBt38/20140817s2.mp3", "title": "When Good People Lose Hope - William Carrol", "pubdate": "20140818" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/aP_QywFOwCU/20140817s1.mp3", "title": "They Bowed Their Heads And Worshipped - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20140817" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/jh4fCsBraKA/20140810s3.mp3", "title": "Be Encouraged My Son And My Daughter - Karla Ochoa", "pubdate": "20140811" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/uj2E3FJeHXs/20140810s2.mp3", "title": "Sermon - Victoria Griffin", "pubdate": "20140811" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/U3d2zigA0HY/20140810s1.mp3", "title": "A Vision Of Victory - William Carrol", "pubdate": "20140810" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/atGc9XSSm44/20140803s3.mp3", "title": "Jesus Made A Way - David Ham", "pubdate": "20140804" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/uvzrOPKc2U8/20140803s2.mp3", "title": "By His Glory - Jerry Hampton", "pubdate": "20140804" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/BBNUotWioWc/20140803s1.mp3", "title": "I Don’t Believe In The Devil’s God - William Carrol", "pubdate": "20140803" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/3gZXj6p-3Ck/20140727s3.mp3", "title": "Take Courage In Jesus - David Ham", "pubdate": "20140728" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/88QqmMKAaAg/20140727s2.mp3", "title": "I Am Persuaded - William Carrol", "pubdate": "20140728" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/Z22G7-2on8M/20140727s1.mp3", "title": "Great Is Thy Faith - Patrick Pierre", "pubdate": "20140727" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/NvHbbsgTy9s/20140720s3.mp3", "title": "True North - Michael St. Gerard", "pubdate": "20140721" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/42j40E1IKw0/20140720s2.mp3", "title": "Don’t Lose Heart - Nik Godshall", "pubdate": "20140721" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/Y5870yH4Fs4/20140718f2.mp3", "title": "Spiritual Warfare – Part 2 - William Carrol", "pubdate": "20140719" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/0OEqIGeQ1YM/20140713s3.mp3", "title": "When Tears Become Our Prayer - Karla Ochoa", "pubdate": "20140714" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/9ejcfiwttMA/20140713s2.mp3", "title": "Maturity - Tim Williams", "pubdate": "20140714" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/tccDJyQKSUc/20140713s1.mp3", "title": "The Value Of A Vision - William Carrol", "pubdate": "20140713" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/SSLCgq_RwBo/20140711f2.mp3", "title": "Spiritual Warfare – Part 1 - William Carrol", "pubdate": "20140712" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/akjmGMlftkY/20140706s3.mp3", "title": "Mercy Says Yes - David Ham", "pubdate": "20140707" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/O9aMzHT4cmY/20140706s2.mp3", "title": "A Few Lessons From A Fish - Tim Williams", "pubdate": "20140707" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/7WHSruqywgQ/20140706s1.mp3", "title": "A Vision For The Valley - William Carrol", "pubdate": "20140706" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/Yl5NQnlmblA/20140629s3.mp3", "title": "A Devine Appointment In The Desert - Karla Ochoa", "pubdate": "20140630" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/1rq3upxO78Y/20140629s2.mp3", "title": "I Want To Be Brave - Nik Godshall", "pubdate": "20140630" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/1N4jEmX372k/20140629s1.mp3", "title": "The Inner Groanings Of Jesus - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20140629" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/ClpOnZDuTXw/20140622s3.mp3", "title": "Sermon - David Ham", "pubdate": "20140623" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/e0fmNGH3Dbg/20140622s2.mp3", "title": "From Self-sufficiency To Supernatural - Tim Williams", "pubdate": "20140623" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/6esQHPlSNCw/20140622s1.mp3", "title": "The Right To Do Right - William Carrol", "pubdate": "20140622" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/bnQspngrx7Q/20140615s3.mp3", "title": "The Lord Will Provide - David Ham", "pubdate": "20140616" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/teQplsRGNeA/20140615s2.mp3", "title": "Don’t Ruin The Offering - Lamar Vest", "pubdate": "20140616" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/dU0YX9Da-xU/20140615s1.mp3", "title": "The Future Is Already Written - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20140615" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/8f7DfMAslyY/20140608s3.mp3", "title": "Who Are You? - Derik Griffin", "pubdate": "20140609" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/_jql7hTfOYk/20140608s2.mp3", "title": "From Deadlock to Wedlock: A Message to Single Adults at Times Square Church - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20140609" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/P3ng8mN1Pxw/20140608s1.mp3", "title": "A Word to the Weary - William Carrol", "pubdate": "20140608" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/N_LQPJ-O5vU/20140606f2.mp3", "title": "Praying for Lost Loved Ones - Part 3 - William Carrol", "pubdate": "20140607" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/AbZO5zmyO5M/20140601s3.mp3", "title": "The View From The Cross - David Ham", "pubdate": "20140602" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/jZT3bU5WVfA/20140601s2.mp3", "title": "Power To Take Hold - Tim Williams", "pubdate": "20140602" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/7xAJyt2p8g0/20140601s1.mp3", "title": "The Secret War of Every Saint - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20140601" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/SYgmjtCnfXU/20140530f2.mp3", "title": "Praying for Lost Loved Ones - Part 2 - William Carrol", "pubdate": "20140531" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/XddeEuarwEo/20140525s3.mp3", "title": "The Road To Recovery - William Carrol", "pubdate": "20140526" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/5xKemy0RHpc/20140525s2.mp3", "title": "A Festival Called Purim - Victoria Griffin", "pubdate": "20140526" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/eRlSOGQ8NrY/20140525s1.mp3", "title": "The Deep Sorrow Of The Unconvinced - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20140525" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/0CqM4fN4kXk/20140523f2.mp3", "title": "Praying for Lost Loved Ones - Part 1 - William Carrol", "pubdate": "20140524" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/9zUJ1Itmt5I/20140518s3.mp3", "title": "Secondary Blessings - Teresa Conlon", "pubdate": "20140519" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/XP3TqOVAWiI/20140518s2.mp3", "title": "Whatever Became of Sin? - Lamar Vest", "pubdate": "20140519" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/61EE1QoVgCo/20140518s1.mp3", "title": "Resurrecting The Voices Of Victory - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20140518" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/R8C90w6xQz8/20140511s3.mp3", "title": "Sunday’s Healing - David Ham", "pubdate": "20140512" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/chfdbWyz-IA/20140511s2.mp3", "title": "No Child Left Behind - David O\"Neill", "pubdate": "20140512" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/tUjYv7Ookqc/20140511s1.mp3", "title": "The Mothers Of Messiah - William Carrol", "pubdate": "20140511" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/CvcgXg_Vc4Q/20140504s3.mp3", "title": "Reunion - Victoria Griffin", "pubdate": "20140505" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/germIe623Xs/20140504s2.mp3", "title": "On Fire, But Not Burned Out - William Carrol", "pubdate": "20140505" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/q_9wx4zd49g/20140504s1.mp3", "title": "Finding Strength In The Fire - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20140504" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/leZZyZC9Hps/20140427s3.mp3", "title": "Healing Out Of Brokenness - Karla Ochoa", "pubdate": "20140428" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/xCfU2TrKD2I/20140427s2.mp3", "title": "The Joy Of Prayer - William Carrol", "pubdate": "20140428" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/bTPNSpDGRnM/20140427s1.mp3", "title": "What Jesus Accomplished - Gary Wilkerson", "pubdate": "20140427" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/Qp_1kvA--TY/20140420s3.mp3", "title": "Who Will Roll Away The Stone? - David Ham", "pubdate": "20140421" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/vpzCuCO0SKE/20140420s2.mp3", "title": "You Must Be Born Again - William Carrol", "pubdate": "20140421" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/qGQ7jE-KSdI/20140420s1.mp3", "title": "The Greatest Verse in the Bible - Ben Crandall", "pubdate": "20140420" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/fZL2tGKrNTI/20140413s3.mp3", "title": "Testimony - Nicky Cruz", "pubdate": "20140414" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/7opC_z70fEE/20140413s2.mp3", "title": "The King Has Come - Peter Kuzmic", "pubdate": "20140414" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/wA4p9SArFz8/20140413s1.mp3", "title": "A Message To Fools And The Slow Of Heart - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20140413" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/fMyYJRGbosE/20140406s3.mp3", "title": "No More Barriers - David Ham", "pubdate": "20140407" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/8iDT5ljvSYI/20140406s2.mp3", "title": "A Question Of Freedom - Jerry Hampton", "pubdate": "20140407" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/sFFqtGl65OI/20140330s3.mp3", "title": "The Father’s Will - David Ham", "pubdate": "20140331" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/wSNyClW1f68/20140330s2.mp3", "title": "Embrace Your Call - Nick Cassidy", "pubdate": "20140331" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/4A-DoFlOwh0/20140330s1.mp3", "title": "Lord, Teach Us To Pray - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20140330" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/14ZM_KFMvLU/20140328f2.mp3", "title": "Blessed Assurance - Part 2 - William Carrol", "pubdate": "20140329" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/9apx9Bj7Bsw/20140323s1.mp3", "title": "Standing In The Doorway - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20140323" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/xg6zGoARgdo/20140321f2.mp3", "title": "Blessed Assurance - Part 1 - William Carrol", "pubdate": "20140322" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/A8fNeoeFWxg/20140316s3.mp3", "title": "Mercy In A Muddy Situation - David Ham", "pubdate": "20140317" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/YXCWw-1mv1M/20140316s2.mp3", "title": "Why Good Things Happen To Bad People - William Carrol", "pubdate": "20140317" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/DFs_8SejAK8/20140316s1.mp3", "title": "The Lion Has Roared - Lamar Vest", "pubdate": "20140316" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/5Uxu_ycx3wU/20140309s3.mp3", "title": "The God That Sees Me And Hears Me - Karla Ochoa", "pubdate": "20140310" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/6gdl2jUWByE/20140309s2.mp3", "title": "Bread Out Of Brokenness - Tim Williams", "pubdate": "20140310" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/UrSg_ZTuU-A/20140309s1.mp3", "title": "And I Sought For A Man - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20140309" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/vfO2ZFFcCq4/20140302s1.mp3", "title": "Paying the Price for Freedom - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20140302" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/p9H60s74aRs/20140223s3.mp3", "title": "Do You Believe? - David Ham", "pubdate": "20140224" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/cQopImRIeb0/20140223s2.mp3", "title": "A Door the Devil Can’t Shut - Nik Godshall", "pubdate": "20140224" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/MfMrlob7Sy4/20140223s1.mp3", "title": "God Loves Laughter - William Carrol", "pubdate": "20140223" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/yZGWO9gn95c/20140216s3.mp3", "title": "Why We Worship - William Carrol", "pubdate": "20140217" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/iDy60CA-iYY/20140216s2.mp3", "title": "Jesus, The Only Name - Paul Carley", "pubdate": "20140217" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/44mZK5wSWqM/20140216s1.mp3", "title": "A Grace That Could Only Be Called Amazing - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20140216" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/R2jvDg6NF9M/20140209s1.mp3", "title": "The Keepers Will Shake Again - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20140209" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/OBRxP76Gm4E/20140202s1.mp3", "title": "The Final Reckoning of a Silent Witness - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20140202" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/dH1jAy4BmIQ/20140128t1.mp3", "title": "Thoughts On Faith And Prayer - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20140129" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/UfXqGN-aPu8/20140126s3.mp3", "title": "The Healing Of The Lame Man - Karla Ochoa", "pubdate": "20140127" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/DzbxHfvJVLw/20140126s2.mp3", "title": "The Man Who Saw God - William Carrol", "pubdate": "20140127" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/bQgsy3Od97o/20140126s1.mp3", "title": "An Opportunity Comes to Another Generation - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20140126" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/Sdh6Szdd56k/20140121t1.mp3", "title": "The Blessings When You Say \"Yes\" To The Lord - Ben Crandall", "pubdate": "20140122" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/nR6fqRKQ_ZY/20140119s3.mp3", "title": "The Bread From Heaven - Hunger No More - Ben Crandall", "pubdate": "20140120" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/Oe71ml4LHJ8/20140119s2.mp3", "title": "Broken For Battle - Jerry Hampton", "pubdate": "20140120" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/2dIxB0_WoXQ/20140119s1.mp3", "title": "A Return To The Supernatural - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20140119" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/6bVyJM7lHu0/20140114t1.mp3", "title": "When Love Is Dead - Lamar Vest", "pubdate": "20140115" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/OAplc_6upno/20140112s3.mp3", "title": "For God So Loved - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20140113" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/MeOYN8LxQWY/20140112s2.mp3", "title": "Are You Spiritual? - Nik Godshall", "pubdate": "20140113" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/LJuZHn43tjs/20140112s1.mp3", "title": "Radical Love - Lamar Vest", "pubdate": "20140112" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/Mtcv1NkD0pM/20140110f2.mp3", "title": "The Patience of Abraham - Part 3 - William Carrol", "pubdate": "20140111" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/83Jb5Rj27QA/20140107t1.mp3", "title": "Prayer That Makes The Invisible Visible - Tim Williams", "pubdate": "20140108" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/AOGUrZiz8Lw/20140105s3.mp3", "title": "The Settlement Plan Is Jesus - David Ham", "pubdate": "20140106" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/THxG2vGEwGg/20140105s2.mp3", "title": "Victory Over the Flesh - Patrick Pierre", "pubdate": "20140106" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/emwp-nHfJhI/20140105s1.mp3", "title": "How to Pray for Sodom - William Carrol", "pubdate": "20140105" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/UYd6a7JFNKg/20140103f2.mp3", "title": "The Patience of Abraham - Part 2 - William Carrol", "pubdate": "20140104" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/Wo4ac3vV6-8/20131229s3.mp3", "title": "Everyone’s Invited - David Ham", "pubdate": "20131230" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/VQXsyVquJ80/20131229s2.mp3", "title": "The Soul of a Soul-Winner - William Carrol", "pubdate": "20131230" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/5B2Tc8Jme3U/20131229s1.mp3", "title": "2014… A Warning - Carter Conlon", "pubdate": "20131229" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/AWzC3ft4ipQ/20131227f2.mp3", "title": "The Patience of Abraham - Part 1 - William Carrol", "pubdate": "20131228" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/0iS1OD-lojg/20131215s3.mp3", "title": "An Open Door To Joy", "pubdate": "20131216" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/UI2G0G_Rlas/20131215s2.mp3", "title": "The Joy of Evangelism", "pubdate": "20131216" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/yCqngny70Uw/20131215s1.mp3", "title": "The Triumph of Unexplained Pain", "pubdate": "20131215" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/jbsVBs89Ux8/20131210t1.mp3", "title": "Great Faith", "pubdate": "20131211" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/ChuTPfHLAgo/20131208s3.mp3", "title": "Nobody Can Straighten Us Out Like Jesus", "pubdate": "20131209" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/b1y2VkvnyI4/20131208s2.mp3", "title": "The Makings of a Friend of God", "pubdate": "20131209" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/0cyLhLibH5g/20131208s1.mp3", "title": "Angels and Men Must Meet Again", "pubdate": "20131208" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/X1nAMmF55AI/20131203t1.mp3", "title": "Lord, Why Are You Taking So Long?", "pubdate": "20131204" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/W3WFXXbDDdo/20131201s3.mp3", "title": "How Do You Get Free From the Power of Sin?", "pubdate": "20131202" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/m0405OXtgkM/20131201s2.mp3", "title": "The Battlefield of the Mind", "pubdate": "20131202" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/fFtdTjxryRg/20131201s1.mp3", "title": "Everyone Who Wants To Can Shout “Glory!”", "pubdate": "20131201" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/nDvUN6ZDVzM/20131126t1.mp3", "title": "Prayer That Puts the Head Back On the Handle", "pubdate": "20131127" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/kltpI52NNMw/20131124s3.mp3", "title": "From a Cry to a Song", "pubdate": "20131125" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/QBOuJS5_4pU/20131124s2.mp3", "title": "Victory in Egypt", "pubdate": "20131125" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/TH0RgicPD5s/20131124s1.mp3", "title": "When the Arrow is Beyond You", "pubdate": "20131124" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/7bdGz2QSIUs/20131119t1.mp3", "title": "Lost & Found", "pubdate": "20131120" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/eN_TSLhZ5sY/20131117s3.mp3", "title": "When the Soul Cry Gets Loud", "pubdate": "20131118" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/eGy7lGrExYA/20131117s2.mp3", "title": "Fight For The Faith", "pubdate": "20131118" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/Q-JuOB3CRgc/20131117s1.mp3", "title": "Don’t Be Afraid", "pubdate": "20131117" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/eRjNBg_XYqM/20131110s3.mp3", "title": "Can These Bones Live?", "pubdate": "20131111" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/vZLBKNukRBE/20131110s1.mp3", "title": "Children of Light in a Fading Society", "pubdate": "20131110" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/qYdaFcznYyo/20131105t1.mp3", "title": "Today Is Election Day", "pubdate": "20131106" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/hTlPUaWBzKg/20131103s3.mp3", "title": "When the Light Goes On in the Midnight Hour", "pubdate": "20131104" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/qZKDQsnEx-4/20131103s2.mp3", "title": "Our Statement of Faith", "pubdate": "20131104" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/TfJoEAjHpYw/20131103s1.mp3", "title": "Is the Report of Your Death 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"title": "Rest in Jesus", "pubdate": "20131021" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/jmC6exnfalo/20131020s2.mp3", "title": "You\"ve Got Mail", "pubdate": "20131021" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/1gG1u09Pz8Q/20131020s1.mp3", "title": "A Promise That You Will Never Fall", "pubdate": "20131020" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/px1THWwl5Zk/20131015t1.mp3", "title": "Prayers That Return With a Promise", "pubdate": "20131016" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/JYtDZRhBTI8/20131013s3.mp3", "title": "Hear the Voice of God and Live", "pubdate": "20131014" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/rXfyh06Q76I/20131013s2.mp3", "title": "How Blessings Are Born", "pubdate": "20131014" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/hfUSF5osIWs/20131013s1.mp3", "title": "Promise of a Captive Nation", "pubdate": "20131013" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/25D50zb3RJ0/20131008t1.mp3", "title": "A Divine Encounter", "pubdate": "20131009" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/e0Z7LRDpsBM/20131006s3.mp3", "title": "It’s Time for New Clothes", "pubdate": "20131007" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/e9IYj_XWO8s/20131006s2.mp3", "title": "The Surest Way to Beat the Devil", "pubdate": "20131007" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/RL0nzhmOeAI/20131006s1.mp3", "title": "Sitting Where True Love Is", "pubdate": "20131006" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/rsbI-ENDo0o/20131001t1.mp3", "title": "Silence in the Presence of God", "pubdate": "20131002" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/ucoYYv4toDc/20130929s3.mp3", "title": "A Measuring Stick, A Merciful Sacrifice, A Marvelous Savior", "pubdate": "20130930" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/lb_kBRoleMk/20130929s2.mp3", "title": "God\"s Champion of Grace", "pubdate": "20130930" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/C4J1xN_jkcc/20130929s1.mp3", "title": "Where is God?", "pubdate": "20130929" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/Ye3Bgr50DKQ/20130924t1.mp3", "title": "Fully Fixed on Jesus", "pubdate": "20130925" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/c_fIa7T3GhA/20130922s3.mp3", "title": "Anything is Possible", "pubdate": "20130923" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/jJnJBSNndQM/20130922s2.mp3", "title": "When God Laughs", "pubdate": "20130923" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/GE863ffUXNs/20130922s1.mp3", "title": "Why the Church Will Triumph in the Darkest of Times", "pubdate": "20130922" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/Mn52yXODXeM/20130918w1.mp3", "title": "Session 5 - Leadership Under the Influence", "pubdate": "20130919" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/PK-5SLsbtBc/20130917t1.mp3", "title": "At God\"s Alar", "pubdate": "20130918" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/pUoyrEkbaAY/20130915s3.mp3", "title": "It\"s Never Too Late", "pubdate": "20130916" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/Zzx1vHyxng4/20130915s2.mp3", "title": "Don\"t Let the Dream Die", "pubdate": "20130916" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/rBCLzOYARgM/20130915s1.mp3", "title": "Honoring God In an Impossible Place", "pubdate": "20130915" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/sH1u2mI7lvM/20130910t1.mp3", "title": "Who Are We?", "pubdate": "20130911" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/qzgdJiojgjo/20130908s3.mp3", "title": "Are You Being Sifted?", "pubdate": "20130909" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/IVksEIs0xHw/20130908s2.mp3", "title": "Legend or Legacy", "pubdate": "20130909" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/xX1EAkHlN0I/20130908s1.mp3", "title": "An Hour of Holy Desperation", "pubdate": "20130908" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/jHEZIu8kyCw/20130903t1.mp3", "title": "The Bondage Breaking Christian", "pubdate": "20130904" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/u3G9kl3Ns1s/20130901s3.mp3", "title": "When the Cross Changes the Agenda", "pubdate": "20130902" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/Srg6x8pulAY/20130901s2.mp3", "title": "God’s GPS", "pubdate": "20130902" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/rBGXTfqg1Jg/20130901s1.mp3", "title": "A Biscuit at a Banquet", "pubdate": "20130901" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/99QWT1RK-YU/20130827t1.mp3", "title": "Why We Must Pray", "pubdate": "20130828" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/bf1H_ORyfFk/20130825s3.mp3", "title": "I Too Can Dare to Dream", "pubdate": "20130826" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/ycOMpDiRDfQ/20130825s2.mp3", "title": "When Light Becomes the “Aha” Moment", "pubdate": "20130826" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/mDAdbWImhmk/20130825s1.mp3", "title": "The Battle of Familiarity", "pubdate": "20130825" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/5U1Oj1ixr8g/20130821w1.mp3", "title": "Session 4 - Choose Your Basin", "pubdate": "20130822" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/_6c3vkFAJgw/20130820t1.mp3", "title": "Bringing God’s Word Into the Battle", "pubdate": "20130821" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/AEle7Czvsy0/20130818s3.mp3", "title": "I Felt Like I Was Cut Off", "pubdate": "20130819" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/6_-UZfQu19w/20130818s2.mp3", "title": "When You Don’t Know What to Do", "pubdate": "20130819" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/_LT6xcy5YVw/20130818s1.mp3", "title": "The Christian 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"http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/Yxe0pud2sz4/20130716t1.mp3", "title": "Learning to Fight in Weakness", "pubdate": "20130717" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/a53BF2HnxYA/20130714s3.mp3", "title": "Take The Plunge", "pubdate": "20130715" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/o-GXfU_TiJY/20130714s2.mp3", "title": "The Promise of Hope", "pubdate": "20130715" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/dHWGrrmtfcY/20130714s1.mp3", "title": "Why Are We Here?", "pubdate": "20130714" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/TStDr3EvLbw/20130709t1.mp3", "title": "God Has A Quarrel With Your Enemy", "pubdate": "20130710" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/tn2dqfRrnFo/20130707s3.mp3", "title": "I AM Not Worthy but Just Say the Word", "pubdate": "20130708" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/-4sX2qks3H0/20130707s2.mp3", "title": "Heavenly-Minded, Earthly Good", "pubdate": "20130708" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/LffZuCBHvNg/20130707s1.mp3", "title": "The Valley of Victory", "pubdate": "20130707" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/vJEX2zYZS68/20130702t1.mp3", "title": "Prayer Service", "pubdate": "20130703" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/7_SsVqL6bb8/20130630s3.mp3", "title": "When God Stops", "pubdate": "20130701" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/iUNmGl5tDXU/20130630s2.mp3", "title": "The Life We Want to Live", "pubdate": "20130701" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/Ejik27JdXMs/20130630s1.mp3", "title": "Willing in the Day of Power", "pubdate": "20130630" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/kHs80FrU3aY/20130625t1.mp3", "title": "The God Who Raises the Dead", "pubdate": "20130626" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/Iv7iSjgblWI/20130623s3.mp3", "title": "Good News for the Thirsty", "pubdate": "20130624" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/eqTo7E5yMeY/20130623s2.mp3", "title": "Love is Stronger Than Death", "pubdate": "20130624" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/XN39QmVUrz8/20130623s1.mp3", "title": "What is God Really Like?", "pubdate": "20130623" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/w9ndalI1d-0/20130619w1.mp3", "title": "Session 2 - Leadership From The Inside Out", "pubdate": "20130620" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/qguhE6PttQQ/20130618t1.mp3", "title": "And Who is the God Who Will Deliver You Out of My Hands?", "pubdate": "20130619" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/v12eUDRp0To/20130616s3.mp3", "title": "So You’re Dead, Now What?", "pubdate": "20130617" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/37LlaWAtb4E/20130616s2.mp3", "title": "The Marvelous Glory of a Resurrected Life", "pubdate": "20130617" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/atdcy4BPHu4/20130616s1.mp3", "title": "A Family Ark", "pubdate": "20130616" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/4nwLBBs4bNA/20130611t1.mp3", "title": "Prayer Meeting", "pubdate": "20130612" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/FhZRmU0JFxs/20130609s3.mp3", "title": "Divine Exchange", "pubdate": "20130610" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/9NwiPEouZSg/20130609s2.mp3", "title": "The Mercy Seat", "pubdate": "20130610" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/suxuGb9rHqo/20130609s1.mp3", "title": "Staying Silent in a Perilous Time", "pubdate": "20130609" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/fIwpjJQ7NG0/20130604t1.mp3", "title": "You Can Pray", "pubdate": "20130605" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/962GwEF_BKg/20130602s3.mp3", "title": "My Story", "pubdate": "20130603" }, { "file": 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"title": "The Cry That God Won\"t Refuse", "pubdate": "20130227" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/dNY9mOgVtYM/20130224s1.mp3", "title": "Spiritual Depression", "pubdate": "20130224" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/6oerMisz3FA/20130219t1.mp3", "title": "We Serve An Awesome God", "pubdate": "20130220" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/4jYyDSn-PxQ/20130217s2.mp3", "title": "Why We Keep Coming Back", "pubdate": "20130218" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/rOE2Kfvdhe0/20130217s1.mp3", "title": "Face To Face With Jesus", "pubdate": "20130217" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/PAEtdRQDzJE/20130210s3.mp3", "title": "You Can Come Home", "pubdate": "20130211" }, { "file": "http://feeds1.tscnyc.org/~r/sermonmp3g/~5/XDb4Fuml2sc/20130210s2.mp3", "title": "Jesus, the Restorer of Life", "pubdate": "20130211" }, { "file": 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