{ "category": { "name": "교양", "id": 1029 }, "likes": 12, "created_at": "2013-10-14 09:38:42", "title": "AustinsClass", "subscribes": 92, "updated_at": "2013-12-25 22:17:48", "description": "Welcome to AustinsClass\n\"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven\" \n [Ecclesiastes 3:1,NIV]\n    I firmly believe in the powerful message of Ecclesiastes 3:1, which states that every endeavor man can undertake has its own time and meaning. Looking back on my own life, I see these different seasons as stages of growth that have helped me to understand my own potential and the path that I wish to take in life. \n     I have been teaching since 2007 in order to provide quality education to my students.I have very clear vision to build my student a strong skillful candidate to search their jobs. For this purpose, I have experienced and skillful material to provide professional level education to my students.\n     In future I have so many programs to launch for my students. My aim is very clear to build a human resource in one of the most growing industry. My students are eligible to meet their challenge and got a better job to make their future bright.   \n Thanks.\n\nAustin Yoon (Keunsoo Yoon)\n MOS Instructor (International, MI 2008)\n ICDLKorea Instructor (KR-TT-110024, 2011)\nAustinsClass.com / hompi.sogang.ac.kr/austin\naustiny@korea.ac.kr / austiny@sogang.ac.kr\n", "episodes": [], "id": "6814", "is_adult_only": false, "thumbnail": "http://img.podbbang.com/img/pb_m/thumb/x150/6814.png?time=202002171451" }